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1.1.1 Instrumentation connections
In general the instrumentation and its associated equipment are not yet represented
in this 60% 3D model but the taps must be made according to the Standard
Connection MABE document, type of measurement and fluid.
The access must be provided according to #Instruments (2.2.8)
1.1.2 KKS application
The reference of the drawings and equipments is not agreed with the KKS rules.
There are many examples that are detected that demonstrate the wrong KKS
application (see Annex 1- “KKS Application Explanations – B106e – Part B1”):
• Valves below 3” without KKS.
MABE inform that all valves below 3” are not represented in the 3D model and
not referenced on the PID diagrams. This philosophy is inconsistent and
sometimes there are valves installed in 2” pipes that are referenced with KKS
(see Figure a - Siemens valve classification). Here the manual valve installed
before, supplied by MABE, has no KKS. The KKS is clear to classify all
equipment independent of its type. The Operation and maintenance of one
power plant needs this information.

Figure a
• Siemens KKS.
The majority of the KKS applied to valves and equipment supplied by Siemens
is not agreed with the MABE KKS of the line (system). For example, in Figure a)
we can see the Siemens valve (12MAL81AA051) in the MABE line
10LBC40BR407. The MABE reference is wrong because this is a line that
injects the condensates of the turbine drain system (MAL) into the main
condensate line (LBC). All equipment and piping must receive the MAL KKS. If
the piping goes out of the LBC system then receives the LBC KKS. Also the
Siemens check valve 12LBC10AA251 is inserting in the 10LBC40BR001 line
and must receive the KKS of the LBC system;
• Instrumentation valves
All valves that are connected to instruments are not referenced. In Figure a) we
can see these examples. See Annex 1 – examples 39, 40 with the application of
KKS to the measuring systems.
• Parallel systems
Another type of error is the numbering of parallel systems. For example, see
Annex 2 – Feedwater system. The main line that comes of the feedwater tank is
10LAB20BR001 and divides in booster-pump 1
(10LAB39BR002/10LAC11BR001/10LAB79BR001) booster-pump 2,
(10LAB60BR002/10LAC12BR001/10LAB70BR001), booster-pump 3
(10LAB80BR001/10LAC13BR001/10LAB89BR001). The annex 2, example 37,
clear show that first we classify the parallel systems and after each parallel
branches. Then the KKS rule is simpler: booster-pump 1 LAB21/22/23BR002,
booster-pump2 LAB31/32/33BR001, booster-pump3 LAB41/42/43BR001. The
LAC classification is wrong and must be LAB and the piping reduction is made in
3 level KKS structure (see the next item). Also KKS recommends the use of tens
(see annex 1- page 50 and 52).
• Numbering of piping
In the Annex 2 – Feedwater system we see also a mistake concerning to piping
numbering. The main line is 10LAB20BR001 and is maintain for pumps 2 and 3,
and changes to 10LAB39BR001 because MABE reduces the pipe diameter to
pump 1 for balance the flows to the pumps. According to KKS, we maintain the
level 2 and make the difference in level 3 KKS structure. For pump 1 is BR002
and maintains the level 2. See example 43 in the annex 1.
• Numbering of the level 2
The KKS establish the numbering is increasing in flow direction but MABE
reference the main hot reheat line (reheater output) with 10LBB23BR001 which
is divided in two branches 10LBB21BR001 and 10LBB22BR001 (Turbine
1.2 ANNEX 1
1.3 ANNEX 2

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