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Reading Comprehension Test

Submitted by Jeeraphat Ua-adjimarkul 1010

An ice-cream-like food was first eaten in China in 618-97AD. King

Tang of Shang, had 94 ice men who helped to make a dish of
buffalo milk, flour and camphor. A kind of ice-cream was invented
in China about 200 BC when a milk and rice mixture was frozen by
LINE 5 packing it into snow. Roman emperors are supposed to have sent
slaves to mountain tops to bring back fresh snow which was then
flavoured and served as an early form of ice-cream. The King of
England, Charles I, is supposed to have offered his chef £500 a
year to keep his ice-cream recipe a secret from the rest of
LINE 10 England.
The explorer, Marco Polo (1254-1324), is believed to have seen
ice-creams being made during his trip to China and introduced them
to Italy.
Ice Cream sundaes were invented when it became illegal to sell
LINE 15 ice-cream sodas on a Sunday in the American town of Evanston
during the late 19th century. To get round the problem some
traders replaced the soda with syrup and called the dessert an "Ice
Cream Sunday." They replaced the final "y" with an "e" to avoid
upsetting religious leaders.
LINE 20 A Syrian called Ernest E Hamwi is believed to have
invented the ice-cream cone. Apparently, during the 1904 St Louis
World's Fair in the United States, his waffle booth was next to an
ice-cream seller who ran short of dishes. As a favour, Hamwi rolled
a waffle to hold his ice-cream and the cone was born.


It was said that China and Roman invented ice-cream by the Chinese. They
mixed buffalo milk, flour, and camphor packed into snow. Romans also had
slaves to bring back snow from mountain. Ice-cream sundaes were invented
when sodas became illegal on Sunday, so they replaced with syrup and changed
the spelling from “sunday” to “sundae”. Ice-cream cone was also invented when
the seller ran out of dishes and used waffle instead.
1)What is the main idea of the passage?
a. Method of decorating an ice-cream
b. Evolution of ice-cream
c. Who invented ice-cream
d. Favorite ice-cream flavour of people in the past

2)According to the passage, what materials did China first have in their
a. Cow milk, camphor, rice
b. Buffalo milk, nuts, camphor
c. Buffalo milk, camphor, flour
d. Goat milk, flour, rice

3)How Roman emperor kept their ice-cream frozen?

a. Packed it into snow
b. Put them into refrigerator
c. Put them in North pole
d. Had slaves bring snow from mountain and served in hurried

4)Why was the ice-cream cone invented?

a. The customer were bored with ice-cream dishes
b. The waffle booth was next to the ice-cream seller who ran out of dishes
and give waffles to hold the ice-cream
c. The waffle seller shared his booth with ice-cream seller
d. The ice-cream seller helped the waffle seller to sell his waffles

5)The word “illegal” in line 14 means

a. legal
b. Allow
c. Not legal
d. Acceptable

6)The word “camphor” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

a. Ingredients in food with aromatic smell
b. A light spot in the night sky
c. A road vehicle with four wheels
d. Paper that we use in toilet

7)The word “them” in line 13 refers to

a. Ice-creams
b. China
c. The explorer
d. Italy

8)​ ​Which of the following statement is true?

a. Chinese certainly invented ice-cream
b. Roman certainly invented ice-cream
c. The word “sunday” was changed into “sundae” because sodas were illegal
on Friday
d. The word “sunday” was changed to avoid upsetting religious leaders.
9)What can be inferred about “Marco Polo”?
a. He invented ice-cream cone by using waffle
b. The explorer who had seen ice-creams being made during his trip to China
and introduced them to Italy
c. He had gone to the mountain tops to bring back snow for Roman
d. He was the first person who invented refrigerator

10)What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. The economy of selling ice-cream in the past
b. What ice-cream flavours that people loved at that time
c. How ice-cream cone was invented
d. How people created ingredients of ice-cream

1 B
2 C
3 D
4 B
5 C
6 A
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 C

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