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Teacher Candidate: KristiJoy Fedorowicz Date: 2/19/19

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Harr Coop. Initials: ________
Group Size: 24 Allotted Time: 20 mins Grade Level: K
Subject or Topic: Polar Bears Food/Addition Section: Dr. Sychterz

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):

Standard - CC.2.2.K.A.1

Extend concepts of putting together and taking apart to add and subtract within 10.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

 Students will be able to add up to ten by listening to a word problem.
 Students will be able to determine what polar bears eat.

II. Instructional Materials

 Goldfish
 Polar Bear Mats
 Addition Data Sheet
 Whiteboard
 Dry Erase Markers
 Pencils
 Computer
 Projector
 Polar Bear "Can, Are, Have" Anchor Chart

III. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
Prerequisite Skills
 Ability to count up to 10
 One to one correspondence
 Ability to identify numbers with their correct name
 Familiar with the word addition and that adding is putting two groups together
 Can use the phrase "______ and ______ makes _____"
 Introduction to plus sign- plus sign is used in addition, the symbol is made by writing one line
down and one line across
 Knowledge that the plus sign represents "and" in an equation
 Can make a plus sign and know that it looks like "+"
 Can make an equal sign and knows that it looks like "="
 An equal sign is used to represent items that are the same
 An addition problem is made by ____ + _____ = _____

Key Vocabulary
Big Idea
 It is important for students to be able to solve addition problems when given real life situations.

Subject Matter
 Word problems- when numbers are used in real life scenarios and students need to determine the
IV. Implementation

A. Introduction –
 Call students to carpet
 Remind the students that before we went out for recess, we learned that polar bears live in the
 Call on a student to raise their hand to tell you what the Arctic is like

B. Development –
 Tell the students to turn and tell their partner something that polar bears eat
 Call on 2 students to share
 Display
 Explain that polar bears mostly eat seals, walruses, and fish and "Polar bears can eat fish, seals,
and walruses" to the anchor chart
 Tell the students that today we will be using addition to determine how many fish polar bears are
 Ask the students to raise their hand to tell you what addition is (Expected answer: Addition is
when you join two groups together to determine how many are altogether)
 Tell the students that they will first be receiving a Polar Mat and an Addition Data Sheet, then
they will be receiving 10 goldfish, tell the students that in order to use the goldfish they must not
touch or eat them until you tell them to, or else they will not be able to use them
 Model a problem for the students
 Send students back to their seats and instruct them to walk quietly and write their name with a
pencil on the data sheet
 Hand out a Polar Bear Mat and 10 goldfish to each student
 Instruct the students to not eat the goldfish
 Explain that I will say a sentence and you will put the correct numbers of goldfish in the polar
bears, draw circles to represent the goldfish and then write the equation on the data sheet
 Say the first word problem "One polar bear ate 1 fish and another polar bear ate 3 fish. How
many fish did they eat altogether?"
 Circulate around the room to check for understanding and help where needed.
 Call on one student to say their answer "1 plus 3 equals 4"
 Instruct all of the students to say it as a class.
 Tell the students to clear their board
 Say the next word problem "One polar bear eats 2 fish and another polar bear eats 4 fish. How
many fish did they eat altogether?"
 Circulate around the room to check for understanding and help where needed.
 Call on one student to say their answer "2 plus 4 equals 6"
 Instruct all of the students to say it as a class.
 Tell the students to clear their mats
 Say the next word problem, "One polar bear ate 3 fish and another polar bear ate 7 fish, how
many fish did they eat altogether?"
 Circulate around the room to check for understanding and help where needed.
 Call on one student to say their answer "3 plus 7 equals 10"
 Instruct all of the students to say it as a class.
 Tell the students that for the next problem, you want them to create one on their own
 Circulate around the room to check for understanding and help when needed.

C. Closure –
 Call on 2 students to share their word problems
 Ask a student to remind the class what polar bears eat in the Arctic
 If students used the goldfish appropriately, they may act like they are polar bears and eat the

D. Accommodations / Differentiation -
 Monitor students O. and S.'s behavior throughout the Independent work to ensure they are on task
 Student S. will be allowed to try using the goldfish, but will also be allowed to use counters if
 Check on student J., C., Z., and S., if needed work with them in a small group at the front table

E. Assessment/Evaluation plan
1. Formative- Data sheet will be collected and checked for accuracy by using a
2. Summative

V. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives

 Due to time, we were only able to get 2 problems complete and 100% of those students
were able to answer those 2 questions correctly.

B. Personal Reflection
1. Did I explicitly explain the directions?
a. Since I displayed the mat and the data sheet onto the board and modeled, I
thought that I explained the directions explicitly. However, as we did the activity
there was a lot of confusion about putting the actual goldfish on the mat. Many of
the students started to draw on the mat to represent the addition equation.
Because of this, I stopped the activity and grabbed all students’ attention to re
explain the directions and then it began to run smoothly. The activity took longer
than anticipated so as a review of addition in the future, we will facilitate this
activity again.

VI. Resources

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