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The Adjective Academy Cycle & Cycle: 3
Title of unit Grade level Grade: 5
Subject area English Language Arts
The purpose of this activity is to allow an opportunity for students to revisit the usage of
adjectives. Aside from understanding what adjectives are and where they would be used,
students have an opportunity to display that they understand the impact that adjectives
have on nouns.
Goal for Activity
Students will find this activity engaging as they are creating their own superhero
universe! With the help of basic visual emoji’s, students will develop a sense of exactly
what the “characters” look like and can independently create their personalities with the
adjectives they choose to apply to them.
I came up with this idea as the students had previously been reviewing English Language
Arts material from the previous year. As we are at the very start of the school year with
an extra-long break, we have spent the majority of our classes reviewing content from
grade 4. With this in mind, I set out to create an activity around the usage of adjectives
Rationale for Activity for ELA.
Throughout this activity, students will have opportunities to explore the usage of
adjectives and reinforce their knowledge from the previous year. They will have an
opportunity to brainstorm adjectives and demonstrate that they understand what the
adjectives actually do to the nouns that they are paired with.
ELA Competency 2: To write self-expressive, narrative and information-based
texts: In this activity, the focus is on allowing students to write their own creative
stories. They will be given plenty of freedom with what direction they actually want to
take their story in. While they will have some set expectations (superhero story, usage of
adjectives that apply to each specific character), students will be trusted to take liberty of
QEP Subject Area their own writing and go in the direction they wish to. As such, students will have a great
Competencies opportunity to create self-expressive and narrative stories.
ELA Competency 4: To use language to communicate and learn: Students will have
an opportunity to display their understanding of the English language. Additionally,
students will explore how adjectives affect nouns. They will be expected to write
complete sentences and should make efforts to limit the number of spelling/ grammar
errors. Students will communicate this comprehension within their written stories.
 Students will share adjectives together as a group which will allow a small word
bank of potential adjectives to be utilized throughout their stories. This will assist
students who struggle to come up with adjectives on their own.
 Students will view the professions (nouns) via small emoji’s in a PowerPoint.
This will help students to visualize exactly what that type of character looks like
and generate some ideas regarding their role within the superhero team.
The main key knowledge that students will acquire from this activity is the impact that
adjectives have on nouns. From this activity, students will know exactly what adjectives
are and how they affect the words that they are describing. Through their story writing,
students will be able to demonstrate this knowledge by constructing clear and accurate
Student will
sentences that include the selected adjectives affecting the characters in specific ways. In
know/understand/do as a
result of this activity this sense, a character with the adjective “sleepy” will appropriately demonstrate their
“sleepy” behaviours throughout their story. This activity will assist students in
developing their English Language Arts skills which will further improve their creative
writing abilities. From this, students will utilize what they’ve learned to include more
adjectives and descriptions throughout their future writing activities.
Procedures Step 1: Introduce students to activity/ hook their attention with the premade PowerPoint.


During this, we will connect back to the previous lessons throughout the week and
demonstrate how this one will build off of others. (3 minutes)
Step 2: Review the definition of an adjective and write on the board so students will
always have access to it throughout the activity. (2 minutes)
Step 3: Slowly proceed through the PowerPoint with the group, this allows students to
see each role/ professional and connect a skill to them. As we pause on each slide, get the
group to share ideas they have for adjectives that could fit with the given role. Write
down these adjectives on the board to allow the group access during their writing/ story
time. (5-8 minutes)
Step 4: Allow time for students to ask questions to clarify the activity. During this time,
I will do my best to answer in a fair and reasonable manner. (5 minutes)
Step 5: The final step of the procedure in which students will work silently on their
stories. During this step, I will circulate the group and assist students with questions they
may have/ encourage the impressive work they are doing. (15 minutes)
Through the work done within their journals, we will be able to assess their writing
abilities along with their abilities to grasp the concept of adjectives. While they are
writing, I will circulate to comment, question, and assist students with their work. During
this, I will have a strong opportunity to assess student’s abilities. Additionally, students
will be given an opportunity to improve their own abilities with the input that I offer for
them. They can ask questions during this time to assist their writing.

Broad Areas of Learning

Health & Well Career Planning & Environmental Media Literacy Citizenship &
being Entrepreneurship Awareness & Consumer Community Life
Rights & Responsibilities
In this activity, students will be exploring a specific genre of literacy and will be creating their own stories within this genre.
Students can connect their own thoughts/ ideas within their stories to those that they have experienced within other forms of
media (either graphic novels, superhero films, television, the internet). Additionally, students will be encouraged to explore
their stories freely. From this, some students may wish to explore any type of media that expands beyond the genre of

Cross Curricular Competencies

Uses Information Solves Problems Exercises critical Uses Creativity Adopts effective work
judgement methods
Uses information & Achieves their potential Cooperates with others Communicates
communications technologies appropriately
In this activity, students will have an opportunity to display their creative freedom and explore the topic in any way that
they wish to. Students will be encouraged to make connections between themselves, the world, and other texts/ media that
they have experienced. Through previous experiences and resources offered during the activity, students will use a wide
range of information to develop their stories. Ultimately, students will have an opportunity to display a large amount of
creativity and demonstrate that they are able to work effectively. During the work period, I will circulate to monitor the
effectiveness of the work on display. Each student will have an opportunity to demonstrate their work habits. As this is an
English Language Arts lesson, students will do their best to appropriately communicate in the language of English and
make efforts to write in complete, accurate sentences.

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