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Student Name: - Paudel, Sujan Student Number : 12059897

Assignment 1 Marking Criteria PPMP20007 Week: 7 Presentation Order

Criteria Possible Your Comments
Marks mark

1. Presentation structure:

a. Introduction. 2 1.5 Fine

b. Body. 5 3.2 Should have given more though to the examples. All a bit vague

c. Conclusion. 2 1.2 Should have given more though to the examples. All a bit vague

2. Questions facilitating discussion during the

presentation and at the end of the presentation
This includes marks for questions to be posed to the
audience during the presentation and for the three
proposed “audience questions and answers” at the
end of the presentation. 2 0 question to the audience not provided in the test the powerpoints.
Each student should be responsible for at least one of
these questions.
Note that for on-campus students the final 3 questions
can be discussed in class if there is time after audience

3. Marks for delivery of the material.

For on campus students this will also include how well
students handled questions from the audience.
Each group member should be responsible for Spoke to quickly it is not a race. Aviod comments like "and the next slide". Tended not to
answering questions for a section of the presentation. 4 3 justify your claims . Needed far more practises
If appropriate, other group members can also
contribute to the answer after the student responsible
has been given an opportunity to answer.

4. Visual aids and handouts, or script. (Off-campus

students will be eligible for 3 marks for this criterion). 3 2.5 Good use of the the images. The number of slided were too few.

5. Timing 13-15mintues 2 2 on time

TOTAL 20 13.4

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