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3/12/2018 Untitled Document

Psilophyta: Psilotum
by Matt Jenkins
Common Name: Whisk Ferns

Psilotum, one of two living genera of the division Psilophyta,

contain several characteristics, which give them a strong similarity to
some of the earliest of vascular land plants. A few characteristics
include: a simple protostele vascular system, dichotomously
branching sporophytes, homospory, and an underground rhizome
system with an upright branch system.

Cross-section of a synangium, which is comprised of three fused

sporangia. Spores are produced and released from here upon
maturity. 1/2
3/12/2018 Untitled Document

Cross-section of aerial stem and protostele.

Cross-section of rhizome and simple vascular 2/2

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