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Nombre: betzi yurani Martinez Diaz.

Ficha: 1441710

subject pronouns
he is intelligent / he works
tercera persona termina en S.

Object Pronouns
She loves me.
I hate you.
She hate him.
Se encuentra al final de una oración o en verbo estativo.

Possessive Adjective
my house is big
his car is beatifull
her bag is black
al inicio de la oración y seguido por un sustantivo por algo que nos

Possessive Pronouns
The dress is mine
The food is ours
Al final de la oración y del verbo tobe.

Reflexion Pronouns
I despise myself
She despises herself
Al final de la oración y de un verbo estativo, algo que nos hacemos por
nosotros mismos.

In the current context, the high-performance sport is a social phenomenon that moves people
and markets worldwide, arousing passions and extreme feelings, with visibility and major
social upheaval, and enable us to transcend emotionally in many ways. The main cause of
these feelings are your idols that stand out for their performance outside the medium and its
identity with a institution, always present in the minds of viewers and of themselves practicing
sports. Moreover, the process of commodification of these idols have become increasingly
common, with strong influence of the media and directly to the public / fans who are
consumers final and most important in this process.

The theme aims to understand how the fans / followers behave before an idol and as fetishism
acts taking these athletes to success and eternalize them, a consistent interpretation of the
humanities concepts already established and of great academic importance.

Training of athletes in the world capitalist

The specialization of sports triggers a series of effects for the athlete's life, in which to achieve
goals athletes must dedicate themselves fully in their practice, leaving aside many other
activities that have an ordinary individual, he learns to make little the frequent nights out with
friends, having a healthy diet and live with the pain. To Marques, the demand for the expertise
of an athlete culminated with beginning increasingly early careers of sports.

According to Diniz and Liming, the sport previously seen as an activity that aims to promote
health, wellness, education and culture, has lost its meaning over time, since its image before
considered synonymous with happiness and ascension social ruptured, and becomes a
commodity and today gives way to the sport based on the media, so it can be said that the
media today no longer transmits the sport, she transforms.

Reference athletes are capable of interfering with an individual and even in a society; there are
mechanisms that enhance this effect.

Thus, Marx understands this commodification of characters such as fetishism, which is when a
process of transformation, in the case of an athlete, merchandise and society assigns values
characteristics of the products, thus losing its natural value, in which production Merchandise
fetishism and become inseparable.

Interpretation of idealization athlete

To Pilotto, the idol causes major impacts on society, from the way you dress, to how to cut hair
and encouraging children to sports practice. They quickly become linked to particular brand,
losing its worth and as an athlete, becoming a commodity.

"The impression of a luminous object on the optic nerve is not presented with a subjective
arousal nerve itself, but as a sensitive way of something that exists outside of the eye. But the
act of vision, light is designed by a foreign object on another object, the eye, it is a physical
relation between physical things. Instead, the commodity form and the relative value of the
products of labor (in which he is represented) have absolutely nothing to do with its physical
nature (or with the material relations arising from it). It's only a definite social relation
between men themselves who gets in their eyes, the fantastic form of a relation between

"Is what you might call the fetishism which clings to the products of labor as soon present
themselves as commodities, and is therefore inseparable from mode-of-production. (This
character fetish world of commodities takes place, as shown by the above analysis, own social
character of labor that produces goods)."

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