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I. Background of the Study

In the Philippines, Family is defined as the small unit of society where students got their

learnings about the world before they engaged themselves in the real scenarios of life. Family is the

foundation of the society which strengthens the human world. Having a complete family somehow

inspires a student to study hard. Our family is the first environment in which we are exposed to. We

can’t choose the family we want but what it will depends on us. Family is individuals who have

special meaning. They are our foundation of support, personal cheer squad, teachers, counselors,

and anything else we might need, even if we have to hear the hard truth. They comfort us and even

put us in our place.

A broken family refers to a family that has gone through a separation, abandonment or divorce

leaving the children with only one parent instead of much needed two .In such family, children have

bad childhood as they witness the separation, or lack of parents love together. Many a time children

suffer involving and it shows in the later stance of their life.

The problem of broken families are universal phenomenal which affect both develop as well as

the under develop country. Yet the effect still persist with varying degree in the various part of the

world. Based on the needs and understanding of the environment , they said children from broken

family feel very sad when they lack the carrying , affection , security and concern for lovely home .

I think this field is important to study because many young people suffer from a broken family. I

believe that the number one ingredients on youth’s happy life is their family. The parents are the

most important source of youth’s behavior, which effect to their outlook in life. And there feelings

can cause a big impact in their performance study, socialization and personality. To understand how
a broken home affects child development/ behavior, it is important to understand how children

should normally develop/ behave. It is important to study this problem because this is the most

common problem of our society. And we know that in this problem the children is the most

affected. And this is important because in this study we will know if this problem really affect the

academic performance of the student. And the parents will be aware to the effects of broken family.

The issues that are connected to our studies are, first issue is depression, children got depressed

because they are affected in the problem of their family and sometimes it result to suicide. Second is

engaged in drugs, alcoholic and smoking because they are lack of guidance of their parents. And

third is rebellion, their child well rebellion because they can’t handle the problem in their home.

The specific area that will be researching in our study in Fort San Pedro National High School.

A public school that found in Santo Rosario St Iloilo City. Fort San Pedro they offer ALS in Senior

High School it offers HUMSS, ABM, GAS ,AUTOMOTIVE.

Our study can help the society, the family and the student to inform every individual and to be

aware of the effect of a broken family to the children and to know the side of the students that

having a broken family is very big struggle to their academic performance and their life. In order to

the parents to be aware that having a broken family has a big impact to the life and the academic

performance of their children.

The purpose of our study is to identify how many students have a broken family, how many of

them live with their father or mother and to determine if it affect’s to their studies..
Statement of the problem and Hypotheses

This study aims to determine the effect of broken family to the academic performance of


Specifically, this study will brought answers to the following questions:

1. How many students are affected in their studies in having a broken family?

2. What are the most common problem encountered by the student in school who have broken

family ?

3. What are the unnecessary behavior of student in school who have broken family ?

Objective of the study

 To determine the number of student that live with their mother and father side .

 To find out how absence of one or both parents influence the academic performance

of the student in school.

 To determine how often student skip their classes.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The coverage of our study is the effect of broken family to the academic performance of the

student. Our objective is to Know if the broken family have any effect on the children academic

performance. We will conduct out research from January 9 to13 2019 at Fort San Pedro National

High School.The participant of our research are the senior high school students.
Significant of the study

Student this study will help the students who have a broken family to be aware in thier

situation and it how affect thier behavior. The benefit this study offers to the students is that they

will be aware of thier current situation and realize how strong they are because they have survived.

Parents to be aware of their responsibility of making their homes conductive to enhance the

academic progress of their children by providing not only the materials neded but also they need the

attention to complement the teaching at school.

Teachers help to gain insight into understand the students from various homes. In a bid to

proffer indivi solution to that problem of poor academic performance from the home point of view.

Fututer Research it will also serve as a reference point to other researcher who would wish

to understand a similar topic at more advance level.

Definition of terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for clarity and understanding.

Effect refer to the change that result when something is done or happen .

In this study ,effect refers to the impact of having broken family to the student academic performce.

Student refer to a person who attends a school ,college or university .

In this study ,student refer to the scout grower affected by having a broken family .

Broken family refer to a family in which one parent is absent ,usually due to divorce or

In this study , broken family refer to the situation that student are facing that affects to the

academic performance .

Academic performance refer to indicate tp student success is the extent of which a student

teacher or the institution has achiev their short or long term educational goals

In this study academic performance refers to the average grade of the student first semester 2018-


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