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Astrophysics Formulas

Physical Constants

Name Symbol Value Unit

Number π π 3.14159265358979323846
Number e e  n 2.71828182845904523536

Euler’s constant γ = lim 1/k − ln(n) = 0.5772156649
n→∞ k=1

Elementary charge e 1.60217733 · 10−19 C

Gravitational constant G, κ 6.67259 · 10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2
Fine-structure constant α = e2 /2hcε0 ≈ 1/137
Speed of light in vacuum c 2.99792458 · 108 m/s (def)
Permittivity of the vacuum ε0 8.854187 · 10−12 F/m
Permeability of the vacuum µ0 4π · 10−7 H/m
(4πε0 )−1 8.9876 · 109 Nm2 C−2
Planck’s constant h 6.6260755 · 10−34 Js
Dirac’s constant ~ = h/2π 1.0545727 · 10−34 Js
Bohr magneton µB = e~/2me 9.2741 · 10−24 Am2
Bohr radius a0 0.52918 Å
Rydberg’s constant Ry 13.595 eV
Electron Compton wavelength λCe = h/c 2.2463 · 10−12 m
Proton Compton wavelength λCp = h/mp c 1.3214 · 10−15 m
Reduced mass of the H-atom µH 9.1045755 · 10−31 kg
Stefan-Boltzmann’s constant σ 5.67032 · 10−8 Wm−2 K−4
Wien’s constant kW 2.8978 · 10−3 mK
Molar gasconstant R 8.31441 J·mol−1 ·K−1
Avogadro’s constant NA 6.0221367 · 1023 mol−1
Boltzmann’s constant k = R/NA 1.380658 · 10−23 J/K
Electron mass me 9.1093897 · 10−31 kg
Proton mass mp 1.6726231 · 10−27 kg
Neutron mass mn 1.674954 · 10−27 kg
1 12
Elementary mass unit mu = 12 m( 6 C) 1.6605656 · 10−27 kg
Nuclear magneton µN 5.0508 · 10−27 J/T
Diameter of the Sun D⊙ 1392 · 106 m
Mass of the Sun M⊙ 1.989 · 1030 kg
Rotational period of the Sun T⊙ 25.38 days
Radius of Earth RA 6.378 · 106 m
Mass of Earth MA 5.976 · 1024 kg
Rotational period of Earth TA 23.96 hours
Earth orbital period Tropical year 365.24219879 days
Astronomical unit AU 1.4959787066 · 1011 m
Light year lj 9.4605 · 1015 m
Parsec pc 3.0857 · 1016 m
Hubble constant H ≈ (75 ± 25) km·s−1 ·Mpc−1

Chapter 2: Celestial Mechanics Chapter 3: The continues spectrum of

rp = a(1 − e) (1) 1
d= pc (22)
ra = a(1 + e) (2)
F = (23)
2πr 4πr2
P = (3) c = λν (24)
2π Double Slit Interference
ω= (4)
P dsinθ = nλ(n = 0, 1, 2, ..brightf ringes) (25)
Mm 1
F =G (5) dsinθ = (n − )λ(n = 1, 2, ..darkf ringes)
r2 2
U = −G (6) Radiation Pressure and Force
Ekin = mv 2 (7)
2 Ff lux A
Frad = (27)
1 Mm
Etot = Ekin + U = mv 2 − G (8) reflection
2 r 2Ff lux A
Frad = (28)
vesc = 2GM/r (9)
Blackbody Radiation
m1 m2
µ≡ (10)
m1 + m2 λmax T = 2.89 × 10−3 mK (29)

µ L = AσT 4 (30)
r1 = − r (11)
m1 = 4πR 2
σTe4 (31)
r2 = r (12) Fsurf = σTe4 (32)
Planck Function
1 1 m1 m2
E = m1 |v1 |2 + m2 |v2 |2 − G (13)
2 2 |r2 − r1 | 2hc2 /λ5
Bλ (T ) = (33)
ehc/λkT − 1
1 Mµ
E = µv 2 − G (14) 2hν 3 /c2
2 r Bν (T ) = (34)
ehν/kT − 1
L = m1 r1 × v1 + m2 r2 × v2 (15) Bλ (T )dλdAcosθdΩ = Bλ (T )dλdAcosθsinθdθdφ
= µr × v = r × p (16) Bν (T )dνdAcosθdΩ = Bν (T )dνdAcosθsinθdθdφ
p dΩ ≡ sinθdθdφ
L = µ GM a(1 − e2 ) (17)

L = µrv (18) Lλ dλ = 4πR2 Bλ dλ

σT 4
Bλ (T )dλ =
4π 2 0 π
P2 = a3 (19)
G(m1 + m2 )
a = a1 + a2 (20)

Virial Theorem Fλ dλ = dλ (35)
1 2πhc2 /λ5 R
hEi = hU i (21) = hc/λkT dλ (36)
2 e −1 r

Chapter 5: The Interaction of Light and Chapter 6:Telescopes

q1 q2 n1λ sinθ1 = n2λ sinθ2 (58)

F =k (37)
1 1 1
Balmer Series = (nλ − 1) − (59)
fλ R1 R2
1 1 1 dθ 1
= RH − 2 (38) = (60)
λ 4 n dy f
1 1 1
= RH − 2 (39) θmin = 1.22 (61)
λ m2 n D

λobs − λrest ∆λ vr Spectral Flux Density

= = (40)
λrest λrest c Z Z
P = S(ν)fν dνdA (62)
Photons A ν

hc P = SA∆ν (63)
Ephoton = hν = = pc (41)
Chapter 7: Binary Systems and Stellar
hc Parameters
Kmax = Ephoton − φ = hν − φ = − φ (42)
mass determination using visual binaries
∆λ = λf − λi = (1 − cosθ) (43) m1 r2 a2
me c = = (64)
m2 r1 a1
En = (44)
Ephoton = Ehigh − Elow (45) α1 = (65)
α2 = (66)
E d
ν= (46) m1 α2
h = (67)
h m2 α1
λ= (47)
p Eclipsing spectroscopic binaries

~ m1 v1 = m2 v2 (68)
∆x∆p ≥ (48)
∆x∆p ≈ ~ (49)
vr = vt sin i (69)
∆E∆t ≈ ~ (50)
Kepler’s law states

l = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1 (51) 4π 2
P2 = a3 (70)
ml = −l, −l + 1, .., 0, .., l − 1, l (52) G(m1 + m2 )
ms = ± (53)
p2 conservation of angular momentum
L = l(l + 1)~ (54)
m1 v2
= (71)
Zeeman Effect m2 v1

ν = ν0 (55) p
eB a = (a1 + a2 ) = (v1r + v2r ) (72)
ν0 ± (56) 2π sin i
combine this with kepler’s law and we get
s   √
1 1 3
S= +1 ~= ~ (57) m1 v2r /sini v2r
2 2 2 = = (73)
m2 v1r /sini v1r

P (v1r + v2r )3 mean intensity
m1 + m2 = (74)
2πG sin3 i Z 2π Z π
1 1
v hIλ i ≡ Iλ dΩ = Iλ sin θdθdφ
rs = (tb − ta ) (75) 4π 4π φ=0 θ=0
v v (90)
rl = (tc − ta ) = rs + (tc − tb ) (76) specific Energy Density
2 2
1 4π
 4 Z
B0 − Bp Ts uλ dλ = Iλ dλdΩ = hIλ idλ (91)
= (77) c c
B0 − Bs Tl
For an isotropic radiation field and for blackbody
Chapter 8: The Classification of stellar radiation
spectra 4π
uλ dλ = Bλ dλ (92)
Boltzman distribution function

 m 3/2 uν dν = Bν dν (93)
2 c
nv dv = n e−mv /2kT 4πv 2 dv (78)
2πkT for blackbody radiation (Iλ = Bλ )

4π ∞ 4σT 4
u= Bλ (T )dλ = = aT 4 (94)
2kT c 0 c
vmp = (79)
r Specific Radiative flux
vrms = (80) Z
Fλ dλ = Iλ dλ cos θdΩ (95)
Boltzman Equation
dΩ ≡ sin θdθdφ (96)
Nb gb
= e−(Eb −Ea )/kT (81) for an isotropic radiation field Fλ = 0
Na ga
Radiation Pressure
Partition Function
1 4π
∞ Prad,λ dλ = Iλdλ cos2 θdΩ = Iλ dλ
X c sphere 3c
z= gj e−(Ej −E1 )/kT (82)
j=1 Z ∞
Prad = Prad,λ dλ (98)
Saha Equation 0

 3/2 for blackbody radiation

Ni+1 2Zi+1 2πme kT −χi /kT
= e (83) 4π ∞
Ni ne Z i h2 Prad = Bλ (T )dλ = u (99)
3c 0 3
Pe = ne kT (84)
Stellar Opacity
Ni+1 2kT Zi+1 2πme kT scale height
= e−χi /kT (85)
Ni Pe Zi h2

r HT ≡ (100)
1 L |dT /dr|
R= 2 (86)
Te 4πσ
mean free path
Chapter 9: Stellar Atmospheres vt 1
l= = (101)
nσvt nσ
Specific and mean Intensities
the collision cross section
Eλ ≡ (87) σ=cross sectional area of absorption
The Definition of Opacity
∂I Eλ dλ
Iλ ≡ ≡ (88)
∂λ dλdtdAcosθdΩ dIλ = −κρIλ ds (102)
Z s
Eλ dλ = Iλ dλdtdAcosθdΩ = Iλ dλdtdA cos θ sin θdθdφ
(89) τ ≡ κρ = κλ ρds = κλ ρs (103)

τ = nσs (104) p = mv

Iout = Iin e (105) P = mnv v 2 dv (119)
−τ sec θ
3 0
Iout = Iin e (106) m̄
µ≡ mH
equation 102 is for atmospheres ρkT
Pg = (120)
bound-free absorption µmH

3 Pcenter = (121)
σbf = 1.31 × 10−19 5 m2 (107) r
n 500nm average kinetic energy per particle
electron scattering 1 ¯2 3
mv = kT (122)
− 2 2 2
σT = 6.65 × 10 29m (108)
1 4σ 4 1 4
Prad = T = at (123)
Rosseland Mean opacity 3 c 3
R ∞ 1 ∂Bν (T ) combining ideal and radiation pressure
1 dν
≡ R0 ∞κ∂B ∂T
(T )
(109) ρkT 1
κ̄ ν
dν ∂T
Pt = + aT 4 (124)
µmH 3
radiative transfer stellar energy sources
dPrad κρ
= − Frad (110) 3 GM 2
dr c Ug ∼ − (125)
5 R
1 dIλ using Virial theorem
− = Iλ − Sλ (111)
κλ ds
where Sλ is the source function 3 GM 2
Et ∼ − (126)
10 R
dPrad 1 ∆Eg Enuclear
= Frad (112) tKH = = (127)
dτν c L∗ L∗
Eddington Approximation binding energy per nucleon
4 3 4 2 Eb = ∆mc2 = [Zmp + (A − Z)mp − mnucleus ]c2
T = Te τν + (113)
4 3 (128)
energy transport and theromdynamics
Ch 10: The Interior of Stars
dT 3 κ̄ρ Lr
Hydrostatic Equilibrium =− (129)
dr 4ac T 3 4πr2
dP Mr ρ pressure scale height
= −G 2 = −ρg (114)
dr r P
Hp = (130)
mass conservation equation ρg
dMr for an ideal gas
= 4πr2 ρ (115)
dr 3
U= nRT (131)
pressure equation of state 2
specific heats
P V = N kT (116)
∂Q ∂Q
pressure integral Cp ≡ andCv ≡ (132)
∂T p ∂T p

P = np pvdp (117) Cp = Cv + nR (133)
3 0
The adiabatic tempeture gradiant

dP P dµ P dρ P dT
P = np pvdp (118) =− + + (134)
3 0 dr µ dr ρ dr T dr

P = Kργ (135)
∂T 3κL¯r
criterion for stellar convection =− (148)
∂Mr 256π σT 3 r4

dlnP γ Heat equation

< (136)
dlnT γ −1
∂S ∂Lr
Entropy T =− +E (149)
dQ ∂t ∂Mr
dS ≡ (137)
T Luminosity Equation
energy generation rate
dS dLr
ǫgravity = −T (138) = 4πr2 ρE (150)
dt dr
if star is collapsing ǫgravity < 0 and if it is ex- E= (151)
s · kg
panding ǫgravity > 0
Lane-Emden Equation Equation of state
1 d 2 dDn
ξ = −Dnn (139) 1 ρℜT 4σ 4
ξ 2 dξ dξ P = nkb T + aT 4 = + T (152)
3 µ 3c
polytropic equation of state
Chapter 11:The Sun
Pn (r) = Kρ(n+1)/n (140)

dMr = 4πr2 ρdr (153)

 1/3   The Lorentz force equation
3(1 − β) k
K≡ (141)
a βµmH
F = q(E + v × B) (154)
Eddington Limit
The Parker wind model
LEd = M (142) dP GM⊙
κ̄ = −ρ 2 (155)
dr r
Equations of Stellar Structures
n⋍ (156)
Hydrostatic Equilibrium mp

dP GMr P = 2nkT (157)

= −ρg = −ρ 2 (143)
dr r
where µ=1/2 for ionized hydrogen and mh ⋍
∂P GMr mp
=− (144)
∂Mr 4πr2
d GM⊙ nmp
Inclosed Mass (2nkT ) = −ρ (158)
dr r2
= ρ4πr2 (145) n(r) = n0 e−λ(1−r0 /r) (159)
Radius Equation where
GM⊙ mp
λ≡ (160)
∂r 1 2ktr0
= (146)
∂Mr 4πr2 ρ and n = n0 at some radius r = r0 , and the
pressure structure equation is
Radiative Diffusion

P (r) = P0 e−λ(1−r0 /r) (161)

dT 3κ̄ρ Lr 3κ̄ρ
=− 3 2
=− Fnet (147) where P0 = 2nkT
dr 16σT 4πr 16σT 3

The hydrodynamic nature of the upper solar Chapter 13: Main Sequence and Post-
sphere. Main-Sequence Stellar Evolution
The outward flux of wave energy,Fe is gov-
erned by the expression The schonberg-Chandrasekhar Limit
1 Mic µenv
Fe = ρvω2 vs (162) ⋍ (171)
2 M µic
where vs 4 is the local sound speed and vω Degenerate Electron Gas
is the velocity amplitude of the oscillatory wave
motion for each idividual particles being driven
about their equilibrium position by the “piston” Pe = Kρ5/3 (172)
of the convection zone.
Chapter 14: Stellar Pulsation

period-luminosity relation
p γkT √
vs = γP/ρ = ∼ T (163)
M(V ) = −2.81 log10 Pd − 1.43 (173)
Chapter 12: The Interstellar Medium and
Star Formation
where M(V ) is the average absolute V magni-
Jeans Mass tude and Pd is the pulsation period in untis of
days. In terms of the average luminosity of the
star, the relation is given by
15kT 3
Mj ⋍ (164)
GµmH 4πρ0
log10 = 1.15 log10 Pd + 2.47 (174)
Jeans length L⊙

1/2 The infrared period-luminosity fit is given by
Rj ⋍ (165)
4πGµmH ρ0
Bonnor-Ebert mass H = −3.234 log10 Pd + 16.0798 (175)

cBE vT4 period-luminosity-color relation

MBE = 1/2
P0 G3/2
where H = −3.428 log10 Pd + 1.54(J − Ks ) + 15.637
p (176)
vT ≡ kt/µmH (167) adiabatic sound speed
and s
vs = (177)
cBE ⋍ 1.18 (168) ρ

Homologous Collapse The pulsation period is given by

free-fall timescale r

1/2 Π≈ (178)

3π 1
tf f = (169)
32 Gρ0
buoyancy frequency
Stromgren radius
1 dP 1 dρ

3N −2/3
N = −Ag = − g (179)
rs ⋍ nH (170) γP dr ρ dr

Chapter 15: The Fate of Massive Stars for relativistic electron gas

Eddington Luminosity
(3π 2 )1/3
Z ρ
4πGc P = ~c (192)
LED = M (180) 4 A mH
radioactive decay Luminosity of a WD is given by
= −λN (181)
MW D µ
LW D = 6.65 × 10−3 (193)
M⊙ Z(1 + X)
N (t) = N0 e−λt (182)
half-life Central Tempeture

ln 2 2/7
τ1/2 = (183) 


Z(1 + X)
λ Tc =
6.56 × 10−3 MW D µ
Chapter 16: The Degenerate Remnants of (194)
Stars Neutron Stars
Fermi Energy
(18π)2/3 ~2

2/3 1
3π n Rns ≈ 1/3
ǫF = (184) 10 GMns mH
Z ρ Magnetic Field Lines
ne = (185)
A mH Z
!2/3 Φ≡ B · dA (196)
Z ρ
3π 2

A mH
ǫF = (186)
π  2
Bns ≈ BW D (197)
the condition for degeneracy may be written Rns
Rotating Stars
T centripital and gravitional accelerations at the
<D (187)
ρ2/3 equator

D ≡ 1261k m2 kg−2/3 (188) 2 M

ωmax R=G (198)
pressure due to a completely degenerate, non-
relativistic electron gas so the minimum rotation period is Pmin =
2π/ωmax or
(3π62)2/3 ~2 5/3
P = n (189) r
5 me e R3
Pmin = 2π (199)
this can also be written as GM
magnetic dipole radiation
(3π 2 )2/3 ~2
Z ρ
P = (190) dE 32π 5 B 2 R6 sin2 θ
5 me A mH =− (200)
dt 3µ0 c3 P 4
mass-volume relation magnetic field at the pole

(18π)2/3 ~2
Z 1 s
RW D ≈ 1/3 1 3µ0 c3 IP Ṗ
10 Gme MW D A mH B= (201)
(191) 2πR3 sin θ 2π

Chapter 17:General Relativity and Black Intervals and Geodesics
G=− T (213)
Mm c4
F =G 2 (202)
r proper time
The Principal of Equivalance
∆τ ≡ (214)
mag = G gravitationalforce (203) proper distance
mae = electricforce (204) p
4πǫ0 r2 ∆L = −(∆s)2 (215)

separating inertial mass and graviational space-time interval

mass yields

M g mg (∆s)2 = [c(∆tba )]2 −(∆xba )2 −(∆yba )2 −(∆zba )2

ag = G 2 (205) (216)
r mi 2
1 qQ 1 if (∆s) < 0 then the interval is spacelike, if
ae = (206) (∆s)2 > 0 then the interval is timelike, and if
4πǫ0 r2 mi
(∆s)2 = 0 then the interval is lightlike or null
The principal of equivalence:All local,freely
falling, non-rotating laboratories are fully equiv-
alent for the performance of all physical experi-
p dr
dL = −(ds)2 = p (217)
ments. 1 − 2GM/rc2
radius of curvature
2 2
ds 2GM
c R c62 dτ = dt 1− (218)
rc = = (207) c rc2
g GM
Black Holes
gravitational redshift and time dilation
The Schwarzschild Metric
∆ν v gh
= =− 2 (208)
ν0 C c !2
p dr
integrating this equation gives (ds) = (cdt 1 − 2GM/rc2 )2 − p
1 − 2GM/rc2
ν∞ ∞
dν GM −(rdθ)2 − (r sin θdφ)2
≃− dr (209)
ν0 ν r0 r 2 c2
Schwarzschild Radius
integrating this equation and using a taylor
expension we get
Rs = (219)
 1/2 c2
ν∞ 2GM
= 1− (210)
ν0 r0 c2 if ds = 0 for light and also dθ = dφ = 0 we
∆t = P = 1/ν
1/2 dr 2GM Rs
=c 1− =c 1− (220)

∆t0 ν∞ 2GM dt rc2 r
= = 1− (211)
∆t∞ ν0 r0 c2
angular momentum
for a weak field

∆t0 GM GM 2
≃1− (212) Lmax = (221)
∆t∞ r0 c2 c

Chapter 18: Close Binary Star Systems r
Gravity in a close binary star system Ṁ ∼ πdρ (234)

effective graviational potential Accretion disk

The total energy(kinetic plus potential) of a
  mass m of orbiting gas is given by
M1 M2 1
Φ = −G + − ω 2 r2 (222) M1 m
s1 s2 2 E = −G (235)
where s1 and s2 are given by
the disk temperature at radius r, results in
!1/4  3/4
s21 = r12 + r2 + 2r1 r cos θ (223) GM Ṁ R
T = (236)
s22 = r22 + r2 − 2r2 r cos θ (224) 8πσR3 r
a more thorough analysis would take into ac-
count the thin turbulant boundery layer that
and the angular frequency of the orbit ω, must be produced when the rapidly orbiting disk
comes from kepler’s third law for the orbital pe- gases encounter the surface of the primary star.
riod. This results in a better estimate of the disk tem-
2 2π G(M1 + M2 )
ω = = (226)
P a3 !1/4  3/4  1/4
GM Ṁ R p
T = 1− R/r
dU dΦ 8πσR3 r
Fx = − = −m (227) (237)
dx dx
Lagrangian Points !1/4
Tdisk ≡ (238)
l1 = a 0.500 − 0.227 log10 (228)
M1 Actually, Tdisk is roughly twice the maximum
disk temperature
l2 = a 0.500 + 0.227 log10 (229)
(230) !1/4
Tmax = 0.488 = 0.488Tdisk
Points in space that share the same value of 8πσR3
Φ form an equipotential surface. (239)
the disk luminosity is given by
Mass transfer rate
Ldisk = G (240)
Ṁ = ρvA (231) 2R

A bit of geometry shows that the Luminosity due to accretion is given by

√ M Ṁ
x= Rd (232) Lacc = 2Ldisk = G (241)
when d << R. Using Eq 76 for the thermal
The radial extent of an accretion disk
velocity of the gas particles results in the esti-
Assuming that the motion of the mass at the
Ṁ ∼ ρvrms πx 2
(233) inner Lagrangian point is due solely to the or-
bital motion of the binary system, the angular
or momentum, L, of the mass located there is

1 da (M1 − M2 )
G(M1 + M2 ) = 2Ṁ1 (253)
L = mωl12 = ml12 (242) a dt M1 M2
equation 249 describes the consequences of
When the parcel of mass has settled into a cir- mass transfer on the separation of the binary
cular orbit of radius rcir around M1 , its angular system. The angular frequency of the orbit will
momentum is also be affected, as shown by using Kepler’s third
law. Kepler’s third law states that ω ∝ a−3/2 so
L=m GM1 rcir (243)
equating these two expressions for the angular 1 dω 3 1 da
=− (254)
momentum results in ω dt 2 a dt
The expanding model photosphere has a ra-
 4   dius that initially increases linearly with time
l1 M2
rcirc =a 1+ (244) and then approaches a limiting value of
a M1
M2 M2 3κ̄Ṁeject
= a 0.500 − 0.227 log10 1+ R∞ = (255)
M1 M1 8πv
(245) if the luminosity L, of a nova is also assumed
(246) to be constant, then the effective temperature of
the model of the photosphere approaches

1/4 !1/2
Rdisk ≈ 2rcirc (247) 
L 8πv
T∞ = (256)
A survey of interacting binary systems 4πσ 3κ̄Ṁeject

cyclotron frequency
the effects of mass transfer
vc = (257)
The orbital angular momentum, with eccen- 2πme
tricity of e = 0 for a circular orbit is

L = µ GM a (248)
where µ is the reduced mass, some useful in-
sight concerning the effect of the transfer of mass
on the seperation of the two starscam be gained
by taking a time derivative of the expression for
the angular momentum

dL d  √ 
= µ GM a (249)
dt dt
√ dµ √
µ da
0 = GM a+ √ (250)
dt 2 a dt
1 da 2 dµ
=− (251)
a dt µ dt

the mass lost by one star is gained by the

other and

dµ Ṁ1
= (M2 − M1 ) (252)
dt M
inserting this into equation 247 gives


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