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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

C Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

o Subject Focus on one subject Spanish
n area

e Grade Level This may be the High School High School
same or different for each app.
t Learning Objective SIII.4 The student will present information SIII.4 The student will present information
The objective of the lesson is what
students will be able to do as they
orally and in writing in Spanish, recombining orally and in writing in Spanish, recombining
finish the activity. For this objective, familiar elements to create original sentences in familiar elements to create original sentences in
use the Standards of Learning (SOL)
to say what you want to focus on. paragraphs that are increasingly complex. paragraphs that are increasingly complex.
You can find the SOLs at
look on the right of the screen for the
subjects and go from there.
P Activity Describe what the For this activity the students will be using google The students will be using iPads in class to create
learning activity will be. What will the
e students and the teacher be doing
docs from their own device (chromebook, iPad, etc) word webs using MindMeister. I will be dividing the
d with the app? to create a two paragraphs using the word web they students into groups of 3 or 4 and each group will be
a worked on in class. This will show their assigned with a different verb. I want the students
g comprehension for the language and their ability put to create a word web around these verbs. I want
o their ideas into writing. This will also help me them to show the different conjugations we have
g identify where the students are having issues with learned (present and preterite) as well as vocabulary
y grammar so that I can address that in class and that relates to the verb. For example, I give the
review if needed. The paragraphs will need to be six students the verb comer (to eat) and the students
sentences each and they will need to incorporate as show all the conjugations of the verb as well as
many of the words in their word web as possible. I vocabulary such as lunch, dinner, breakfast, types of
will be explaining the assignment to them in class food, eating utensils and other verbs that may
after they are done creating their webs and they will relate. Since this is a collaborative app, each student
do the assignment at home. They will email me their can add to the word web from their own iPad and it
assignments and I will be able to mark where there will automatically update as the students keep
are mistakes. I will not be making the changes for adding to it. I will be walking around each group to
TLED 430

them, I will highlight the word and have them figure check on accuracy of spelling and address any
out what changes need to be made. If they have any questions they have. Having them work in groups
questions or are not sure what the error is, we can like this will allow them to use the vocabulary orally
go over that during the next class. by discussing which words to put in the web and it is
also a way for them to learn from each other. I will
then have one person from each group email me
their word webs. The students will be using this
assignment for their creating assignment.

T Technology Google Docs MindMeister

e The name of the Mobile
c Application

Creating Apps from My Peers Collaborating Apps from My Peers

P Please record the apps 1. (App Name), (Peer Name), (What I like about 1. (App Name), (Peer Name), (What I like about
e your peers shared with it/what I could do with it for creation) it/what I could do with it for collaboration)
e you and a simple
r rating of what you puppetmaster jake- I like that you can record your edmoto jake- “fb for school”, I’m not sure if this is an
C liked about the app. voice for each character. I could use this as a way for app that high school students would enjoy because
o my students to practice speaking Spanish. they, most likely, will probably have a real facebook
l account but this could be fun to use for a higher
l timeline app justice- This is another fun app that I level Spanish course. I could have students pick a
a could use in my classroom when discussing Spanish topic in the news that they could blog about or have
b or Latin American history. them search different Spanish or Latin American
TLED 430

o artists and post their art and a short description

r about it.
t google docs justice- this is one I am already using
i and it is one that can be used so many different
o ways. I really like that it is easy to edit so that the
n students can get automatic feedback.

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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