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Essay : Will the Extracurricular Activities Develop the students’ Academic Skill?

Nowadays, extracurriculer is part of school which Organized activities may include

clubs, athletic opportunities, dance line or cheer teams, Scouts, drama or theater, youth
groups, student council, and club sports. There are pros and cons to both sides of the activity
participation discussion. There are different opinions of what is considered an extra-curricular
activity. A few examples of activities outside the school day may include pro-social activities
such as dances, team sports, and performing arts, while in-school involvement activities may
include intramurals, and academic clubs. Research indicated that both the type of
extracurricular programs and level of participation may impact the individuals' development
(Eccles, 2003).
Participating the extracurriculer enabling the improvement and high performance of
the students’ to reach better skill in various ways of the subjects provided. In the other ways,
it also increases the experience and social dealing with the school environment. The theory
and research on the positive youth development advertise the transition of human
development, and recommend that preserve kindness, supportive relationships with people
and social institutions encourages healthy development. Considering this perspective,
organized activities, such as extra-curricular activities, can encourage healthy development
because of the support and opportunities that are present compared to less positive after
school options for teens. Students who participate in structured activities are more likely to
respect diversity, play by the rules, and contribute as a member of a team whether it is sports,
scouting or clubs. Leads to the benefits of the extracurricular, here are some spesific effects
:(1) competence in academic, social, and vocational areas; (2) confidence; (3) connection to
family, community, and peers; (4) character; and (5) caring and compassion.
However, participation in activities has been linked to social and academic success,
yet over-participation may be too stressful for young adults as it may consume too much of
their free time. Students who are over-scheduled in too many activities find that the benefits
decrease. Overscheduled children may be tired, irritable and show little interest in
participation. Over scheduling too many physical activities may result in some students
pushing themselves too far with the potential of having a serious sports-related injury as
students may need time for relaxation and recovery from intense athletic training. Beside that,
extracurricular activities often cost money to participate. Whether it is paying the school
activity fee or paying for private lessons or trying to further develop skills at camps, some
families just are not economically able to be involved with out-of-school activities.
The disadvantages relations both extracurricular activity and academic achievement have
been gotten in some findings. Those are, an overloaded and narrow sense of identity. First,
Overload, the unaccepted in joining the school day activities and lectures escalation to the
enability that the extracurricular staffs may be taking alot of time and spending for
homework. This decline in academic performance can likely be attributed to ov erload, as
students devote so much time to extracurricular activities that they are rendered unable to
keep up academically. However, they also found that a moderate number of extracurricular
activities (about two) contributed positively to academic performance. Thus, extracurricular
activity may only produce a negative effect if the student is left with insufficient time and
energy to devote to academics. Second, narrow identity. Some students choose to define
themselves by their extracurricular activities and place little emphasis on their roles as
students, which also may be detrimental to academic success.
In summary, both positive and negative of extracurricular have influenced in the
participation on the academic performance of students of all grade levels. Subsequently,
because sports constitute a large portion of the extracurricular exist, it also examine studies
that analyze the effects of physical activity on academic performance. These studies suggest
that extracurricular activities may have a positive effect on academics, especially when they
contribute to a balanced life, self confidence, an increased sense of personal duty and
contribution to the school, and feelings of belonging. Meanwhile, extracurricular activities
may have a negative effect when they produce an overloaded personal schedule and cause
students to define themselves primarily by their activities rather than as students.

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