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Planning - Healthy Habits Night

Planning for the Healthy Habits night was done via email with a few in person meetings held before

school. The following emails were sent to committee members through the process.
E-Mail #1
Dear Healthy Habits Committee,

Happy New Year and welcome back! I am very excited to be working with you all in 2018. In the
coming week or two, I am hoping to meet to discuss our annual Healthy Habits Night in March. It is
an easy meeting that primarily focuses on getting a date on the master calendar and deciding who
our guest exercise leaders will be. The meeting should only last 20 minutes.

Please use the voting buttons to indicate times that do not work. Respond to the e-mail if you need
to add additional information/times. If nothing works well with your schedule, please feel free to
e-mail me alternatives as well. Let me know if you have questions. Thank you for your time and
E-Mail #2
Hello Healthy Habits Committee,

I hope you all had a nice few days off. Tomorrow seemed to work well with everyone’s schedule. However,
due to days off that may have changed for you. Please let me know if you can’t come tomorrow. If enough
people are unavailable, I will reschedule…if it is just a couple people I can visit you all individually throughout
the week. I hope to see everyone tomorrow morning.
E-Mail #3
Dear Healthy Habits Committee,

I looked at the Master Schedule and March 14 or March 15 is completely clear. Please check your
personal calendar by 1/12 and let me know if there will be conflicts on either of those potential days.
If I do not hear from anyone, Angela and I can start contacting potential guests to lead exercise
sessions to see which one of those days would work best for them. Thank you for all your meaningful
ideas and feedback today. A summary of our meeting is below my signature for those people who
were unable to come to this meeting. If you have any questions between now and February, please
let me know.
Planning - Healthy Habits Night
The following meeting notes were sent to committee members through the process.
Meeting summary and minutes 1/10/18

1) We would like to have Healthy Habits Night sometime in March to avoid testing (probably the 14-15th
unless there are personal conflicts)
2) We would like to include booths for
a. Cooking (healthy recipe handouts) led by Sue
b. A table for kindness exercises led by Tammy
c. Stress relief led by Angela – we may include resources from Central Office if they are good
d. A quiet room with Zen videos for people to go to
e. Potential guests are Amanda Sayer for Zumba, Mrs. S for Yoga, and possibly some people from
Central Office. Jason and Angela will be reaching out to potential guests
f. We will reconvene in February to discuss progress
g. Please respond to me if March 14-15 does not work well with your schedule so I can pick another
Minutes from 2/21 Meeting

1. Amanda Sayer and Gretchen Straczewski will be doing Zumba and yoga sessions.
2. Lisa Diapoulis from Nutrition Services will be coming with a booth.
3. Brittany is going to have a cookbook table.
4. Tammy is going to have a station of kindness exercises.
5. Angela is going to have a stress relief booth – Angela, do you need help?
6. The SCA will help with posters and announcements
7. Brittany will visit the PTA during the March meeting
8. Jason will ask Jen Roberts to advertise on social media and the Columbia website.
9. Michelle is going to work on the flier and the wear home labels
10. Karen is going to work on the evaluation forms and the sign-up sheets
11. Brittany is going to reserve tables and the sound system
12. Brittany is going to prepare thank you notes for the guests
13. Tammy is going to ask REI about a potential donation for our guest exercise leaders.
14. We will meet again on March 9th at 8:30 in the gym for a final check-in
Planning - Laugh More, Stress Less
Planning for the Laugh More, Stress Less week was done via email with a few in person meetings held
before school. The following e-mail was sent to the rest of the staff members at the school as a final
announcement of the plans for this event. Additionally, staff members were given a more detailed
explanation at a monthly staff meeting.
Laugh More Stress Less Week is returning this year April 30-May4. Attached is our rough draft of our events. Please check it out and give
all your feedback! We need your help! I plan to personally touch base with you (if I haven’t already) about some of the duties below. These
are just some brainstorm ideas, so if something doesn’t work or you have other ideas, please let me know!

Positive Messages printed out to display around school, I have lots of ideas for these too. We could do them as banners or just signs to
hang up. Whatever we think would be easy! – Brittany

Helping with morning announcements with updates for the week - Sue

Joke Jar (set out front of cafeteria week before LMSLweek and filter through each day – choose 5 best for announcements the following
week) – Caryn

Choosing calming music to be played over loudspeaker during arrival and dismissal – Tammy (we will likely need to get help from Evie or
someone who knows how to play it through the system)

Color me calm pages – Michelle

Setting up Google Photos folder (share with all staff) and getting our SCA officers iPads to take student photos – Jen

Yoga links for teachers, workout cards for jar – Jason

Guided visualization techniques, Acts of Kindness activities - Angela

Create schedule for extra recess - Rekha

Thanks for all you do!!!

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