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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Dermatology exam part one

1) The skin compartments, dermis& epidermis are:

a. Independent functionally.
b. Develop from the same origin.
c. Have little anatomical difference.
d. Inter dependent functionally.

2) Regarding cell differentiation the following factor affect its sequence:

a. Calcium concentration.
b. Protein kinas c.
c. Retinoic acid.
d. Expression of k1,k10
e. Interleukin 1.

3) Profilaggrin:

a. A large calcium binding glycoprotein.

b. Expressed in chromosome 1q21.
c. High calcium concentration result in its assembly.
d. Synthesized in spinous layer.
e. Contain 15-20 repetition of filaggrin.

4) Filaggrin:

a. Cationic protein rich in histamine.

b. Is a molecule that organizes intermediate filaments into
c. Disappear in the corneal layer.
5) The following cells are mesenchymal in origin:

a. Melanocytes
b. Merkls cells.
c. Langerhans cells.
d. Stem cells.
e. Keratinocytes.

6) periderm:

a. Highly differentiated cells.

b. Cells filled with glutamine.
c. It eventually shed out into the amniotic fluid as development
d. Its cells undergo apoptosis and disappear.

7) Spinous layer:

a. Found in the upper part of epidermis.

b. Have round cell nuclei.
c. Completely loses keratin 5 &14
d. Have fine and short keratin fibrils.

8) The skin layers in an embryo of 6 weeks:

a. Single layer of periderm.

b. Three layers.
c. Single layer of germenativum cell.
d. Two layers.

9) Which of the following regarding development is correct:

a. Desmosomal protein in 10 week.

b. Filaggrin in 12 wks.
c. Hair follicles in 15 wks.
d. Nail in 25 wks.
10) Which of the following is a component of sebum:

a. Phospholipids
b. Glycolipids.
c. Squalene.
d. Glycoprotein.

11) The antimicrobial effect of the skin can organized by:

a. Specific peptides.
b. Phospholipids.
c. Glycolipids.
d. Pyrolidon.
e. Carpoxyurocrnic acid.

12) In the Desmosomal junctions which of the following takes part:

a. Desmoglyins.
b. Desmocolins.
c. Desmoglyins & Desmocolins only.
d. Desmoplakins & desmoglyins.
e. Desmoglyins, Desmoplakins & Desmocolins.

13) In tight junction the following molecules are included:

a. Desmoglyins.
b. Catinins.
c. Claudins & ocludins
d. Connexons.

14) In alopecia areata the following feature is present:

a. Papules.
b. Itching
c. Exclamation mark hair.
d. Scales.

15) Regarding formation of corneal envelop:

a. Organized by single compartment.
b. Organized by two compartments.
c. Purely organized by lipid devoid protein
d. Lipids have no role in envelop formation.
e. Organized by 3 compartments.

16) Langerhans cells are:

a. Round in shape.
b. Localized in spinous layer.
c. Are pigmented cells.
d. Have granulated cytoplasm.

17) Regarding pigmentary cells:

a. They travel to epidermis as melanocytes.

b. Contain only one pigment.
c. Pigments are passed to other cells in
vesicular structure.
d. Pigments are passed to other cells through

18) SPRP:

a. Have 5 subtypes.
b. Cross link with involucrine.
c. Synthesis stimulated with ultraviolet light.
d. SPRP3 is much expressed in vivo.
e. SPRP 2 is scanty in vivo.

19) Collagen:

a. Is formed of two chains.

b. Some are helical others are not.
c. Undergoes glycosylation before
expressed procollagen.
d. Collagen 4 has staggered appearance.

20) Griseofulvin dosage is:

a. 2 mg /kg /day.
b. 100/kg /day.
c. 50/kg /day.
d. 20/kg /day.
e. 10/kg /day

21) The antilepromatous drug that has inflammatory action:

a. Dapsone.
b. Rifampecine.
c. Corticosteroids.
d. Clofazimine.
e. Tetracycline.

22) In sever dehydration the following are characteristic features except:

a. Lethargy.
b. Sunken eyes.
c. Absent tears.
d. Eager to drink.
e. Depressed anterior fontanel.

23) In addition to water what are important components of ORS (oral

rehydration salt) was for rehydration:

a. Bicarbonate & potassium.

b. Chloride & potassium.
c. Sodium & glucose.
d. Sodium & lactate.

24) Neurosyphills:

a. Dorsalispedis is a feature.
b. Appears after 6 month from primary
c. Are reversible.
d. Abscess formation.
e. Organism can be isolated from the

25) Chancroid has:

a. Clean shallow erosion.

b. Deep dirty ulcer.
c. Shallow ulcer.
d. Discrete enlarged lymph node.

26) Gonorrheal urethritis best treated by:

a. Crystalline penicillin.
b. Procaine penicillin.
c. Tetracycline.
d. Erythromycin.
e. Ciprofloxacin.

27) The main causative agent of non specific urethritis is:

a. Mycoplasma spp.
b. Staphylococcus.
c. Streptococcus.
d. Chlamydia trachomatis.
e. Niseria gonorrhea.

28) Bullous impetigo is caused by:

a. Streptococcus.
b. Staphylococcus.
c. Mycobacterium
d. Chlamydia.
29) Pimphigus is skin condition:

a. Caused by microbial infection.

b. Malignant form
c. Auto immune disease.

30) The following are STD except:

a. Scabies.
b. Molloscum contagiosum.
c. Syphilis.
d. Herpes simplex.
e. Gonorrhea.

31) The following are caused by dermatophytes except:

a. Favus.
b. Kerion.
c. Piedra.
d. T.capitis.
e. T.corporis

32) Regarding spermatozoa:

a. Are motile in seminiferous tubules.

b. Contain 46 chromosomes.
c. Contain enzymes in its head aids in
penetrating the ovum.
d. Stored in prostate.

33) Regarding dermis:

a. It is unlike epidermis doesn’t undergo

sequential differentiation.
b. Structure & organization are not
c. Structure don’t undergo turnover in
normal conditions.
d. Remodeling occur only under
pathological process.

34) In Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma the following are true except:

a. Affect the lymph nodes.

b. Start in T cells.
c. Does not commonly extend to other
d. The international WHO
classification is the latest classification.

35) The following cause generalized hyper pigmentation:

a. Xeroderma pigmintosa.
b. Tattooing.
c. Addison’s disease.
d. Crohn’s disease.

36) The following is best media to grow Chlamydia:

a. MC MOY cells.
b. Treated ……. MC MOY cells.
c. Yolk sac of hen.
d. Chocolate agar.
e. Blood agar.

37) The following is true about gonad tumors’ except:

a. Seminoma is the most common type.

b. UN descended testis is prone to be
c. Seminoma is radio resistant.
d. Presence of alfafeto protein.
38) In the stem cell cycle:

a. G1 is greatly variable in duration.

b. S phase takes from 4-6 hrs.
c. G0 is constant in the cycle.
d. G2 takes from 10-12 hrs.

39) In eccrine sweat gland:

a. The secretory part contain 2 layers one

clear cell secrete water & electrolyte &
other larger of dark cells.
b. The intraepidermal part is known as

40) Concerning allergic dermatitis in children it start at the age of:

a. 3 days.
b. 3 months.
c. 3 years.
d. 5 years.
e. 10 years.

41) Multiple Myeloma all are true except:

a. There is a monoclonal raise in the

immunoglobulin electrophoresis.
b. IGA the highest immunoglobulin.
c. One of the most aggressive tumors.

42) The following are glycoproteins except:

a. Laminin
b. Vitronictin.
c. Tinacin
d. Thrombospondin
e. Syndican.
43) The following are used in treatment of acne except:

a. Dapsone.
b. Retinoic acid.
c. Anti androgens.
d. Steroids.
e. Tetracycline.

44) The following is true about erector Pilli muscle:

a. Appear from the lateral wall to the hair canal.

b. Aids in thermoregulation.
c. Contract in high temperature.
d. Connected to the basement membrane.
e. Support the sebaceous gland.

45) Apocrine gland:

a. Found in palms & soles.

b. The glands secreting milk is one of forms.
c. Develop in second month.
d. Sweat contains water, glucose & electrolyte.

46) Regarding hair follicle:

a. Villous hair contains medulla.

b. Terminal hair grows vertically.
c. The order of layer from inside to out side is (cortex
,medulla ,Huxley ,inner rout & outer rout sheath)
d. The inner rout sheath melanocytes.
e. Differentiation & keratinization continue till the
end of hair shaft.

47) Proteoglycan & gags:

a. Have specific core protein in proteoglycans.

b. Hold till 2000 of it weight water.
c. Are small molecules.
d. Consist 2% of the dermal molecules.
e. Are present in small amounts in the dermis.

48) Epidermal barrier:

a. Is purely mechanical barrier.

b. Soluble substances penetrate easily.
c. Water is slightly permeable.
d. Highly permeable for covalent substance.

49) Psorriasis is considered as systemic disease the most common system

involved with skin:

a. Articular system.
b. Respiratory system.
c. GIT
d. Urinary system.
e. Nervous system.

50) Best treatment for tinia capitis is:

a. Ketoconazole.
b. Topical antifungal.
c. Itraconazol.
d. Metronidazole.
e. Griseofulvin.

51) Which of the following is immune localized to basement membrane:

a. Entacitin.
b. Plectin.
c. Heparan.
d. Collagen 1.
e. Collagen 9.

52) Regarding papillary dermis:

a. Contain elunin elastic fibers.
b. Have large collagenous fibers.
c. Blood capillaries pass in couples to each dermal
e. Transfer cytokines & growth factors to the epidermis.

53) Adherent junctions:

a. Connect neighboring cells.

b. Decrease in number with age.
c. Density is affected by the body site & sex.
d. Is the major type of junction in skin

54) The up words movement of differentiating cells from the basal layer is
depend on:

a. Crowding of the newly formed mitotic cells.

b. Damage of the desmosomes & hemidesmosome.
c. Down regulation of Þ6ß4 integrins.
d. Cytokines guard the movement.
e. Growth factors controls movement.

55) Subcutaneous tissue:

a. Is absents in & female genitalia.

b. Lipocytes develop in the 20th week.
c. Some premature as macrophage.
d. Adipocytes stores but not produce fats.

56) Brown fats:

a. Mainly found in the retroperitoneal area.

b. Produce interleukin 1.
c. Are less active than white fat.
d. Is mono loculated.
e. Have no mitochondria.
57) Dermis:

a. Form 40% of bulk of skin.

b. Is completely tensile but restricted pliability.
c. Lymphocytes & plasma cells are not found usually in
normal skin.
d. Proteoglycans & gags are the only ground substance.

58) The main lipid component in the corneal envelop is:

a. Phospholipids.
b. Cholesterol.
c. Ceramides.
d. Triglycerides.
e. Free fatty acids.

59) In the DEJ which of the following is true:

a. Anchoring filaments connect the LD to the upper

b. Laminin 5& 6 is the major component of lamina

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