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Perpetuation of Life

What I need to know

One characteristic of living organisms is how a few single cells can multiply, diversify
and organize to form a system of higher organisms. It ensures continued existence of a species.
Plant and animals today exist only because organisms of past generations reproduce them. The
process involved is guided by sequence of information and transfer. For the sake of all living
things, a plant`s reproduction should not stop. Plants provide one of people`s basic needs food.
On the other hand, plants need animals for carbon dioxide, a product of animal and human
cellular respiration.
Living organisms have a variety of reproductive patterns exhibited by plants and
animals. In this unit we will explore how cells of different organisms multiply and diversify. As
you go over this unit, we will also find out more about recent advances in reproductive
technology and how humans use genetic methods to improve life.

This module has five (5) lessons:

▪ Lesson 1 – Plant Reproduction and Its Structures
▪ Lesson 2 – How animals reproduce?
▪ Lesson 3 – Genetic information and Protein synthesis.
▪ Lesson 4 – Genetic Engineering and the uses of GMO
▪ Lesson 5 – Risks and Benefits of GMO`s (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Learning Objectives
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Describe the different ways of how plants reproduce. (S11/12LT-IIej-13)
2. Illustrate the relationship among structures of flowers, fruits and seeds.
3. Describe the different ways of how representative animals reproduce. (S11/12LT-
4. Explain how the information in the DNA allows the transfer of genetic information and
synthesis of proteins. (S11/12LT-IIej-16)
5. Describe the process of genetic engineering. (S11/12LT-IIej-17)
6. Conduct a survey of the current uses of genetically modified organisms. (S11/12LT-
7. Evaluate the benefits and risks of GMO`s. (S11/12LT-IIej-19)

General Instructions
To achieve the competencies of this module, complete the following:
1. Understand and follow the instructions carefully.
2. Accomplish the pre-test to identify your preparedness about the lessons in this module.
3. Refer your answers to the given answer key.
4. Read each lesson and do activities provided for you.
5. Demonstrate the activities to guide you in comprehending the lessons.
4. Take the self-test/Check your knowledge after each lesson to assess your understanding
of the topics.

Plant Reproduction and Its Structures

Learning Concept

Why is reproduction important? Reproduction is important for the perpetuation of

species. If there were no means of reproduction, individuals of a species would not exist
anymore and their species would die. In reproduction, new generations are produced and the
species lives on. How do you think plants reproduce? They do it through Asexual and Sexual
reproduction. Both type of reproduction can reproduce possibly because of cell division. The
main difference between the two is in terms of parents. For example, a new individual form from
a part of a parent individual. So, only one parent is involved. A new individual is genetically
identical from the parent this time it is called asexual reproduction. Meanwhile, Flowering plants
are the dominant plant form on land and they reproduce by sexual and asexual method.
According to Valdez, Annabelle (2014) the sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves the
production of male and female sex cells. When the male and female gametes are transfer to
ovules the process is called pollination. After pollination, fertilization takes place and the ovules
grow into seeds within and inside a fruit.
On the other hand, plant reproduction can also be accomplished through sexual and
asexual reproduction which is then called Alternation of generation. Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
plant. It can reproduce asexually, even without the fertilizing the sex cells, by either vegetative
reproduction as defined by Hans Winkler., He further says that as replacement of the normal
sexual reproduction by asexual reproduction without fertilization, many plants are able to
propagate themselves using asexual reproduction. This method does not require the investment
requirement to produce a flower, attract pollinators, or find a means of seed dispersal. Asexual
reproduction produces plants that are genetically identical to the parent plant because no mixing
of male and female sex cells takes place.
Naturally, these plants survive well under stable environmental conditions when
compared with plants produced from sexual reproduction because they carry genes identical to
those of their parents. Advantages of asexual reproduction include the increased rate of maturity
and a sturdier (strong) adult plant roots and stems of the plants such as corms, stem tubers,
rhizomes, and stolon which undergo asexual reproduction or vegetative reproduction. See
some samples below;

Potato is the underground manifestation of stem. It is called as stem tuber. Potato
reproduces asexually by the process known as vegetative propagation. Potato have small eyes
which gives rise to scaly leaves. During rainy season these eyes start to produce scaly leaves
due to availability of required amount of moisture. Scaly leaves will then develop into new plants.

Gabi (Bisaya)

Corm is vertical, fleshy, underground stem

that acts as a food-storage structure in certain
seed. Corms can store starches to fuel
growth and to help plants survive unfavorable
conditions, and many produce offshoots
known as daughter corms or cormels that are
used for vegetative reproduction.

Luy-a (Bisaya)

The rhizomes grow out from its original

plant and invade the nearby soil.
They then make new flowering stalks.

Bermuda Grass

Stolon or runner a stem that runs along

the ground, at the nodes, it forms
adventitious roots that grow into a new
plant such as Bermuda grass.

What`s new
Learning Activity: Growing New Plant from One Plant

Materials: Hand lens, 3 small pots with sandy soil and ginger
1. Take a whole piece of ginger. Take note on its bump like portions. These are the buds.
2. Now cut the ginger into several pieces containing at least a bud. Plant these pieces of
ginger separately in pots with moistened sandy soil. Do not bury them deeply.
3. Don’t forget to moisten the soil regularly.
4. Then examine the pots after 2 weeks.
Q1: Do you notice a thing growing out of the soil? You may dig up carefully around the ginger
plants you planted.
Q2: Do you now notice any signs of growth? In which part of the ginger piece do you
notice growth occurs?
Q3: Do you agree asexual reproduction occurs in the ginger?
Sexual Reproduction
Now this time, what is sexual reproduction in plants? It produces offspring by the fusion of
gametes, which result in offspring that are genetically different from the parent or parents.
Sexual reproduction involves two fundamental processes: mitosis and meiosis, which
rearranges the genes and reduces the number of chromosomes, and the fertilization, which
restores the chromosome to a complete diploid number. In between these two processes,
different types of plants like an alga vary, but many of them, including all land plants, undergo
alternation of generations, with two different multicellular structures, a gametophyte and a
Look at the illustration below, two sex sells unite to form a complete cell called which is
called a zygote. The zygote then divides many times by mitosis and forms and embryo. Through
a complicated process of growth, it develops into an adult. The adult then produces sex cells
anew, thus, the life cycle continues.

Generalized sexual reproduction in Plants

However, sex cells (sperm and egg) which are reproduced in different organs can be
found in the same plant or in different individual plant. Take for instance the gumamela plant.
Picture below shows how reproduction takes place in plant. The transfer of pollen from anther to
the stigma is called Pollination.

Sexual Reproduction of Plants and the Parts of a Flower

The picture shows that when pollen which consist of the anther and filament from the
male organs (stamen) reaches the female organ which consist of the stigma, ovule and pistil)
fertilization then starts. When pods mature, they dry and crack to open and then release seeds,
which fall to the ground and germinate to make more plant.
Do you think it is possible for a flower to pollinate itself? Can the two types
Asexual and sexual reproduction happen in some flowering plants? The answer is yes,it is
possible for a pollen of one flower to pollinate another flower. Therefore, it is called cross
pollination and is made possible with the help of wind, insects and birds. Among plants, there
are many methods of reproduction and development such as Ferns (Pako-pako) and mosses
(Lumot) sexual and asexual reproduction can occur but it is known as Alternation of
Generation as shown in the picture below.

The Life Cycle of Fern (Pako-pako) plant

What`s More
Learning Activity : Observing the Fern (Pako-pako) Plant
Whole Fern Plant (Include the underground Stem)
Scalpel or Blade
Fertile fern or fronds
Cover slip

1. Examine the Fern Plant. Then take note of the Horizontal stem which grows
underground, the roots and the stem. This is the sporophyte stage.
2. Observe if there is small fern plant this is called underground stem.
For what is the underground stem then?
3. Observe the upper and lower surface of the fern leaves. Now, take note of the small
brown structure present.
4. Scrape some of the brown material on a slide. Place a drop of water on a coverslip.
5. The small stalked structures are now called spore cases. Few of these may have been
broken in handling. Observe that some spores may scatter on the slide while others may
be inside the spore case.

Q1: Can you locate the sporophyte of a fern plant?

Q2. What do you call the brown material in the slide?
Q3. What becomes the zygote during development?

What I have Learned


1. What did you learn?

2. What topic did you not understand?
3. What did you enjoy more about in the lesson?
4. What aspect in the teaching worked best for you?
How animals reproduce?

Learning Concept

There are some animals produce offspring through asexual reproduction while other
animals produce offspring through sexual reproduction. The two methods of reproduction
have advantages and disadvantages. Asexual reproduction certainly produces offspring that
are genetically identical to the parent because the offspring are all clones and resembles of
the original parent. A single individual can produce offspring asexually and large numbers of
offspring can be produced rapidly; definitely these are two advantages that asexually
reproducing organisms have over sexually reproducing organisms. In a stable or normal
environment, asexual reproduction is an effective means of reproduction because all the
offspring will be adapted to that environment.
In an unstable or not normal environment, species that reproduce asexually may be
at a disadvantage because all the offspring are genetically identical and may not be adapted
to different conditions. In sexual reproduction, the genetic material of two individuals is
combined to produce genetically diverse offspring that can be different from their parents.
However, the genetic diversity of sexually produced offspring is thought to provide sexually
reproducing individual’s greater fitness because many of their offspring can survive and
reproduce in an unpredictable or unstable environment. The species that reproduce sexually
and have separate sex cells must maintain two different types of individuals, males and
females. As a result, only half of the population (females) can produce the offspring,
therefore fewer offspring will be produced compared to asexual reproduction. This sitting is a
disadvantage of sexual reproduction compared to asexual reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction can occur in prokaryotic microorganisms (bacteria and
archaea) and in many eukaryotic, single-celled and multi-celled organisms. There are
several ways that animals reproduce asexually among these are;
Binary fission can occur in some invertebrate, multi-celled organisms. The term fission
is applied for instances in which an organism appears to split itself into two parts and, if
possible, regenerate the missing parts of each new organism. For example, species of
turbellarian flatworms which is commonly called the planarians they are able to separate
their bodies into head and tail regions and then regenerate the missing half in each of the
two new organisms. Sea anemones (Cnidaria) on the other hand, such as species of the
genus Anthopleura will divide along the oral-aboral axis, while sea cucumbers
(Echinodermata) of the genus Holothuria, will divide into two halves across the oral-aboral
axis and regenerate the other half in each of the resulting individuals.

Sea Anemone can

split down the
middle resulting to
the production of
individual identical
to the original.
Sea Anemone (taken from Camiguin Island
Budding is a form of asexual reproduction which results from the outgrowth of a part
of the body leading to a separation of the “bud” from the original organism and will lead to
the formation of two individual, one is smaller than the other. Budding occurs commonly in
some invertebrate animals among these are hydras and corals. In the case of hydras, a bud
forms that develops into an adult and breaks away from the main body.

Outgrowth of hydra leading to another formation of species.

Picture of hydra is truly fascinating in small aquatic animals. Most hydra shows the
outgrowth part leading to it are tiny, reaching a maximum of only about 30 mm long when it
can separate into bud fully extended. They are barely visible to the naked eye and even in
hand lens needed to be able to see them properly. When the body is extended the tentacles
will wave in the water.

Fragmentation is a type of reproduction which breaks an individual into parts followed
by regeneration. When the animal is capable of fragmentation, and when parts are big
enough, a separate individual will regrow from each part. Fragmentation can occur through
accidental damage, from predators, or in natural form of reproduction. Reproduction through
fragmentation can be detected in sponges, planarians, earthworms and sea stars. This
process could form a new individual which can be regenerated from a broken arm and a
piece of the central disc.

Pictures above show how the starfish reproduce

Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction in which an egg develops into
an individual without being fertilized by an organism. The result of the offspring can either be
haploid or diploid, depending on the process in the species. Parthenogenesis can occur in
invertebrates such as water fleas, rotifers, aphids, stick insects, and ants, wasps, and bees.
Ants and bees use parthenogenesis to produce haploid males (drones). The diploid females
are the result of a fertilized egg in some vertebrate animals such as certain reptiles,
amphibians, and fish can also reproduce through parthenogenesis. The term is derived from
the Greek words for “virgin birth,” and several insect species including aphids, bees, and
ants are known to reproduce by parthenogenesis.

Picture shows how honey bee reproduce by parthenogenesis in which egg can develop into
an embryo without being fertilized by a sperm cell.

Sexual Reproduction in Animals

In sexual reproduction, the two parents donate genes to their young resulting to
offspring with a mix of inherited genes from the parent. These genes can be donated
and mix through a process called fertilization. During sexual reproduction among
animals, a haploid sperm will then unite with a haploid egg cell in order to form a diploid
zygote. The zygote then divides mitotically into an embryo. The embryo grows and
matures eventually. After birth or hatching time, the animal develops into a mature adult
that is capable for reproduction. There are two methods by which fertilization can take
1. external fertilization (the eggs are fertilized outside of the body),
2. internal fertilization (the eggs are fertilized within the female reproductive tract).

External Fertilization
External fertilization is a process of fusion of male and female sex cells (sperm and
egg) occurs mostly in wet environments and requires both the male and female to
release and eliminate their gametes into their surroundings (usually water). This process
is also called spawning.
The advantage of external fertilization is that it could results to the production of a
large number of offspring. One disadvantage is that environmental hazards, such as
predators, an animal that greatly reduce the chance of surviving into adulthood.
Amphibians, fish, and coral are examples of organisms that reproduce this way.
Animals that reproduce by spawning reproduction do not typically care for their
young after spawning. In other spawning animals, it provides varying degrees of
protection and care for their eggs after fertilization. Some will hide their eggs in the sand
like turtles while others carry them around in pouches like kangaroo. This extra care and
protection increase the animal's chances of survival.
External fertilization that occurs outside of Female Parent

Amphibian Fishes Aquatic Vertebrates

Internal fertilization is the union of an egg cell with a sperm during sexual
reproduction inside the body of a parent gametes. For this to happen, there is need for this
method for the male to introduce the sperm into the female's reproductive tract. Only male
gametes are discharged in the female genital’s tract. Meanwhile in Internal fertilization is
also followed by almost all plants like bryophytes, pteridophytes except for a few aquatic
non-vascular plants. It can also occur in terrestrial (animal s living on land). This method
follows three ways which are oviparity, viviparity, ovoviviparity.
Oviparity is when animals lay eggs outside, and the nourishment is given to the
offspring by the presence of the yolk in the egg. These animals are called oviparous, like
birds, most amphibians, reptiles, bony fish, and some cartilaginous fishes.
Viviparity is for mammals, few reptiles and cartilaginous fish. In this, the offspring is
developed within the body of a female and receive nourishment through the placenta coming
from the mother’s blood. Eventually, the developed offspring comes out from the mother`s
body. These animals are called as viviparous
Ovoviviparity, is when the eggs are retained in the female body, and the
nourishment is provided from the yolk present in the egg only to the developing embryo. The
egg hatched when the young ones are fully developed. Sharks, lizards, snakes follow this

Internal fertilization that occurs inside of female parent

Reptile Bird Mammal

What’s New
Learning Activity:
Answer me now!
Directions: In your Journal Log , answer the following questions (5 points each)

1. What is the difference between internal and external fertilization?

2. Discuss how oviparous and viviparous animal developed.

What I can do

Learning Activity: My Own Model?

Instructions: Make a clay model of reproduction with the following animals Starfish,
Honeybee and Hydra using the suggested materials below.
✓ Multiple Colors of Clay
✓ Toothpicks
✓ Large pan or sheet
✓ Used papers for labeling
✓ Tape

What I have learned


1. What did you learn?

2. What topic did you not understand?
3. What did you enjoy more about in the lesson?
4. What aspect in the teaching worked best for you?
Genetic Information and
LESSON 3 Protein Synthesis

Learning Concept

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the molecule that contains the genetic

information of organisms. It is found in each cell in the organism and can tell cells
what proteins to make. It can be called a double helix hence; the structure consists of
two strands that wind around each other like a twisted ladder. Each strand will have
a backbone made of alternating groups of sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate
groups attached to each sugar is one of four bases. These are the following adenine
(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T). The two strands are held together by
bonds between the two bases, adenine forming a base pair with thymine, and
cytosine forming a base pair with guanine. How can we determine the sequence of
protein synthesis? The synthesis of protein takes two steps: Transcription and

Picture shows the

DNA Structure. It contains the
genetic instructions used in
the development of all living
things. DNA act as organisms
blue print that gives the
instruction for which kind of
protein each cell should
made. Before a protein can

DNA Model
In transcription, formation encoded from DNA gene in the nucleus will be transmitted
messenger RNA, or mRNA. The mRNA carries the code or the DNA Copy for building a
specific protein from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

Transcription Process

The process of transcription

Transcription takes place in the nucleus: As mentioned by (Beckett B.S,2000), the
gene coding for the protein is required to untwists then unzips, the Hydrogen or the H-bonds
between the strands break free RNA nucleotides that will form complementary base pairs
with one strand of DNA bases. Weak hydrogen bonds form between base pairs are sugar
phosphate bonds form between RNA nucleotides then mRNA strand is synthesized.
In translation process, tRNA picks up specific amino acids from the cytoplasm and
brings them into position on the surface of a ribosome where they can be joined together in
specific order to make a specific protein.

The process of translation

Translation takes place in the ribosomes of the cytoplasm, or found on the rough
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): The ribosomes are the sites were proteins are synthesize the
mRNA strand attaches to a ribosome which is known as tRNA molecules transport specific
amino acids to the ribosome each of the , these are the mRNA codon codes for a specific
amino acid the anti-codons and codons match up and form complementary base pairs
peptide bonds form between the adjacent amino acids to form the polypeptide (protein).
It must be noted that the tRNA is reused and collects another specific amino acid.
Then once the protein has been synthesized mRNA may move to another ribosome to make
a further protein or it can be broken down into free nucleotides to be reused.
Processing the proteins
After translation process, the protein passes into the channels of the rough
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for transportation to proceed. The protein is then transmitted
from the rough ER to the Golgi apparatus inside tiny fluid-filled sacs, called vesicles. The
Golgi apparatus is a system of membranes, this is responsible for the modification,
processing, and packaging of the proteins. The protein may have a carbohydrate added, in
order to form a glycoprotein. The Golgi apparatus packages the protein in a secretory
vesicle, which fuses to the cell membrane and releases the protein from the cell. So, the
process continues;

Production of Proteins

What`s More

Learning Activity: Transcribe and Translate

Directions: Choose the correct answer from the box and write it in the space provided.
A. Transcription

DNA mRNA Gene coding

Nucleus Cytoplasm Sugar Phosphate

1. Requires untwists then unzips ________________________

2. Carries the blue print or genetic information. _____________
3. Where translation process starts. ______________________
4. Synthesized from RNA nucleotides ____________________
5. Where new mRNA strands move out ___________________ 6. Bonds form between
RNA Nucleotides. _________________


Codon/anticodon protein

1. Transport specific acid. ____________

2. Where translation takes place_____________
3. Match up from complementary base pairs. ________________
4. Soon is released from the cell _______________
C. Explain why protein synthesis is important in the transfer of genetic

What I Have Learned

Jo u r n a l Lo g

1. What did you learn?

2. What topic did you not understand?
3. What did you enjoy more about in the lesson?
4. What aspect in the teaching worked best for you?

4 ______________________________________________________

Genetic Engineering and the uses of


Learning Concept

Genetic Engineering is the process of adding the foreign DNA to the genome
of an organism. The target of adding one or more DNA is to have one or more traits
that are not found in a certain organism. On the other hand, it can also be a process
of physically remove from one organism and transfers the gene(s) for one or a few
traits into another gene. To understand how genetic engineering works, we must
understand the following concept;

What is DNA?
DNA is a molecule found in the nucleus of every body cell and is made up of 4
sub-units represented by the letters which is spell out as A, T, C and G. As cited by
Bruce, Albert (2000). The order of these sub-units in the DNA stands holds a code of
information for the cell. The genetic coding uses 4 letters to spell out the instructions
sequence so how to make the proteins organisms will need to grow and live. Small
segments of DNA are called genes. Each gene holds the instruction on how to
produce a single protein. Each organism may have a thousand of genes. The set of
all genes in an organism is called a genome.

Why are Proteins important in Genetic Engineering?

Proteins do the work of the in cells. They can be part of structures (such as
cell wall, organelles, tissues etc.) They can regulate reactions that take place in the
cell or they can serve as enzymes which speed up reaction. Everything you see in an
organism either made of proteins or the result of protein actions.

How is DNA important in genetic engineering?

DNA is a universal language, which means that genetic code is the same
thing in all organisms. When a gene for a desirable trait is taken from one organism
and inserted into another, it gives the recipient organism the ability to express the
trait encoded by that gene.

Types of Genetic engineering

Analytical Engineering this is the research branch of genetic engineering in

which virtual genetic models are created using computer software. Several computer
programs are used to hypothetically study the implications of various genetic
engineering activities if they are to be carried out in field practice. For example,
before going ahead and splicing two different genes in actual application, preparing
an analytical model based upon an appropriate program, developed for the purpose,
will give the researchers an idea whether splicing would be successful at all and if
successful, if the desired end would be achieved. This is a better way of carrying out


the trial and error stage and reduces risks of disaster during experiments using real
organisms, most likely animals.

Applied genetic engineering

Genetic engineering, mentioned by Beckett, B.S 2000, is that field of genetic
engineering which pertains to practical application of genetic engineering tools to
manipulate the genes of living organisms for making genetic copies. To site certain
different characteristics in them that are not usual for the subjects. The first instance
is what we refer as cloning and the second set up refers to the premises of
transgenesis. While cloning is a highly regulated field, it has been carried out in
various subjects of animal and plant species with mixed results and uncertain
success rates. Transgenesis, on the other hand, is a comparatively common area
and most of us have partaken of the results of transgenesis sometime or the other.
Don't believe me? Well, what about hybrid fruits and vegetables? They are the most
common and abundant examples of transgenesis.

Chemical genetic engineering

Chemical genetic engineering can be called the main level of applied genetic
engineering since it deals with separating, classifying and graphing genes to prepare
them for applied genetic engineering activities and experiments. Chemical genetic
engineering may include genetic mapping, studying genetic interaction and genetic
coding. In the case of genetic mapping, the DNA fragments are assigned to
individual chromosomes and therefore, a genetic map is created after the complete
DNA sequencing of a subject is done. Genetic mapping is very important to
understanding the disease-gene link and this understanding lays the foundation of
various genes. In studying genetic interactions helps researchers understand exactly
what set and combination of genes would produce a particular phenotype or set of
morphological, physiological and behavioral characteristics. Gene coding deals with
studying and experimenting with amino acid sequences of DNA and RNA is needed
to understand the heredity trends and characteristics of a subject. This can help in
understanding the bases, possibilities and conditions of undesirable hereditary
characteristics, defects and disease in a bid to come out with medical solutions for
the same.
Some scientists involved in the field of genetic research have been moving
toward the goal of being able to change DNA.
Genetic engineering is very useful to enhance people’s lives. If future research
produces more effective, efficient and accurate processes to manipulate human
DNA, scientists will be able to create cures for diseases that are not curable today.
Even birth defects could be almost totally taken out if doctors were able to change
Childs genes before birth. This process could also be adapted to cure hereditary
diseases and prevent them from passing to the future generations. It could also allow
people with family histories of diseases, such as cancer, to "fix" their genetic
sequence to the disease.

Other way that genetic engineering could affect people lives is its application to
genetically modified plants and animals which are used as food. If farmers breed
plants and animals specifically subject to engineered procedure to produce more
meat or fruit, faster and easier than normal, then food would become cheaper and

available. In addition, genetic engineering might allow the creation of better tasting,
or more nutritious foods in the market.

Genetic engineering likewise can improve the health of society tremendously.

Today genetic engineering is used in the fight against problems such as diabetes
and several more illnesses. Take a look at the figure below;

Human chromosome to be inserted to the plasmid of bacterial plasmid for insulin reproduction

These are the steps:

1. They use an enzyme to cut the insulin gene out of the chromosome
2. Plasmids are the removed from bacterial cell.
3. The plasmids are cut open with an enzyme
4. A human insulin gene is inserted into each plasmid
5. The genetic engineers encourage the bacteria to accept the genetically
modified plasmids. Bacteria with the insulin gene are then multiplied.
6. By culturing the genetically engineered bacteria, limitless supplies of insulin
maybe produced.

Uses of Genetically Modified Organisms (Why do we use GMOs?)

➢ GMOs will continue to developed and help farmers with their crops and to
produce safer, more consistent medicines and vaccines.
➢ Some GMO plants are resistant to contain herbicides making weed control
easier and more efficient. This allows for less tillage and less soil erosion.
➢ It creates internal defense in the plant that repels particular insect that would
destroy the crop. This means less insecticide application


➢ GMOs are being tested to enhanced nutrition

➢ GMOs are helping agriculture use less water and grow more drought tolerant

Common GMO`s crops in the world today

(from left to right): Onion, Apple, White Rice, Banana

GMOs Crops Produced in the Philippines

(from left to right): Carrots, Red Rice, Ampalaya, Eggplant

What`s New
Learning Activity: Know your GMO

Directions: Answer the following questions (5 points each).Write your

Answer in your journal log.

1. Enumerate GMO`s produced in the Philippines. Differentiate these GMO`S

product from the same organic product produced using traditional way of planting

2. How can GMO crops help Filipino people? Are they harmful to our health? Why?

Jo u r n a l L o g What I have

1. What did you learn?


2. What topic did you not understand?


3. What did you enjoy more about in the lesson?


4. What aspect in the teaching worked best for you?


5 _____________________________________________________

Risks and Benefits of GMOs

Learning Concept
GMOs presented two different perspectives the risks and benefits to human
and agricultural crops. The most notable risks to human are the potential
development of allergens to GM crops and toxicity from it. On the other hand, studies
also show GM crops have benefits including the increased nutritional value in foods.
These are the reasons why we don’t need GMO foods and on the other hand why
we need it?

Reasons we don’t need GMO foods:

• GMO crops do not increase yield potential

• GMO crops increase pesticide use
• GMO crops have created superweed
• GMO crops have toxic or allergenic effects on laboratory animals.
• GMO and Non-GMO crops cannot Co-Exist
• GMO is not needed for good nutrition
• There are better ways to feed the world
• Conventional breeding is better than GMO
• GMO is not precise technology that will continue to deliver unpleasant

➢ It could potentially solve hunger. Many people would agree that there
is not enough food in the world to feed everybody. As genetically
modified foods increase the yields of more crops, more food is
produced by farmers.

➢ We can begin to grow foods in different conditions. For, instance,

strawberries can be genetically engineered to grow in frosts. Other
foods that grow in cold climates can be engineered to grow in hot
➢ Some foods can be genetically modifying to contain higher amounts of
important vitamins and minerals. Hence, lack Vitamin

➢ A can cause blindness so, if rice can be modified to contain more

vitamin A, the amount of people going blind will decrease.


What`s New
Learning Activity:
What can you say?

Directions: Read the opinion made by author and answer the self-test below, using
the guide questions given.

Face to face debate on GMO

DR. PERLMUTTER is a board DR. SARAH EVANEGA is a biologist

certified neurologist and four-time who earned her doctorate degree
from Cornell University. Where she
new York Time best-selling author.
also helped lead a global project to
He received his MD from the
help protect the world`s wheat
University of Miami school of from wheat stem rust. She`s
medicine where he was awarded . currently the director of the cornell
He is a frequent lecturer at Alliance for Science., a global
communication initiative that’s
symposia sponsored by World
seeking to restore science to the
Bank ,Yale university Columbia. He
policies and discussion around
serve as an associate genitically engineered crops.
Professor of the university of Miami

miller School of Medicine. He also

serve as the board of director and is

a fellow of the American college of

1. What is your stance on GMO as food?
Dr. Sarah Evanega
Genetically modified organism (GMO) food is safe. I eat GMO foods, as much
as my three young children do, because I’m confident in the safety of these products.
I support GMO food because I’m convinced that GMO crops can help reduce poverty
and hunger among smallholder farmers in developing nations.
They can also lessen the environmental impact of agriculture in general.
Genetic engineering is a tool that can help us breed crops that resist drought,
diseases, and insect pests, which means farmers achieve higher yields from the
crops they grow to feed their families and generate extra income.

Dr. David Perlmutter:

Genetic modification of agricultural seeds isn’t in the interest of the planet
inhabitants. Genetically modified (GM) crops are associated with an increased use of
chemicals, like glyphosate, that are toxic to the environment and to humans. These
chemicals not only contaminate our food and water supplies, but they also
compromise soil quality and are actually associated with increased disease
susceptibility in crops.
This ultimately leads to an increase in the use of pesticides and further
disrupts ecosystems. And yet, despite these drawbacks, we haven’t seen increased
yield potential of GM crops, although that has always been one of the promises of
GM seeds.

2. Is GMO really less healthy than non-GMO food? Why or why not?

Dr. Sarah Evanega:

From a health perspective, GMO food is no different than non-GMO food. In
fact, they can even be healthier. Imagine peanuts that can be genetically engineered
to reduce levels of aflatoxin which would give those with celiac disease a healthy and
tasty bread option. GM corn has cut levels of naturally-occurring mycotoxin— a toxin
that causes both health problems and economic losses.
Other GMO foods, such as vitamin A-enriched Golden Rice, has been fortified
with vitamins and minerals to create healthier staple foods and help prevent
malnutrition. In general, though, the process of engineering crops to contain a certain
trait, such as pest-resistance or drought-tolerance, does nothing to affect the nutrient
quality of food. Insect-resistant Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops actually reduce or
eliminate the need for pesticide applications, which further improves their
healthfulness and safety.
Similarly, studies have shown a new disease-resistant GMO potato could
reduce fungicide use by up to 90 percent.
Again, this would certainly result in a healthier potato — especially since even
organic farmers use pesticides. I understand that people have legitimate concerns
about highly processed foods, such as baked goods, breakfast cereals, chips, and
other snacks and convenience foods, which are often made from corn, soy, sugar
beets, and other crops that are genetically engineered. It’s the manufacturing
process, however, that makes these items less healthy than whole foods, like fruits,
vegetables, and grains. The origin of the ingredients is irrelevant.

Dr. David Perlmutter:

Without question, the various toxic herbicides that are liberally applied to GM
crops are having a devastating effect. In terms of the nutritional quality of
conventional versus GM food, it’s important to understand that mineral content is, to
a significant degree, dependent on the various soil-based microorganisms. When the
soil is treated with glyphosate, as is so often the case with GM crops, it basically
causes sterilization and deprives the plant of its mineral absorption ability. But to be
fair, the scientific literature doesn’t indicate a dramatic difference in the nutritional
quality comparing conventional and GM agricultural products in terms of vitamins
and minerals.
GM herbicide-resistant crops now account for more than 50 percent of the
global glyphosate usage. The connection between GM crops and use of chemicals
poses a significant threat to the health of humans and our environment.

3. Does GMO food affect the health of the environment? Why or why

Dr. Sarah Evanega:

GMOs have a positive impact on the health of the environment by
suppressing the population of damaging insect pests, it’s also created a “halo effect”
that benefits farmers raising non-GM and organic vegetable crops, allowing them to
reduce their use of pesticides, too. We’re also seeing the use of genetic engineering
to breed crops that can produce their own nitrogen, thrive in dry conditions, and
resist pests.

These crops will directly benefit environmental health by cutting the use of
fertilizers, pesticides, and water. Other researchers are working to accelerate the
rate of photosynthesis, which means crops can reach maturity quicker, thus
improving yields, reducing the need to farm new land, and sparing that land for
conservation or other purposes. Genetic engineering can also be used to reduce
food waste and its associated environmental impact. Examples include non-browning
mushrooms, apples, and potatoes, but could also be expanded to include more
perishable fruits.

Dr. David Perlmutter:

No doubt. Our ecosystems have evolved to work in balance. Whenever
harmful chemicals like glyphosate are introduced into an ecosystem, this disrupts the
natural processes that keep our environment healthy. Other studies that have looked
at the pesticide levels in ground waters reported that 53 percent of their sampling
sites contained one or more pesticides. These chemicals are not only contaminating
our water and food supplies, they’re also contaminating the supplies for other
organisms in the surrounding environment. So the fact that GM seeds now account
for more than 50 percent of global glyphosate usage is certainly concerning.
Perhaps even more importantly, though, is that these chemicals are harming
the soil microbiome. We are just now beginning to recognize that the various
organisms living in the soil act to protect plants and make them more disease
resistant. Destroying these protective organisms with the use of these chemicals
weaken plants’ natural defense mechanisms and, therefore, will require the use of
even more pesticides and other chemicals
We now recognize that plants, like animals, are not autonomous, but rather
exist in a symbiotic relationship with diverse microorganisms. Plants are vitally
dependent upon soil microbes for their health and disease resistance. To
summarize, the use of pesticides for GM crops is disrupting ecosystems,
contaminating the water and food supplies for the environment’s organisms, and
harming the soil microbiome.

4. Is GMO food necessary to feed the entire world population? Why or

why not?

Dr. Sarah Evanega:

With the world’s population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, farmers are
now being asked to produce more food than they’ve produced in the entire
10,000year history of agriculture. At the same time, we’re facing extreme climate
change events, such as prolonged droughts and severe storms that greatly impact
agricultural production.
Meanwhile, we need to reduce the carbon emissions, water pollution, erosion,
and other environmental impacts associated with agriculture, and avoid expanding
food production into wild areas that other species need for habitat. We can’t expect
to meet these enormous challenges using the same old crop breeding methods.
Genetic engineering offers us one tool for increasing yields and reducing
agriculture’s environmental footprint. It’s not a silver bullet — but it’s an important tool
in the plant breeder’s toolbox because it allows us to develop improved crops more
quickly than we could through conventional methods. It also helps us work with
important food crops like bananas, which are very difficult to improve through
conventional breeding methods.

We certainly can feed more people by reducing food waste and improving
food distribution and storage systems worldwide. But we can’t afford to ignore
important tools like genetic engineering, which can do a lot to improve the
productivity and quality of both crops and live stocks. The social and environmental
problems that we face today are unprecedented in scale and scope. We must use all
the tools available to address the challenge of feeding the world while taking care of
the environment. GMOs can play a part.

Dr. David Perlmutter:

The argument that we need GMO food to feed the entire world population is
unreasonable. The reality of the situation is that GM crops have actually not
increased the yield of any major commercialized food source. The promise of
increased yield potentials with GM crops is one that we have not realized. Another
important consideration in terms of food security is the reduction of waste.
So, there’s definitely a big opportunity to reduce the amount of food that
needs to be produced overall by cutting waste out of the supply chain.

5. Is there a viable alternative to GMO food? If so, what is it?

Dr. Sarah Evanega:

There’s no reason to seek an alternative to GMO foods, from a scientific,
environmental, or health perspective. But if people wish to avoid GMO food, they can
purchase organic products. Organic certification does not allow the use of genetic
engineering. However, consumers need to be aware that organic food does carry a
rather hefty environmental and economic cost.
A recent study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that organic food
costs at least 20 percent more than nonorganic food — a figure that can be even
higher with certain products and in various geographic regions. That’s a significant
difference for families living within a budget, especially when you consider that
organic food is not any healthier than nonorganic foods, and both types of food
typically have pesticide residues that fall well below federal safety guidelines.
Organic crops also have an environmental cost because they’re generally less
productive and require more tilling than conventional and GM crops. They also use
fertilizers from animals, which consume feed and water and produce methane gas in
their waste. In some cases, take apples for example, the “natural” pesticides that
organic growers use are far more toxic to humans and the environment than what
conventional growers use.
In terms of plant breeding, some of the improvements that are possible with
genetic engineering simply couldn’t be accomplished through traditional methods.
Again, genetic engineering offers plant breeders an important tool that can result in a
healthy, eco-friendly approach to agriculture. There’s simply no scientific reason to
avoid this technology in producing food for the world’s growing population.

Dr. David Perlmutter:

Absolutely, there are many innovators working on solutions to sustainably
solve the issue of food insecurity. One area of focus has been reducing the waste
across the supply chain. For example, Apeel Sciences, a company that has raised
funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, developed a natural coating
that’s made of leftover plant skins and stems. It can be sprayed on produce to slow
the ripening

process and extend shelf life, which helps consumers and supermarkets alike reduce
food waste.
In addition to this, forward-thinking researchers are now deeply involved in
studying the microorganisms that live on and near plants in terms of how they
function to enhance not only the health of plants, but the quality and quantity of
nutrients that they produce. According to British agricultural researcher Davide
Bulgarelli, In a recent published articles by The Scientist, “Scientists are looking to
manipulate soil microbes to sustainably increase crop production — and novel
insights into the plant microbiome are now facilitating the development of such
agricultural tactics.”
The research that looks at how microbes benefit plants is consistent with similar
research relating microorganisms to human health. So, another alternative is to
harness and take full advantage of the beneficial interaction between
microorganisms and plants to create a healthier and more productive agricultural


What`s More

Learning Activity: Debate Pa More!

Guide Questions: Write your answer in your journal log (5 points each question)

1. After reading the face to face debate of the two scientists, what is your stand
of GMO product in the Philippines?

2. Do you have GMO product in your municipality? Enumerate some of them

and compare it to the organic crops produce by some farmers in your locality?

3. Does genetic engineering of crops in the Philippines increase harvest yields?

Based your answer In your municipal Department of Agriculture or any
barangay official assigned in Agriculture.

4. Are GM Crop in your community a permanent and effective solution to farmers

weed problems?

What I can do

Learning Activity: E-survey Mo?

Directions: Conduct Interview among the following people in your municipality.

Record your interview, ask the following guide questions and report this
in our next meet up.
a) Barangay Chairperson on Agriculture Committee
b) Barangay Chairman
c) Municipal Agriculturist

1. What are the GMO products in your municipality?

2. Can you cite the benefits of produced GMO crops in your locality.

3. Why are GMOs used in Agriculture?


What I have learned


1. What did you learn?


2. What topic did you not understand?


3. What did you enjoy more about in the lesson?


4. What aspect in the teaching worked best for you?


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