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1st Quiz Reviewer 5.

What results from an unequal sharing

of electrons between atom?
Multiple choice A. A nonpolar covalent bond
B. A polar covalent bond
1. About 25 of the 92 natural elements
C. An ionic bond
are known to be essential to life.
D. A hydrophobic interaction
Which four of these 25 elements to
make up approximately 96% of living
6. When are atoms the most stable?
A. When they have the fewest
A. C, Na, H, N
possible valence electrons
B. C, O, P, H
B. When they have the maximum
C. O, H, Ca, N
number of unpaired electrons
D. C, H, N, O
C. When all of the electron orbitals
in the valence shell are filled
2. Knowing the atomic mass of an
D. When all electrons are paired
element allows interferences about
which of the following?
7. The partial negative charge in a
A. The number of electrons in the
molecule of water occurs because
A. The oxygen atom donates an
B. The number of protons in the
electron to each of the hydrogen
C. The number of protons + neutrons
B. The electrons shared between the
in the element
oxygen and hydrogen atoms
D. The number of protons +
spend more time around the
electrons in the element
oxygen atom nucleus than around
the hydrogen atom nucleus
3. If you change the number of the
C. The oxygen atom has two pairs of
neutrons in an atom, you create
electrons in its valence shell that
A. A cation
are not neutralized by hydrogen
B. An anion
C. An isotope
D. One of the hydrogen atoms
D. A different element
donates an electron to the oxygen
4. A salamander relies on hydrogen
bonding to stick to various surfaces.
8. Which of the following is a property
Therefore, a salamander would have
of liquid water?
the greatest difficulty clinging to a
A. Less dense than ice
A. Slightly damp surface
B. It has a specific heat that is lower
B. Surface of hydrocarbons
than that for most other
C. Surface of mostly carbon-oxygen
D. Surface of mostly carbon-
nitrogen bonds
C. It has a heat of vaporization that is B. The variety of rare elements in
higher than that for most other organic molecules
substances C. The diverse bonding patterns of
D. It is nonpolar nitrogen
D. Their interactions with water
9. Why does ice float in liquid water?
A. The high surface tension of liquid 13. Which of the following is true of
water keeps the ice on top carbon?
B. The ionic bonds between the A. It forms only polar molecules
molecules in ice prevent the ice B. It can form a max. of 3 covalent
from shrinking bonds with other elements
C. Stable hydrogen bonds keep C. It is highly electronegative
water molecules of ice far farther D. It can form polar and nonpolar
apart than water molecules bonds
D. The crystalline lattice of ice
causes it to be denser than liquid 14. Which two functional groups are
water always found in amino acids?
A. Carbonyl and amino groups
10. Which of the following statements is B. Carboxyl and amino groups
true about buffer solutions? C. Amino and sulfhydryl groups
A. They maintain a constant pH D. Hydroxyl and carboxyl groups
bases are added to them but not
when acids are added to them 15. Amino acids are acids because they
B. They maintain a constant pH always possess which functional
acids area added to them but not groups?
when bases are added to them A. Amino
C. They fluctuate in pH when either B. Carbonyl
acids or bases are added to them C. Carboxyl
D. They maintain a relatively D. Phosphate
constant pH when either acids or
bases are added to them 16. Which of the following best
summarizes the relationship between
11. The element present in all organic dehydration reactions and
molecules is hydrolysis?
A. H A. Dehydration reactions assemble
B. O polymers; hydrolysis reactions
C. C break polymers apart
D. H B. Dehydration reactions eliminate
water from membranes;
12. The complexity and variety of hydrolysis add water to
organic molecules is due to membranes
A. The chemical versatility of carbon
C. Dehydration reactions and
hydrolysis reactions assemble 20. All of the following contain amino
polymers from monomers acids except:
D. Hydrolysis reactions create A. Hemoglobin
polymers and dehydration B. Cholesterol
reactions create monomers C. Enzymes
D. Insulin
17. How do phospholipids interact with
water molecules? 21. Suppose a young boy is always tired
A. The polar heads with water; the and fatigued, suffering from a
nonpolar tails attract water metabolic disease. Which of the
B. Phospholipids do not interact with following organelles is most likely
water because water is polar and involved in this disease?
lipids are nonpolar A. Lysosomes
C. The polar heads interact with B. Golgi Apparatus
water; the nonpolar tails do not C. Ribosomes
D. Phospholipids dissolve in water D. Mitochondria

18. Which of the following is the best 22. Plasmodesmata in plant cells are most
explanation is the best explanation for similar in function to which of the
why vegetable oil is liquid at room following structures in animal cells?
temperature while animal fats are A. Desmosomes
solid? B. Gap junctions
A. Vegetable oil has more double C. Extracellular matrix
bonds than animal fats D. Tight junctions
B. Vegetable oil has fewer double
bonds than animal fats 23. Starting with a fertilized egg (zygote),
C. Animal fats have no amphipathic a series of five cell divisions would
character produce an early embryo with how
D. Vegetable oil has longer fatty- many cells?
acid tails than animal fats have A. 8
B. 16
19. Which of the following is the C. 32
strongest evidence that protein D. 64
structure and function are correlated?
A. Proteins function best at certain 24. The first gap in the cell cycle (G1)
temperatures corresponds to
B. Proteins have four distinct levels A. Normal growth and cell function
of structure and in any functions B. The phase in which DNA is being
C. Enzymes tend to be globular in replicated
shape C. The beginning of mitosis
D. Denatured (unfolded) proteins do D. The phase between DNA
not function normally replication and the M phase
C. 16
25. A female with a paternal set of one D. 64
orange and one long gene
chromosome and a maternal set 29. The individual with genotype
comprised of one blue and one short AaBbCCDdEE can make many kinds
gene chromosome us expected to of gametes. Which of the following is
produce which of the following types the major reason?
of eggs after meiosis? A. Recurrent mutations forming new
A. All eggs will have maternal types alleles
of gene combinations B. Crossing over during Prophase 1
B. All eggs will have paternal types C. Different possible assortment of
of gene combinations chromosomes into gametes
C. Half the eggs will have maternal D. The tendency for dominant alleles
and half will have paternal to segregate together
D. Each egg has a one-fourth chance 30. Mendel continued some of his
of having either blue long, blue experiments into the F2 or F3
short, orange long, or orange short generation to
combinations A. Obtain a large number of
offspring on which to base
26. Independent assortment of statistics
chromosomes occurs during B. Observe whether or not a
A. Meiosis 1 only recessive trait would reappear
B. Meiosis 2 only C. Observe whether or not a
C. Mitosis and Meiosis 1 dominant trait would reappear
D. Mitosis and Meiosis 2 D. Distinguish which alleles were
27. For a species with haploid number of
23 chromosomes, how many different 31. A sexually reproducing animal has
combinations of maternal and two unlinked genes, one for head
paternal chromosomes are possible shape (H) and one for tail length (T).
for the gametes? Its genotype is HhTt. Which of the
A. 23 following genotypes is possible in a
B. 46 gamete from this organism?
C. About 1000 A. Hh
D. About 8 million B. HhTt
C. T
28. How many unique gametes could be D. HT
produce through independent
assortment by an individual with the 32. Mendel accounted for the observation
genotype AaBbCCDdEE? that traits that had disappeared in the
A. 4 F1 generation reappeared in the F2
B. 8 generation by proposing that?
A. New mutations were frequently 35. Mendel’s second law of independent
generated in the F2 progeny, assortment has its basis in which of
“reinventing” traits that had been the following events of meiosis 1
lost in the F1generation A. Synapsis of homologous
B. The mechanism controlling the chromosomes
appearance of traits was different B. Crossing over
between the F1 and F2 plats C. Alignment of tetrads at the
C. Traits can be dominant or equator
recessive, and the recessive traits D. Separation of cells at telophase
were obscured by the dominant
ones in F1
In a particular plant, leaf color is controlled
D. Members of the F1 generation had
by gene locus D. Plants with at least one
only one allele for each trait, but
allele D have dark green leaves, and plants
members of the F2 had two alleles
with homozygous recessive dd genotype
for each trait
have light green leaves. A true-breeding,
dark-leaved plant crossed with a light-leaved
33. The fact that all seven of the pea
one, and the F1 offspring is allowed to self-
plants traits studied by Mendel
pollinate. The predicted outcome of the F2 is
obeyed the principle of independent
diagrammed in the Punnett square shown in
assortment most probably indicates
the figure, where 1,2,3 and 4 represent the
which of the following:
genotypes corresponding to each box within
A. None of the traits obeyed the law
the square.
of segregation
B. The diploid number of
chromosomes in the pea plants
was 7
C. All of the genes controlling the
traits were located on the same
D. All of the genes controlling the
traits behaved as if they were on
different chromosomes

34. Mendel’s observation of the

segregation of alleles in the gamete
formation has its basis in which of the 36. Which of the boxes marked 1-4
following phases of cell division? corresponds to plants with dark
A. Prophase 1 green leaves?
B. Anaphase 2 A. 1 only
C. Metaphase 2 B. 2 and 3
D. Anaphase 1 C. 4 only
D. 1, 2, and 3
37. Which of the boxes marked 1-4 41. When Mendel crossed yellow-seeded
correspond to plants with a and green-seeded pea plants, all of
heterozygous genotype? the offspring were yellow-seeded.
A. 1 When he took these F1 yellow-
B. 1, 2, and 3 seeded plants and crossed them to
C. 2 and 3 green-seeded plants, what genotypic
D. 2, 3, and 4 ratio was expected?
A. 1:2:1
38. Which of the boxes marked 1-4 B. 3:1
correspond to plants that will be true- C. 1:1
breeding? D. 1:1:1:1
A. 1 and 4 only
B. 2 and 3 only 42. Black fur in mice (B) is dominant to
C. 1, 2, 3, and 4 brown fur (b). Short tails (T) are
D. 1 only dominant to long tails (t). What
fraction of the progeny of crosses
39. Mendel crossed yellow-seeded and BbTt x BBtt will be expected to have
green-seeded pea plants and then black fur and long tails?
allowed the offspring to self- A. 1/16
pollinate to produce an F2 B. 3/8
generation. The results were as C. 1/2
follows: 6022 yellow and 2001 green D. 9/16
(8023 total). The allele for green
seeds has what relationship to the 43. In certain plants, tail is dominant to
allele for yellow seeds? short. If a heterozygous plant is
A. Dominant crossed with a homozygous tall
B. Incomplete Dominant plant, what is the probability that the
C. Recessive offspring will be short?
D. Codominant A. 1
B. 1/2
40. Albinism is an autosomal recessive C. 1/4
trait. A man and woman are both of D. 0
normal pigmentation, but both have
one parent who is albino (without 44. Radish flowers may be red, purple,
melanin pigmentation). What is the or white. A cross between a red-
probability that their first child will flowered plant and a white-flowered
be an albino? plant yields all-purple offspring. The
A. 0 part of the radish that we eat may be
B. 1/2 oval or long, with long being the
C. 1/4 dominant trait. If true-breeding red
D. 1 long radishes are crossed with true-
breeding white oval radishes, the F1
will be expected to be which of the specialized to synthesize large
following: quantities of lipids. TRUE
A. Red and long 13. In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are
B. White and long composed of DNA and RNA. FALSE
C. Purple and long 14. Metaphase is characterized by
D. Purple and oval separation of sister chromatids.
15. The complete set of an organism’s
II. True or False
genes and other DNA sequences
1. Saturated fats have many double defines a genome. TRUE
bonds in the carbon chains of their 16. Asexual reproduction occurs during
fatty acids. FALSE meiosis. FALSE
2. Saturated fatty acids are the principal 17. Heterologous chromosomes carry
molecules in lard and butter. TRUE information for the same traits.
3. Alpha-helix and beta-pleated sheet FALSE
represent the quaternary level of 18. Meiosis produces haploid cells and
protein structure. FALSE the diploid number is restored by
4. Changing a single amino acid in a DNA replication. FALSE
protein consisting of 325 amino acids 19. When homologous chromosomes
would always alter the biological cross over, corresponding segments
activity or function of the protein. of non-sister chromatids are
FALSE exchanged. TRUE
5. Cytosine and thymine indicates all of 20. Radish flowers may be red, purple, o
the pyrimidines found in RNA and white. A cross between a red-
DNA. FALSE flowered plant and a white-flowered
6. One of the primary functions of RNA plant yields all-purple offspring. The
molecules is to transmit genetic flower color trait in radishes is an
information to offspring. FALSE example of codominance. FALSE
7. There is no advantage of light
microscopy over electron
microscopy. FALSE
8. A prokaryotic cell has an
endoplasmic reticulum. FALSE
9. Mitochondrion is common to plants
and animals. TRUE
10. RNA leaves the nucleus of a
eukaryotic cell through pores in the
nuclear membrane. FALSE
11. A vacuole takes up much volume of a
plant cell. TRUE
12. A cell with an extensive area of
smooth endoplasmic reticulum is

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