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The 19-Point Introduction to the Nature of Nature

By Nebu Ka Ma’at (2015)

The following 19-Point Presentation is a Question and Answers formula that serve as an Introduction
to Noone Nature-Science, and also serve as a re-cap and memory drill for those already familiar with
the Books: Moonset & Sunrise in the Nature of Nature, and, Introduction to the Nature of Nature,
parts 1, 2 & 3, all written by The Ethiopian Nature-Scientist and Philosopher, known as Afroo Oonoo:


1. Listen to Reason! The Supreme-Being is All-Space, All-Matter and All-Time; all persons, all places
and all things; past present and future, infinite in all directions, called Infinite-Almighty-Eternal
Absolute-Nature; or Infinite-SPACE, Almighty-MATTER and Eternal-TIME, which is indeed
Absolute-NATURE. According to Universe Annals and Nature Scientists the natural cycles and
Laws of Nature consists of four stages of ethereal-philosophy when dealing with the Nature-
Science of Absolute-NATURE (see diagram 2). These are: (1) Noponoone, of the Pygmy Gods
and Goddesses, (2) Noone of the Ptah, Ethiopian and Pitchnova peoples, (3) Pantheism (aka
Polytheism), of the Phoenician, Indian and Mongolian peoples, and (4) Monotheism (aka
Religion), of the Caucasian peoples. At this present juncture within Space-Time, the Nature-
Science of Noone is the resurrectionist philosophy for all persons living at this time; but in
particular the Ptahkindoid, who are the current Ethiopian and Pitchnova peoples (also known as
African or Nubian peoples). Noone Nature-Science, therefore, deals with the origins and
endings (including the laws, natures and purposes) of all persons, all places and all things; past,
present and future; covering All-Space, All-Matter and All-Time (aka SMaT) – This is, The
Supreme-Being. The Law of “x” is the Nature of “x” is the Purpose of “x”. Let it be remembered
always and let it be known.


2. Listen to Reason! According to the Annals of Universe and Nature-Science SPACE is defined as
the vacuum of Infinite-Consciousness within which Matter exist, whereas MATTER is defined as
everything and anything that occupies SPACE; including Energy, Brain-Noots, Mind and REASON.
And TIME is defined as the Eternal-Keeper of SPACE and MATTER. Let it be remembered always
and let it be known.

3. Listen to Reason! SPACE is masculine in principle and in polarity; in contrast to MATTER which is
feminine in principle and in polarity. The vacuum of Infinite-SPACE is, by Nature, perfect in the
sense that Space is the unmovable mover. Because, Space has never been moved, can never
move nor can ever be moved even if it wanted to move or be moved. Thus, Space is constant
and perfect in positivity and within its Nature. Almighty-MATTER is, by Nature, imperfect in the
sense that Matter is movable, changeable, alternatable and alterable. Because, Matter is
anything and everything that occupy Space (including Energy, Brain-Noots, Mind and REASON);
and Matter moves, changes, alternates and alterates within Nature, thus Matter is imperfect
within Space, yet is perfect in negativity and within its own Nature. Eternal-TIME is the keeper
of Infinite-SPACE and Almighty-MATTER. Space and Matter needs Time in order to exist. The
three are inseparable and are known as the Triad of Space, Matter and Time (aka SMaT). Let it
be remembered always and let it be known.

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4. Listen to Reason! Absolute-NATURE is the Triad of Infinite-SPACE, Almighty-MATTER and
Eternal-TIME. Infinite-Almighty-Eternal-Nature occurs in cycles of 720°s over a 72 Million year
period. Thus, each degree lasts 100,000 years. Absolute-Nature makes changes, one degree at a
time, for better or worse standards, according to the natural conditions of where we are on the
existence circle of SMaT. Thus, there are two main modalities... NoopooH which is Ascending-
Reason followed by Waning, and ZoopooH which is Descending-Reason followed by Waxing.
There are 360 degrees in the upper half of the existence circle, called a Noop (see diagram 1),
where Absolute-Nature is in its Primary-Creation cycles known as Origination and Dorigination
where Physical Gods and Goddesses and indeed plant life, exist on Earth. Likewise, there are
360 degrees in the lower half of the existence circle, called a Zoop (see diagram 1), where
Absolute-Nature is in its Secondary-Creation cycles known as Evolution and Revolution where
Man and Mankind and indeed the animal world exist. The Law of “x” is the Nature of “x” is the
Purpose of “x”. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.


5. Listen to Reason! The CREATOR within Absolute-NATURE is the workings of Brain-Noots,

REASON and Spirit-Beings. The region of their workings are in-between the realms of Space and
Matter with the keeper known as Time; this region is like a bridge that synergises these two
great opposing existences. Here, both the magical and magnetic as well as positive and negative
forces of Space and Matter work together, as Brain-Noots melting down into Matter to produce
brains. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.

6. Listen to Reason! Spirit-Beings in Nature are the Gods and Goddesses in Absolute-Nature. In
other words there is no Creator of Nature; instead, Nature is self-grown and Nature produces
Gods and Goddesses by REASON and Brain-Concentration. These Gods and Goddesses are thus
the helpers within Nature, by REASON; they are the organisers, programmers and controllers of
persons, places and things by the Laws of Nature and by way of the Nature of the Cycles and
Seasons. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.

7. Listen to Reason! The active ingredient in Matter is energy, and the magical and magnetic
components in Matter are called Brain-Noots, in Noone-Science. Thus, Brain-Noots is the prime-
mover in Matter; and Matter is the prime-mover in Nature. When Brain-Noots meltdown into
Matter during the upper cycles of NoopooH (Primary-Creation) the Creator-Being is called Nous
(see diagram 1), scientifically. And similarly when Brain-Noots meltdown into Matter during the
lower cycles of ZoopooH (Secondary-Creation) the Creator-Being is called Zeus (see diagram 1),
scientifically. Nous is 9-ether in MIND or qualities, standards and abilities
toward perfection in scientific-life, whereas Zeus is 6-ether in MIND or
qualities, standards and abilities toward scientific-death. Mind is spirit-thought-power whereas
Reason is mental-creative-power. To put another way: created (and yet limited) Spirit-Beings
interact with the world of persons and things through Mind and spirit-thought-power, whereas
Infinite-Consciousness interact with the world of persons and things through Reason and
mental-creative-power. The Law of “x” is the Nature of “x” is the Purpose of “x”. Let it be
remembered always and let it be known.


8. Listen to Reason! Brain-Noots are magical and magnetic components within Matter that when
melted-down (i.e., magically transform into Matter) forms brains. In other words Brain-Noots

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are the first and prime-mover in Matter. Every living organism within Nature has a central-
brain; from the Central-Sun of our Universe to the central-suns of Galaxies and Solar Systems,
and indeed the central-suns of life bearing planets. Even satellites (moons) have central-suns.
All of these central-suns are called central-brains, in Noone-Science. When active Brain-Noots
engage in the Creation (which is the growing) of Universes and their celestial bodies, they melt-
down, magically, in to the forming of all kinds and qualities of Matter; then, magnetically, the
said Brain-Noots with the help of Spirit-Beings called Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses, and by
REASON – attracts the best qualities of Matter, then organises, programs and controls the
growing of these central-brains (Suns). Brain-Noots are thus the smallest particles of Matter,
which cannot be seen by any microscope whatsoever. Brain-Noots are neither microscopic nor
macroscopic. So how do we know they exist? We sense and experience them when we taste,
touch, smell, hear and see persons, places and things within Absolute-Nature. In other words,
all things that exist and occupy Space and in whatever quality, degree or standard are a result of
Brain-Noots melt-down as Co-Creators (or co-growers), with Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses
and by REASON. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.

9. Listen to Reason! Noone-Science is the science of MIND, REASON and Sound-Right-Reason

through Brain-Concentration and direct interaction with Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses, by
Ethiopian and Pitchnova peoples of Earth at this time. Sound-Right-Reason, therefore, is the
mental process of figuring things out; thus, Noone-Science is the proper resurrectionist
philosophy for Ptah, Ethiopian and Pitchnova peoples (who are the descendants of the physical
Pygmy Gods and Goddesses) and are the physical representation of the original Alpha Brain-
Noots Gods and Goddesses, on Earth. Noone and Noponoone, as parts of Nature-Science, is the
science of 9-ether consciousness called NoopooH (Nous, in Greek philosophy) and 9-Mind or
Ascending-REASON. 9-Mind is, by nature, the 9-Reason-Power that drives Pygmy, Ptah,
Ethiopian and Pitchnova peoples toward perfection in Spiritual-Potency, Mental-Capacity and
Physical-Features. The opposite of Noone (and Noponoone) is Pantheism (and Religion)
respectively. Pantheism and Religion, as parts of Nature-Science, is the science of 6-ether
consciousness called ZoopooH (Zeus, in Greek philosophy) and 6-Mind or Descending-REASON.
6-Mind is, by nature, the 6-Reason-Power that drives Phoenician, Indian, Mongolian and
Caucasian peoples toward declination in Spiritual-Potency, Mental-Capacity and Physical-
Features. Indeed, REASON, is ‘Re and Sun’ in conjunction, as in the rays of the suns in Nature. By
REASON all things are grown into existence (not created out of nothing), in accordance with the
Laws of Nature, the Cycle in Season and the best quality of Matter (9-ether or 6-ether)
available, by Nature, at the observed point in time. Mind and Reason is thus produced by
emanated brain energy (or emanated sun-energy; i.e., ray of the sun; REASON). Let it be
remembered always and let it be known.

10. Listen to Reason! When Brain-Noots meltdown into Matter they form Brains. Thus Brains, are
the physical manifestation of Brain-Noots. The Central-Sun of all Universe Orbs is the Central-
Brain of Absolute-Nature, also known as the Alpha-Sun or Alpha-Brain. When the Alpha-Brain
ignites and lights up (like a bulb) it produces two main kinds of energy known as MIND and
REASON. Through intense Brain-Concentration of the Alpha-Brain, Mind and Reason creates
Spirit-Beings – the original Spirit-Beings are known as the original 9 pairs of Brain-Noots Gods
and Goddesses in Absolute-Nature. The better the standard, quality and ability of Matter used
up in the forming of Brains, is the better the standards, qualities and abilities of the Spirit-
Beings created. In this context (and specifically when dealing with the sphere of the Alpha-Sun
of all Universe Orbs) REASON occurs, by Nature, in two opposing and alternating Mental

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faculties: NoopooH (or Nous, in Greek philosophy), which is the world-soul of Pygmy, Ptah,
Ethiopian and Pitchnova peoples; and ZoopooH (or Zeus, in Greek philosophy), which is the
world-soul of Phoenician, Indian, Mongolian and Caucasian peoples. Furthermore, all Universe
Orbs produce Spirit-Beings through Brain-Concentration just as how the Alpha-Sun produced
Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses. For example: (a) Suns (aka True Stars) produces Spirit-Beings
known as Sun-Gods and Goddesses; (b) Planets (such as Orb Earth) produces Spirit-Beings
known as Earth-Gods and Goddesses, and likewise; (c) The Moon produces Spirit-Beings known
as Moon-Gods and Goddesses. All these entities are in one way or another, organisers,
programmers and controllers (for better or worse conditions) of persons, places and things – in
accordance with the Laws of Nature and the Cycle in Season. The Law of “x” is the Nature of “x”
is the Purpose of “x”. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.


11. Listen to Reason! Within Absolute-Nature exists many kinds of very powerful entities from
Brain-Noots-(or Source)-Gods and Goddesses; to Sun-(or True-Star)-Gods and Goddesses; to
Earth-(or Planetary)-Gods and Goddesses; to Moon-(or Satellite)-Gods and Goddesses; to
Underworld-(or Ghostation)-Gods and Goddesses. As stated, and to reiterate for memory drill,
these entities are the organisers, programmers and controllers of persons, places and things at
the time of which said entities exist; and these Spirit-Beings along with Brain-Noots and
REASON operate the same way each time that the conditions are the same! According to
Noone-Science there are two major creative cycles; Primary (or Origination with Ascending-
Reason) and Secondary (or Evolution with Descending-Reason). But there is also a minor
creative cycle called Tertiary (or Ghostation-Reason). 9-ether is Conscious and Conscientious
Creative-Gasses within Nature, produced by 9-REASON and Brain-Noots meltdown into 9-ether
in Space, 9-ether in Matter and 9-ether in Time. Thus, 9-ether Spirit-Beings exist during Primary-
Creation (which is the upper half of the existence circle) and these nature-spirits are the
collective world-soul of NoopooH (Nous). 6-ether is Conscious and Entropic Destructive-Gasses
within Nature, produced by 6-REASON and Brain-Noots meltdown into 6-ether in Space, 6-ether
in Matter and 6-ether in Time. Thus, 6-ether Spirit-Beings exist during Secondary-Creation
(which is the lower half of the existence circle) and these nature-spirits are the collective world-
soul of ZoopooH (Zeus). Then at the last stage of Evolutionary Creation, that is to say the last
6000 years, Nature produces 3-ether; which is Semi-Conscious and Leviathan Ghostation-Gasses
within Nature, produced by 3-REASON and Brain-Noots meltdown into 3-ether in Space, 3-ether
in Matter and 3-ether in Time. Thus, 3-ether Spirit-Beings exist during Tertiary-Creation and
these nature-spirits are the collective world-soul of Ghosthood and are known as God (which is
a short-form for Ghosthood) and Jesus (a Scapegoat-Gas spirit-entity produced by Ghost), in the
ethereal philosophy of Religion. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.

12. Listen to Reason! NoopooH and ZoopooH (Nous and Zeus) are opposite world-souls by Nature.
These forces exist in the same Space but not at the same Time. Noponoone and indeed Noone,
in Nature-Science, is the science of Sound-Right-Reason and 9-ether consciousness. Noone is
the science of Origination called NoopooH, Nous and 9-Mind; and NoopooH (9-ether world-
soul) is the original and prime-mover in Nature. Therefore Pantheism, in Nature-Science, is the
science of 6-ether consciousness called ZoopooH, Zeus and 6-Mind. 6-Mind is, by Nature, the
Sex-Power that drives Mankindoid peoples toward decline in Spiritual-Potency, Mental-Capacity
and Physical-Features. Pantheism and indeed Monotheism (Religion), therefore, deals with the
control of all persons, all places and all things; past, present and future, through deceptive-

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intelligence, necromancy and sex-spirit forces. In contrast, NoopooH is the power of Creative-
Mind and Reason (symbolised by the number NINE), whereas ZoopooH is the power of Sex and
sense-perception (symbolised by the number SIX). Let it be remembered always and let it be

13. Listen to Reason! Nous is the highest form of mental thought known as REASON, as opposed to
sense-perception. Nous is that which is responsible for Origination in Creation, through Brain-
Noots meltdown into Matter. It is the Mind-Power of 9-ether Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses
as they assist and promote inactive Brain-Noots to meltdown into Matter into the forming of
brains. The Origination-Brain is the Central-Sun (or Alpha-Sun) of the multiverse in
Cosmological-Order, from which millions of Galaxies and billions of Suns (True-Stars) along with
their life-bearing Planets and Satellites are produced. The Law of “x” is the Nature of “x” is the
Purpose of “x”. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.


14. Listen to Reason! The latter three categories constitutes the three main classes, scientifically
speaking, of flesh and blood beings on planet Earth at this time: The Pygmy and their
descendants: the Ptah, Ethiopian and Pitchnova peoples are classified as the Ptahkindoid races.
Then there are the Phoenician, Indian, Mongolian and Caucasian peoples who are classified as
the Mankindoid races. The Mongreloid races are those mixtures of the latter two, also called
the Minglese races. The Ptahkindoid is also called the space-race (or Sun people) as they were
bred from the original Pygmy Gods, whereas the Mankindoid is called the matter-race (or Earth
people) and the Mongreloid the time-race (or Moon people). The Ptahkindoid and Mankindoid
are opposites in Nature, and by Nature; and the countless numbers of Mongreloid/Minglese are
a result of the interbreeding and mixing of the two opposites and their many species by Nature.
Let it be remembered always and let it be known.

15. Listen to Reason! By Nature, there are nine original species of Pygmy Gods and Goddesses that
are born by 9-ether egg-formulas from the bowels of Mother-Earth as impregnations by the
Rays of Father-Sun (see diagram 4). They manifested at Lake Victoria by the source of the Nile
Valley waters in Equatorial Africa. By REASON and Brain-Concentration of the Sun, and by the
helping 9-ether Spirit-Beings and the Laws of Nature, after the initial growth and development
of the Universe, it took 999 years to produce the first physical beings; i.e., the first physical
Pygmy Gods and Goddesses. 72 beings are produced by Nature (36 males and 36 females) and
thereafter every 999 years for 2 Million years (during the 18 Million year Origination Cycle); that
is approximately 144,000 beings (144,144 to be exact) every 2 Million years. Approximately
1,297,296 beings are produced over the 18 Million year Origination period. Then during the 18
Million year Dorigination cycle, these 9 species of Pygmy Gods transform, as if by magic, and
becomes the Ptah peoples. Then, at the junction of the 18 Million year Evolution Cycle the Ptah
peoples began to die out and become extinct; but not before sexually reproducing themselves
as the 9 original species of Ethiopian peoples. Hence, the Ethiopian race is classified as
Ptahkindoid. During the next 18 Million year Revolution cycle, the Ethiopians are physically,
mentally, spiritually and economically resurrected by NoopooH; and are liberated, balanced and
transformed by Noone-Science application of Sound-Right-Reason, Mind and REASON and are
classified as Pitchnova peoples, meaning: New Black Star. See correlation chart at the end of
this presentation. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.

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16. Listen to Reason! By Nature, there are four main species of Mankindoid races that are grown by
6-ether egg-formulas from the bowels of the Earth (see diagram 4). The first three manifested
at the Indonesia waters in Equatorial Bali; the Phoenician race were produced 2 Million years
into the Evolution cycle, the Indian race were produced 6 Million years into the Evolution cycle
(that is 4 Million years after the Phoenician), the Mongolian race were produced 12 Million
Years into the Evolution cycle (that is 6 Million years after the Indian), and finally the Caucasian
was produced 6000 years before the end of the 18 Million year Evolution cycle. As the original
Pygmy Gods transformed into the Ptah peoples and then became extinct, they (the Ptah
peoples) metamorphed into Mother-Earth as egg-formulas and were then reborn, so to speak,
as the ape-primates and ape-man who became the peoples of the Mankindoid races. See
correlation chart at the end of this presentation. The Law of “x” is the Nature of “x” is the
Purpose of “x”. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.


17. Listen to Reason! Absolute-Nature exists as a living and conscious entity that occurs within a
phenomenon known as the Existence-Circle of Space-Matter-and-Time (or SMaT). One
complete Cycle of SMaT lasts for 72 Million years (according to Nature-Science) of which there
are four smaller Cycles or Seasons of 18 Million years each [Origination, Dorigination, Evolution
and Revolution]. The SMaT existence-circle of universe-order continues for 80 cycles; that is 80
x 72 Million years = 5,760,000,000 years of universe-order (also called ‘cosmos’), after which
the Universe disintegrates into universe-disorder (also called ‘chaos’) for an equal duration of
5,760,000,000 years; then regenerates and grows back into universe-order yet again and again
and again. Let it be remembered always and let it be known.

18. Listen to Reason! Starting at point 3 south (which is where planet Earth is at this time) going
counterclockwise is the Gestation cycle (which is 18 million years; also called Revolution on the
subsequent cycles after the first cycle of Gestation); starting at point 6 east are the cycles of
Origination (which is 18 million years; where the Pygmy Gods and Goddesses and plant life
exist); starting at point 9 north are the cycles of Dorigination (which is 18 million years; where
Nature undid what it did in Origination); and, starting from point 6 west are the cycles of
Evolution (18 million years; where the Mankindoid races and animal life exist). Then the
Revolution cycle is the process of Nature undoing what it did during the Evolution cycle.
Revolution means ‘reverse of evolution’. In other words just as Earth has its annual cycles of
days, months and years, Absolute-Nature has its cycles in thousands, millions and billions of
years. Origination is the Summer-Season (or Ascending Reason), Dorigination is the Autumn-
Season (or Waning), Evolution is the Winter-Season (or Descending-Reason) and, Revolution is
the Spring-Season (or Waxing) (See diagrams 1-3). Let it be remembered always and let it be

19. Listen to Reason! The Law of “x” is the Nature of “x” is the Purpose of “x”. The Law, Nature and
Purpose of Absolute-Nature is to balance the forces of Origination and Dorigination; that is, to
balance the Waning (or decline) of what Nature did with Ascending-Reason. And similarly the
Law, Nature and Purpose of Absolute-Nature is to balance the forces of Evolution and
Revolution; that is, to balance the Waxing (or recline) of what nature did with Descending-
Reason. Infinite-Almighty-Eternal Absolute-Nature is the process of alterating, alternating and
indeed balancing the positive and negative forces of Brain-Noots, REASON and Spirit-Beings as
they work within the vacuum of Space, with the elements and energies of Matter and with the

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keeper of Space-Matter which is Time – to bring about life in its many wonders. The Law of
Absolute-NATURE is the Nature of Absolute-NATURE is the Purpose of Absolute-NATURE. Let it
be remembered always and let it be known.

Diagram 1

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Diagram 2

Diagram 3

19-Point Introduction to the Nature of Nature by Nebu Ka Ma’at Page 8 of 10

Diagram 4: Primary and Secondary Womb Locations

Recommended Study Materials, in Order:

1. Bible Interpretations and Explanations (books 1-2), by Amunibi Rahkaptah

2. 9-Ball Series (parts 1-4), by Wu Nupu, Asu Nupu and Naba Nupu

3. Moonset and Sunrise in the Nature of Nature, by Afroo Oonoo

4. Introduction to the Nature of Nature (books 1-3), by Afroo Oonoo

5. Prologue Transcript of Introduction to the Nature of Nature, by Nubii Repoo

6. Dark Matters, by Anova Nun-Re NoopooH

7. Sex is Death – The Philosophy-Science of Sex, by The NUN Project

8. Culture Warfare, by Sem Ptah Nun

9. Economic Liberation Report, Presented by

10. The journey of pa-tempta, by Paul Simons

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Correlation Chart of the Spirit-Beings, the Gods and Mankind in Nature


18M years from point 6E to point 9N 18M years from point 9N to point 6W 18M years from point 6W to point 3S 18M years from point 3S to point 6E

Summer-Season-Cycle of SMaT Autumn-Season-Cycle of SMaT Winter-Season-Cycle of SMaT Spring-Season-Cycle of SMaT

Cosmos-Order Cosmos-Order Cosmos-Disorder Cosmos-Disorder

NoopooH / Nous NoopooH / Nous ZoopooH / Zeus ZoopooH / Zeus

Ascending-Reason in qualities, Waning in qualities, standards, Descending-Reason in qualities, standards, abilities, Waxing in qualities, standards,
standards, abilities, morals and abilities, morals and values – morals and values – toward perfection in Scientific-Death abilities, morals and values –
values – toward perfection in toward degeneration in toward perfection in Scientific-
Scientific-Life Scientific-Life Life

Sun-Gods Earth-Gods Moon-Gods Underworld-Gods New Black Star Gods

7-8-9-ether, from point 6E 9-8-7-ether, from point 9N 6-5-4-ether, from point 6W 3-ether, from 6000 years 4-5-6-ether, from point 3S
toward point 9N on the SMaT toward point 6W on the SMaT toward 6000 years before toward point 3S on the toward point 6E on the SMaT
Circle of Order Circle of Order point 3S on the SMaT Circle SMaT Circle of Order Circle of Order
of Order

9 species of Pygmy Gods on 9 species of Ptah peoples on 9 species of the Ethiopian Caucasian peoples (from All current races revolve back
Earth; birthed at Nile Valley Earth; incarnated by the peoples, and their many 6000 years before point into their predecessor parent
waters, Africa; incarnated by Earth-Gods Spirit-Beings branches, who biologically 3S); incarnated by the races.
the Sun-Gods Spirit-Beings descended from the Ptah Ghostation &
The Ptah peoples became peoples. Underworld-Gods Spirit- The Pitchnova peoples
The Pygmy Gods degenerate in extinct after first reproducing Beings (previously known as the
in abilities, qualities, morals, themselves as the Ethiopian Also, 3 species of Ethiopian peoples, survives the
values and standards (from peoples Mankindoid races; complete cycle of SMaT)
point 9N toward point 6W) and Phoenician, Indian and revolves back toward Sun-
transform into the Ptah Mongolian peoples; birthed Gods’ incarnation
peoples at Indonesia waters, Bali;
incarnated by the Moon-
Gods Spirit-Beings

Noponoone ethereal- Noone ethereal-philosophy in Pantheistic ethereal- Monotheistic ethereal- Noone ethereal-philosophy in
philosophy in Nature-Science; Nature-Science philosophy in Nature- philosophy in Nature- Nature-Science
and Noponoone ethereal- Science; the worship of the Science; the worship of
philosophy in Universe-Science many demi-gods in Nature one of the many demi-
from 9000 years before point gods via: Judaism, Islam
9N Also Sabaism, an and Christianity; from
intermediary ethereal- 6000 years before point
philosophy between Noone 3S
and Pantheism

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