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Teaching Practice Task 2 – Monitoring the Learning

Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of the course EPR 3023 – Teaching
Methods for the Primary School Teacher (Course learning outcomes 4 – Plan and implement
appropriate modes of assessment for primary mathematics teaching and learning)

Objective: Describe how you monitored the learning when the students were working on their
activities and identify the tools used to record your data. For each lesson you teach, you will
describe the tool that you use to monitor the work of the children. In the second column, you will
describe how you used that tool and you will reflect on how useful it was.

Grade Level: 2 MST Name: qutnah

For each Tools used to monitor the Explain why you used that tool and reflect on
lesson learning (rubric, notes, how successful it was
taught chart…)
1 I used checklist to define student’s levels. Also,
Lesson 1 Checklist to know if the students understand the lesson.
For example, when the students do the
worksheets I walk around and I see if the
students solve all the questions I put chick
mark if, if the students need practice or if they
don’t understand I but (*)
2 Notes I take notes for some students how need more
Lesson 2 activities and more practice. Also, I take notes
for student’s weakness and strengths.
Moreover, I take notes if I see the students
need for example more visual or auditory
3 Chart The teacher use the chart during the week for 3
Lesson 3 students to know if their level is increase or
4 Lesson 4 Reward char I use reward chart when I ask students questions
so if the students give me correct answer I give
them point in the reward chart. Also, I use
different color to put point for positive behavior.
At the end of the day I count the point for each

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