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 Transcendent Value
 To be moral is to be human.
 Idealists vs. Relativists
 Living by the right values humanizes.
 Values have cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions.
 Value formation includes formation in the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects.
 Value formation is a training of the intellect and will.
 “The intellect proposes and the will disposes.” – St. Thomas Aquinas
 Self- training – training the intellect and will
 Developing the intellect
3 Functions of the intellect:
a. Formation of ideas
b. Judgment
c. Reasoning
 Developing the will => to act on the good and avoid the bad => SELF-TRAINING
 Virtuous vs. Vicious Life
 Virtuous = abundance and joy
 Vicious = perdition and misery
Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values
 Values of the Holy
 “absolute objects”
 belief, adoration, bliss
 Spiritual / Mental Values
 Values independent of the whole sphere of the body and environment
 aesthetic values
 Values of right and wrong
 Values of pure knowledge
 Vital Values
 Values pertaining to:
 WELL – BEING (e.g. health)
 VITAL FEELING (e.g. excellence)
 Pleasure Values
 SENSUAL Feelings
 Something to ponder upon:
Take care of your thoughts, they become your actions;
Take care of your actions, they become your habits;
Take care of your habits, they become your character;
Take care of your character, it becomes your destiny.

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