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On my own two feet

Fuente: SENA

“Character - the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life - is the source
from which self-respect springs”.
Joan Didion

Introductory material

Dear learner,

This material will help you study the topics related to learning activity 1.

You will learn about:

1. The third conditional.

2. Vocabulary about initiative and self-direction.

Let’s begin!

1. The third conditional

A. Introduction to third conditional

The third conditional is a structure we use to talk about unreal situations in the
past; conditions in the past that did not happen. It is also like a dream with no
possibility of coming true.

Don’t worry if this seems confusing. The example below will help you


Last week you bought a lottery ticket, but you didn’t win.

Today, you are on the bus, looking through the window, fantasizing with the idea
of winning the lottery. You need the third conditional to express those fantasies:


“If I had won the lottery, I would have

bought a house for my parents.”

“If I had won the lottery, I would have

bought tickets for a tour around the world.”

“I would have applied for a Master’s

program in Europe if I had won the

“I would have had the capital I need to

start my own company if I had won the
Fuente: SENA

B. Structure

A third conditional sentence has two parts. An “if” clause and a main clause:
If clause Main clause

If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a house for my parents.

Explanation: I didn’t buy a house for my parents because I didn't win the lottery.
If the “if” clause comes first, you have to use a comma. If the “if” clause comes
second, no comma is necessary:

Main clause If clause

I would have bought a house for my parents if I had won the lottery.

We need to use different verb forms in each part of a third conditional:

If clause If + subject + had + past participle

Main clause Subject + would (or could, or might) have + past participle

C. Usage:

The third conditional is often used to express criticism, regret, to daydream or to

speculate about the past:

Remember: The third conditional forms can be contracted:

If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a house

Full form
for my parents.

If I'd won the lottery, I would've bought a house for

Contracted form
my parents.

Remember: The third conditional forms can be contracted:

Example Explanation

If you‘d studied harder, you Criticism: You failed the exam

wouldn’t have failed the exam. because you didn't study hard enough.

If I’d paid attention in class, I Speculation: I didn't pay attention in

could have passed the exam. class, so I failed the exam.

If I hadn’t wasted my money on

Regret: I wasted my money on beer,
beer, I could have bought a
so now I can’t buy a computer.

If it had been sunny, we could Daydream: It wasn’t sunny, so we

have gone on a picnic. couldn't go on a picnic.

You can also use the third conditional to express wishes, desires, and even regrets
about the past. Take a look at the following examples:

I wish I hadn’t yelled at my mom.

Interpretation: I yelled at my mom and now I feel awful.

I wish I had taken more advantage of my classes at the university.

Interpretation: I didn’t take advantage of my classes at the university

She wishes her sister had gotten a raise.

Interpretation: Her sister didn’t get a raise and financial stability that it would have

Now let’s see the structure you should use when expressing wishes about the past:

Subject + wish/wishes + subject + past perfect

I wish you hadn’t lost your job

He wishes he had gone to the party

2. Vocabulary about initiative and self-direction

“Learning is more effective when learners are active in the learning process,
assuming responsibility for their learning and participating in the decisions which
affect it”.
Susan Sheerin

Fuente: SENA

Are you satisfied with the way you have learned things so far? Do you have any
regrets about not learning something as well as you wanted? Do you think your
instructor is the most important person in your process? Do you regret giving up
something you wanted to learn because you didn’t know how to do it? Do you
know you can learn to learn better?

Fuente: SENA
It’s never too late to learn how to perform better in any area. In this part of learning
activity 1, you will get familiar with some effective strategies that, if applied, will
help you achieve any goal you set for yourself.

Now you will learn about concepts such as initiative and self-direction that will allow
you to improve your performance at any level.

Self-direction & self-directed learning

In its broadest meaning, self-direction is to come to terms with the idea that you are
the engine of your learning process and agree to do something about it. Once you
decide to be responsible for your own learning, you enter the realm of self-directed

Self-directed learning is a process that has the following essential components:

 Initiative to diagnose your learning needs (with or without assistance).

 Formulation of your learning goals.

 Planning for the achievement of those goals.

 Management of time and effort.

 Assessment of the products of your learning experience.

Notice how initiative is one of the crucial elements in self-directed learning. Do you
know what initiative is?


Initiative is that first step towards action. It means doing something on your own,
without waiting for someone to tell you what to do. Initiative can also mean being

Here are some examples where initiative plays a key role:

a. Save up to buy an apartment.

b. Read a book to learn something new.

c. Study for a test.

d. Volunteer for a good cause.

e. Share your ideas with classmates or colleagues.

Below you will find some benefits of using your initiative:

a. Accomplishing your goals

If you don’t use your initiative, your goals are like a horse without legs. Without that
initial energy and action, you won’t advance an inch. Initiative is the energy that
pushes you to go after your goals.

b. Standing out

It is not a secret that if you show initiative, people will notice you. In a work context,
you are more likely to get a promotion or to get a raise if you are proactive.

c. Creating opportunities

The more initiative you take, the more chances you have to show your talents.
Even if you are not given opportunities by other people, you will see them yourself.

You are now familiar with the importance initiative has in self-directed learning. In
order to learn more about how to increase your initiative, we are going to learn how
to set effective learning goals.

Be S.M.A.R.T with your goals

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to."
"I don't much care where"
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, it is difficult to take a first step, to
focus your effort, to know you are advancing. Setting goals can help with all this. It
is like traveling. If you are going to travel, you need to have a destination. This
destination will help you use your energy more efficiently. It will be a kind of map
that will show you how much you have advanced, how much you have learned,
what other tools you need, and how close you are to your objective.
In order to set effective goals, we will use a strategy from the world of management
called S.M.A.R.T goals. S.M.A.R.T is an acronym that outlines the way goals and
objectives should be created in order to increase the likelihood of success. Let’s
see what each letter stands for:

S: Specific.

M: Measurable.

A: Attainable.

R: Relevant.

T: Time-specific.

Now, let’s understand each of them in more depth:


Your goal should be clear and explicit. To make goals specific, they must describe
exactly what's expected, why it's important, who’s involved, where it's going to
happen and which attributes are important.

A good way to know if your goal is specific is to check if it answers the following

 What do I want to accomplish?

 What are my specific reasons for doing this?

 Is there anyone else involved in this goal?

 What places are involved?

 What do I need to accomplish my goal?


You should be able to measure your progress. If you don’t know whether you are
advancing towards it or not, you won’t be able to take corrective actions to
experience the sense of accomplishment that comes when you see the fruit of your
Depending on your goal, the measuring tools may vary, but the following questions
will help you see if you are objectively evaluating your progress.

 What indicators am I using?

 Are the indicators reliable?

 Are there better indicators?

 Is there a test that can measure my progress?


Your goal should be realistic and attainable. Your goal should not be too difficult
because you can get frustrated. It shouldn’t be too easy either because you can
get bored. It should be challenging enough to motivate you to keep on going and
make you feel that your determination brings results.

A good way to know if your goal is attainable is to see if it answers the following

Realistically, can I accomplish this goal with the time and resources I have now? If
so, how?


Your goal should be something that matters. Your goal should drive you forward
professionally and/or personally.

A good way to assess the relevance of your goal is by answering the following

 Is this goal meaningful?

 Does this match my efforts and/or needs?

 Will this goal help me advance professionally and/or personally?

You should give your goal a target date. To have a deadline helps you to be more
committed and focus your efforts more efficiently. A deadline will keep you on

A good way to know if your goal is time-specific is by answering the following

 What is the time limit of this goal?

 Can I achieve my goal within this time limit?

 How much time do I need to invest everyday to accomplish this goal?


A flood destroyed Miguel’s town. Read his reflections about how things could have
been better if different actions had been taken.

The flood

Fuente: SENA

 If Miguel had known about the dangers, he would have left the town.

 If the government had warned the citizens, then many people wouldn’t have lost
all their belongings.
 If the government had listened to the warnings of the meteorologists, the town
could have taken more precautions.

 If the town had had a better emergency plan, the losses wouldn’t have been so
 If Miguel had been warned, he could have bought emergency supplies of food
and water.

 If the government had provided buses and helicopters, then everyone could have
been evacuated.


Read the text again and complete the following sentences by choosing the correct

1. If Miguel had known about the flood,

a. he would have called the police.

b. he would have stayed in town.

c. he wouldn’t have stayed at home.

2. The government didn’t warn the citizens because…

a. they ignored the warnings of the meteorologists.

b. they didn’t believe what the meteorologists said.

c. the meteorologists didn’t tell them.

3. The town would have been better prepared…

a. if they had panicked.

b. if they had been informed.

c. if they hadn’t taken preventive measures.

4. Miguel would have bought supplies…

a. if he had had food and water.

b. if he had gone shopping.

c. if he had known the risks of the flood.

5. If the government had provided proper transportation out of the town,

a. the citizens would have bought emergency supplies.

b. the citizens would been taken to a safe place.

c. the citizens would have warned the government.

Practice 1

A. Read the following true situations in the past and complete each sentence about
what might have been different.


I got wet in the rain yesterday because I left the house without an umbrella.

If I had not left the house without an umbrella, I would not have gotten wet.

1. Laura crashed her motorcycle because she fell asleep while driving.

If she ________________ asleep while driving, she ______________ her


2. They couldn't go to the party because they didn't have enough money.

If they_____________ enough money, they ______________ to the party.

3. I got fired because I was late for work.

I ______________ fired if I ____________ late for work.

4. The current in the river was so strong that the horses drowned.
If the river’s current ___________ so strong, the horses __________.

5. She couldn't call her brother because she had lost his number.

She ____________ her husband if she ____________ his number.

B. Choose the correct option to complete the following sentences in the third

1. If I had been more responsible, I __________ my exam.

a. would pass

b. would have passed

c. will pass

d. would passed

2. If you ___________ to the meeting, you would have seen Charlotte.

a. went

b. have gone

c. had gone

d. go

3. If they had listened to their supervisor, they _________ problems.

a. will not have

b. would not had

c. would not has

d. would not have had

4. If I __________ eggs for breakfast at the store last night, I wouldn’t have had
to go to the store this morning.

a. had buy
b. had bought

c. have bought

d. have buy

5. If I __________ the opportunity, I would have gone.

a. has

b. had

c. have had

d. had had

6. I would have baked a cake if I ___________ you were coming.

a. knew

b. know

c. have known

d. had known

7. They _____________ their laptops if you had told them.

a. bring

b. brought

c. would bring

d. would have brought

8. If Ronda ____________ that plane, she would have died.

a. has taken

b. had taken
c. has took

d. took

9. ______________written the report if you had known it was due on Monday?

a. Would you have

b. Had you

c. Would have you

d. Would you

10. What _______________if you had been her?

a. would you done

b. would you have did

c. would you have done

d. would you had done

C. Complete the following third conditional sentences. Use the information in

parenthesis. Do not use contractions.

1. If she ______________ (not/be) late, we ____________ (not/miss) the plane.

2. If they ___________ (practice), they ______________ (win) the game.

3. If you __________ (arrive) earlier, you __________ (see) Roth.

4. If my daughters __________ (go) to bed early, they __________ (not/wake)

up late.

5. If he ____________ (become) a writer, he ___________ (publish) a book.

6. Krista __________ (become) a painter if she __________ (go) to art school.

7. I ____________ (learn) to speak a different language if my parents _______

(be) bilingual.
8. He ___________ (go) to Paris if he ___________ (not/take) the job.

9. They ___________ (be) happier if they ________ (stay) in their hometown.

10. We _____________ (not/get) married if we __________ (not/have) friends

in common.

11. I ______________ (be) late if I ___________ (not/take) a taxi.

12. Jason __________ (not/meet) his soulmate if he___________ (not/go) to

the party.

13. I ___________ (call) her if I __________ (pay) my phone bill.

14. I _____________ (come) if I ____________ (be) invited.

15. He __________ (not/do) it if he __________ (know) you were drunk.

D. For each question, read the situation and choose the corresponding third
conditional which describes how the situation could have changed.

1. I wasn't thirsty. I didn't drink the juice.

a. If I was thirsty, I would drink the juice.

b. If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the juice.

c. If I would have been thirsty, I drank the juice.

2. I didn't know Anthony and Cristina were in town. I didn't call them.

a. If I had known Anthony and Cristina were in town, I

would have called them.

b. I had called Anthony and Cristina if I had know they

were in town.

c. I would had called Anthony and Cristina if I have

known they were in town.
3. I didn't know reading this article was important for our test. I didn't read it.

a. If I knew this article was important, I had read it.

b. If I would have known this article was important, I had read it.

c. If I had known this article was important, I would've read it.

4. I walked home from the disco. My friend was too drunk to drive.

a. I hadn't walked home from the disco if my friend wasn't too

drunk to drive.

b. I wouldn't have walked home from the disco if my friend

hadn't been too drunk to drive.

c. I wouldn't had walked home from the disco if my friend

hadn't been too drunk to drive.

5. I didn't go to the store. I thought it closed at 5 p.m. It closed at 6 p.m.

a. If I had known the store closed at 6 p.m., I would've gone.

b. If I knew the store would have closed at 6 p.m., I would've gone.

c. I would've gone to the store if I know it had closed at 6 p.m.

6. I ate the yoghurt in the fridge. I thought it was mine, not yours.

a. If I would have known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't

have eaten it.

b. If I had known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it.

c. I hadn't eaten the yoghurt if I knew it was yours.

7. I am really hungry now. I didn't have any breakfast.

a. If I had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

b. If I would had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

c. If I had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

8. I didn't see Claudio at the party. I wanted to speak to him about his new job.

a. If I saw Claudio at the party, I would've spoken to him.

b. If I had seen Claudio at the party, I would've spoken to him.

c. If I would have seen Claudio at the party, I would've spoken

to him.

E. Match the items on the right to the items on the left.

1. They would have called me a. but we all chose the pork.

2. I wouldn’t have gone even if
b. He has lost a lot of weight.
you had invited me.
3. You wouldn’t have
c. She didn’t have time.
recognized him.
4. We could have had chicken if d. It wouldn’t have fit in their
we’d wanted, bedroom.
5. She would have done it if you
e. if they had had my number.
had asked her nicely,
6. They didn’t buy the TV. It
f. I don’t like going to parties.
was too big.
7. They would have accepted
g. but you never sent it to them.
your proposal,
8. She wouldn’t have gone even
h. but you didn’t, so she said no.
if she had wanted to.

F. Read Carla’s diary entry for today. Based on the entry, answer the questions
A hectic hiking day

Fuente: SENA

Dear journal,

You’ll never believe my weekend. Today, I planned on going on a hiking trip, but
I forgot and I got up late. If I had remembered I had paid for a hiking trip, I would
have arrived on time. But, I got there almost 30 minutes late! When I walked up
to the bus that would take us, my boyfriend was already there and he looked
embarrassed. I am pretty sure that if I had arrived on time, my boyfriend
wouldn’t have been annoyed with me. As the morning went on, he eventually
stopped being mad at me and we really started to enjoy the hike. Then, in the
middle of the day, we were walking downhill and I twisted my ankle! If I had worn
my hiking boots instead of tennis shoes, I wouldn’t have hurt myself. I really
need to work on better planning! After that, we were sitting down to have lunch
and my boyfriend took out some sandwiches he made. I took a bite and it was
peanut butter!!! He forgot that I was allergic! If he hadn’t brought peanut butter
sandwiches, I wouldn’t have had an allergic reaction. We ended up spending the
afternoon in the hospital. I bet that if he hadn’t meditated in the morning, he
would have freaked out and we probably wouldn’t be together any more.

Mark the following sentences true (T) or false (F) accordingly:

True False
1. Carla paid for a hiking trip.

2. Carla got up late because she was sick.

3. Carla’s boyfriend had to wait for her.

4. Carla’s boyfriend knew about her allergy.

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:

5. If Carla had remembered she had scheduled an event,

a. she would have gotten ready earlier.

b. she would have bought a pair of boots.

c. she would have had breakfast.

6. They hadn’t gone hiking,

a. she wouldn’t have worn jeans.

b. she wouldn’t have worried about her shoes.

c. she would have brought a raincoat.

7. If Carla’s boyfriend had brought tuna salad,

a. they wouldn’t have had to go to the hospital.

b. she would have brought her insurance card.

c. he would have known about her condition.

8. Carla’s boyfriend might have had an emotional outburst,

a. if he hadn’t practiced a stress-reducing technique that day.

b. if he had had to go to the hospital.

c. if her boyfriend hadn’t brought peanut butter sandwiches.

G. Read Luke’s anecdote and answer the questions.

We never know what’s next

Fuente: SENA

I had been looking for a new job for a long time. I was really bored at my present
one. I didn’t get along with my supervisor and the pay was not that good. I had
tried to make things work, but I knew the situation was hopeless. My mom had
emailed me a link to a job offer that sounded perfect. I decided to read the ad
and, to my surprise, I found it really appealing. I designed a new CV following
the advice of one of my colleagues. I had always thought my CV looked
professional, but things had changed a lot since the last time I wrote my first CV.
Anyway, the new CV worked and I got an interview.

On the day of the interview, I got up late. I had forgotten to set my alarm clock. I
jumped out of bed, took a quick shower, put some clothes on, and ran to the
nearest bus stop. You can guess what happened: the bus stop was crowded;
there was a very long line. Since I was running late, I decided to take a taxi. It
was rush hour, so it was not easy to get one. When I finally was able to get it, I
noticed the taxi driver was looking at me strangely. I knew then that there was
something wrong with my outfit. I looked down at my feet. I was not wearing my
dress shoes; I was still wearing a pair of old sneakers I like to wear when I get
up. If I hadn’t left my apartment is such a rush, I wouldn’t have forgotten to wear
the right kind of shoes. What a disaster! I was sure the interviewer was not going
to take me seriously. He would think I was not professional enough.

My dad has always said that people should try to get what they want no matter
what. If I hadn’t remembered that, I would have given up. Even without wearing
my dress shoes, I decided to carry on. As you might imagine, the traffic was as
heavy as ever. After being stuck in traffic for an hour, I decided to get out of the
taxi and run. If I hadn’t been in good shape, I wouldn’t have been able to run for
half an hour to the place I was going to be interviewed.

There I was, exhausted, sweaty, and looking very sloppy. A man wearing an
impeccable suit was looking at me. He looked puzzled. I waved hello while I
tried to catch my breath. He put out his cigarette and started to walk towards
me. Now, I was puzzled. He asked me why I looked like that. I told him I didn’t
want to be late for my job interview. You won’t believe what happened next. He
told me he was the interviewer! He said that the kind of interest and spirit I had
shown was one of the most important features he was looking for. I handed him
my CV and he said that regardless of my profile, I was now part of the selected
group that had the chance to go to the second round of interviews. If I hadn’t
forgotten to set my alarm clock, this would have never happened. I guess that
disasters sometimes are just blessings in disguise.

1. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false according to
the context:
True False
a. Luke liked his present job.

b. Luke’s mom knows how to use a computer.

c. Luke got up late because he was tired.

d. Luke followed his colleague’s advice about his CV.

e. Luke decided not to take the bus to go to the interview.

f. Luke thought wearing informal shoes was a good idea.

g. Luke’s dad called him to encourage him to go to the interview.

h. Luke didn’t like the way the man in the suit was looking at him.

Choose the best answer for the following questions:

2. Why had Luke been looking for a job?

a. Because he wanted a more challenging job.

b. Because he didn’t like his coworkers.

c. Because his boss was didn’t give him a raise.

3. If his colleague hadn’t given him advice about his CV, he probably would

a. redesigned his CV.

b. applied for another job.

c. turned in the same CV.

4. If he hadn’t forgotten to set his alarm clock, what would have happened?

a. He would have gotten up early.

b. He would have taken a shower.

c. He would have slept better.

5. If there hadn’t been a long line at the bus stop, what would have he done?

a. He would’ve taken another taxi.

b. He wouldn’t have been stuck in traffic.

c. He would have taken a bus.

6. If he had worn his dress shoes, what would have happened?

a. He wouldn’t have worried about being misjudged.

b. He wouldn’t have worried about his sneakers.

c. He wouldn’t have worried about being late.

7. If he had been out of shape, what would have happened?

a. He wouldn’t have been on time for the interview.

b. He would have taken another taxi.

c. He wouldn’t have worn sneakers.

8. Match the two parts of the following third conditional sentences about Luke’s
job interview anecdote.

1. If there hadn’t been a long a. he wouldn’t have seen

line, Luke.

2. If Luke had liked his job, b. he wouldn’t have run.

3. If the man in the suit hadn’t c. he would’ve worried too

been having a cigarette, much about his shoes.
d. he wouldn’t have gone
4. If Luke hadn’t overslept
to the interview.
e. he would’ve
5. If Luke hadn’t remember his
remembered to put his
dad’s advice
dress shoes on.
f. he would’ve taken the
6. If the traffic hadn’t been heavy,

Practice 2

A. Match the idea on the left with the proactive behavior on the right.

1. Expanding your knowledge. a. Make your bed.

b. Read a book about web

2. Starting an internet business.

3. Finding opportunities to share

c. Save for a new computer.
your education.

4. Taking action around the d. Volunteer to read to people

house before being asked. in a nursing home.

B. Read each of the following general goals. Read to five people describe a
specific goal. Match the general goal with its corresponding specific goal.
1. I want to 2. I want a 3. I want to 4. I want to 5. I want to
get a raise. have a lot of lose some write a
higher money. weight. book.

a. b. c. d. e.
By January I want to write By January 1st I want to make I want to lose
21st of 2015, a novel about of 2015, I will one million 10 pounds by
my salary the love life of have within 3 years May 10th,
will be 10% pirates that is researched by providing life 2015. I will run
higher than at least 600 three colleges coaching for half and
now. I will pages in and applied to consultancy hour 5 times a
achieve that length and two colleges and conducting week and I
by increasing complete it by that I want to live seminars. won’t eat any
my October 1st, attend. sugar or bread.
department’s 2016. I will
sales by write at least 2
10%. pages every
weekday until
I complete the

C. Read to six people talk about the way their ideas about success, relevance,
priority and competence affected their sense of satisfaction with life.

Below each recording, you will find three statements about what you heard.
Choose true or false accordingly.

Jorge, Colombia

I don't really have many regrets. All my life I have basically had a few dreams
that I have achieved, but there’s one I didn’t. My first dream was going to the
United States on exchange, but I didn’t feel very confident about my English. I
should have taken more classes and studied more.
True False
1. If he had studied more, he might have gone to the United States.

2. He has had a lot of regrets in his life.

3. If he had been more confident, he might have gone on exchange.

Laura, Canada

I have a couple of regrets. One is that I spent too much time playing video
games when I was in school and I never learned to play any instrument. I would
have liked to play in a band. Another regret is that I'm monolingual. I only speak
one language and I would have liked to learn another language when I was
True False
4. She could have become a recognized musician if she had
learned to play an instrument.

5. If she hadn’t spent so much money on video games, she

would’ve bought an instrument.

6. She liked to study languages when she was young.

Alaina, France

Something that I regret a lot is not accepting a job offer that I was given a few
years ago. It was at a multinational company. I took another offer because it was
a couple of blocks away from my house. I don’t like to get up early because just
to sit on public transportation for an hour to get to a job that is far from my
house. Even though I'm fine right now, I know life could have been better if I had
taken the other offer.
True False
7. She would had accepted the other offer if the job had been out
of town.

8. She has to take the bus to go to work early in the morning.

9. Her life would have been better if she had found work near her

Chester, England

One of my biggest regrets is not becoming an English instructor. I was working

in Colombia as an English teacher and I felt it was my vocation, but I was
offered a high-paying job back in London and I accepted. Certainly I have made
a lot of money, but I feel I should’ve followed my dream. I don’t feel
accomplished. True False
10. He wishes he had studied English in Colombia.
11. If he had stayed in Colombia, he would’ve pursued his

12. He might feel accomplished if he had followed his calling.

Kevin, South Africa

About seven or eight years ago, I decided that making as much money as
possible was a goal that would bring the most happiness in my life. I closed my
online business and apply for a job at an insurance company. When I had my
own company, I was able to exercise my creativity on a daily basis. I was
making decent money and I knew I could make my business grow. Even though,
I make more money now, I feel there’s more to this life than accumulating things.
True False
13. If he hadn’t arriving at a new conclusion about money, he
wouldn’t have closed his online business.

14. He accepted the new job because it offered life insurance as

part of the benefits.

15. He feels his own business satisfied his creativity needs on a

daily basis.

Rebecca, Italy

One of my regrets is that I never traveled abroad. I really wish that I had traveled
overseas after college as my parents suggested. I decided to enroll in a Ph.D.
program instead. After I finished, I was offered a job doing research. It is a well-
paid job and I have two kids, so it makes it impossible for me to travel now.

True False
16. She had the chance to travel abroad before enrolling in a
Ph.D. program.

17. She had to look for a job after graduation because she has
two kids.

18. Even though she doesn’t have a good salary, she has the
chance to travel abroad.

D. Read the following opinions about unattainable goals and answer the questions
1. “We have goals because our nature is to advance; it’s the motivation that gets
us going. We’re always after something. This is not wrong and we cannot be
blamed for worrying about shelter, food, family, health, education and money
to live on. We must have it all to sustain ourselves”.

Choose the option that best answers the following question about the
quotation above:

According to Janet, why do we have goals?

a. because we worry about our nature.

b. because it is our genetic predisposition.

c. because our society likes progress.

2. “We simply act upon goals imposed on us by society. We cannot escape the
influence of society. Even if they are not our goals, we go on enacting other
people’s expectations for us because it gives some meaning to our lives. It is
very important to think about our true purpose in life if we want to bring real
meaning to our lives”.

Choose the option that best answers the following question about the
quotation above:

According to Michelle, why do people continue following external goals?

a. because they find it is easier to follow society’s goals.

b. because their personal purpose is not clear.

c. because they only think about their personal purpose.

3. “How do we know what is ‘unattainable’ in the first place? Some would say
that traveling in outer space is not practical at this time because there are still
many challenges on planet Earth that need to be resolved, but who can say it
won't be a worthy goal at some point? I think ‘unattainable’ goals are what
make us expand, what makes us push the limits of our imagination and
society. People often call innovative ideas unattainable at first.”
Choose the option that best answers the following question about the
quotation above:

Why is OK to set unattainable goals?

a. because impossible goals are not what people need.

b. because it is practical to set these kinds of goals.

c. because nobody knows what we will do in the future.

4. “Goals are things you work towards. You don't always have to reach them.
But you have to try. It isn't about always achieving them. It's about knowing
you tried. Some goals are high and that's why they are considered
'unattainable'. They imply more work than a simpler goal. Some people shy
away from hard work, that is why the disregard lofty goals as unattainable”.


Choose the option that best answers the following question about the
quotation above:

According to Sam, why are lofty goals called “unattainable”?

a. They are unrealistic objectives.

b. They require more determination and effort.

c. They are impossible.

5. “Unattainable goals lead to frustration when you try to achieve them, but it is
also true that in order to achieve great things in life we have to dream big. It’s
a tricky situation. How do we know that a goal is attainable or not? How do
we know if we are aiming too high?”

Choose the option that best answers the following question about the
quotation above:

According to Nick, why are unattainable goals tricky?

a. because they can be both helpful and frustrating.

b. because dreaming big is difficult to do.

c. because people never aim high enough.

E. When people talk about initiative, self-direction, and goal setting, they usually
use synonyms to refer to the components of S.M.A.R.T goals. Read the words in
the box. Write each of them into one of the categories below the box. Use a
dictionary if necessary.

Time-based Time-bound Timed Reasonable Defined

Assessable Result-based Result-oriented Precise Measurable

Actionable Achievable Quantifiable

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-specific

F. Watch the following script and answer the questions below.

Calling things by their proper name

Fuente: SENA

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling
yourself as to why you can't achieve it”.
Jordan Belfort.

Following your passion can mean different things to different people, but no
matter your definition, it seems people always have a excuse not to do it. I’m
going to describe the most common reasons why people don’t pursue their
dreams and some suggestions on how to avoid them.

Number 1. I don’t know what my passion is.

What you should do is to step out of your comfort zone and experience new
things. This can help you discover what you love.

Number 2. I’m already too busy with work.

If you are always thinking and saying you’re busy, you are convincing yourself it
is impossible to find a few minutes each day to do what you want to do. Set
attainable monthly, weekly, and daily goals for yourself and reward yourself.

Number 3. I don’t want to sacrifice my free time.

If you don’t want to use your free time to do what you love, maybe your passion
is not as big as you imagine. Your free time is the best time to cultivate what you
are really passionate about. Time is precious; don’t waste it.
Number 4. I don’t want to fail.

Let me be absolutely clear: Everybody fails. Failure is how we learn. It allows

us to reflect on what we are doing and how we can do it better. Trying new
things knowing that you will make mistakes will allow you to see failure from a
different perspective.

Number 5. I don’t know where to start.

If your dream seems too big, you need to break it down into smaller goals. Make
each goal a step in the right direction. You might want to consider creating
S.M.AR.T goals.

Number 6. I can’t do it without help.

There are many obstacles that get in the way, but it’s OK to ask for help. Just be
honest with the people in your life about your project and why you need their

Number 7. I will do it later.

No. If you keep postponing things, you know you will never do them. Yes, your
goal requires effort. Everything that matters requires an effort. Take a small step
now, build momentum and keep on going.

Part A.

Read the following questions about the tips above and select the correct

1. What is reason 1 related to?

a. Lack of clarity.

b. Lack of time.

c. Lack of money.

2. What is reason 2 related to?

a. Lack of passion.
b. Lack of time.

c. Lack of interest.

3. What is reason 3 related to?

a. Lack of passion.

b. Lack of confidence.

c. Lack of time.

4. What is reason 4 related to?

a. Lack of discipline.

b. Lack of interest.

c. Lack of confidence.

5. What is reason 5 related to?

a. Lack of discipline.

b. Lack of clarity.

c. Lack of interest.

6. What is reason 6 related to?

a. Lack of support.

b. Lack of confidence.

c. Lack of money.

7. What is reason 7 related to?

a. Lack of discipline.

b. Lack of money.

c. Lack of clarity.
Part B.

Match the reason with the piece of advice.

Reason 1 a. Use S.M.A.R.T goals.

Reason 2 b. Set sensible goals.

Reason 3 c. Ask for support.

Reason 4 d. Use your time wisely.

Reason 5 e. Do something now.

Reason 6 f. Try new things.

Reason 7 g. Make mistakes.

Part C.

According to the video, are the following statements true or false?

True False
1. You should stay in your comfort zone to find your passion.

2. You should quit your job to have time to pursue your dream.

3. You should use your free time to do job-related things.

4. You should understand people make mistakes when learning

something new.

5. You should divide a goal that is too big into smaller goals.

6. You should always try to do things by yourself even if you need


7. You should postpone things for when you have more time.
Pronunciation practice

Note: This practice must be completed using the multimedia version of the
study material. There you will find the corresponding sound files.

A. T-Voicing

In some varieties of English, particularly in the USA and Canada, t can be

pronounced differently depending on its context. The most common variation is
t̬, a voiced pronunciation of the regular t; which sounds like a very rapid d.

Some examples of t̬ in American or Canadian English are:


We encourage learners of English as a foreign language who

are undertaking this course and who wish to take American
English as their model, to pronounce t̬ where appropriate.

t̬ can happen in the following contexts:

 Between vowels, as in:

letter ˈlet̬ ·ər

 At the end of a word, before a vowel and after either a vowel or /r/, as in:
get away ˈɡet̬ əˌweɪ

*but not in:

get the book ˈɡet ðə buk

 After /r/, as in:

forty ˈfɔr·t̬ i

 After /n/, as in:

winter ˈwɪn·t̬ ər

* In some varieties of American English the t̬ sound can also disappear

after /n/. This will result in words like winter, pronounced as ˈwɪn·ər; the
same as winner.

Note: T-voicing can happen only at the end, or after a stressed

syllable. For example, you can have atom ˈæt̬ ·əm where t̬ occurs after
the stressed “a”; but not atomic əˈ·tom·ic; where t is at the beginning
of a stressed syllable.

Listen and compare:

ˈæt̬·əm əˈ·tom·ic
atom atomic

In some contexts t is pronounced as a voiced sound t̬ in American English. Go

to the multimedia and listen to the following groups of words. Then, for each
group, click on the word containing a t that has been pronounced as a voiced

a. Faculty.

b. Hectic.

c. Question.

d. Abduction.

e. Get a rise.
Act upon.

f. Motivate.

g. Beauty.

h. Hot.

i. Butter.

j. Actual.

B. In the following words, there is one t that has been pronounced as a voiced t̬.
Select the letter or combination of letters that represents the voiced sound.

a. Resistivity.
b. Important.
c. Initiative.
d. Petit (borrowed from French).
e. Watercraft.
f. Demonstrator.
g. Lethality.
h. Mitigation.
i. Hospitality.
j. Attitude.

C. Choose the word that the transcription better represents.

ˈmeɪdʒ·ər major mayor

vaɪne fine vine

ræm rum ram

dʒet ɡet jet

eər ear air

bʌz buzz bus

Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert Dirección de

Asesora English Formación
Author Nicole November
Dot Works - Profesional.
Bruskewitz 2014
Programa de Dirección
bilingüismo General

Copy editor –
Rachman Agroindustrial. October
Adaptation Línea de
Bustillo Martínez Regional 2015

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