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How animals reproduce?

Reproduction is a biological process by which individuals reproduce. Just like plants, animals
also reproduce by either asexual or sexual reproduction. Reproduction is important and vital for
it ensures the survival of the species as a whole and passing of genes.

Two types of reproduction

Asexual-Does not involve the fusion of gametes

Sexual - New individual formed through the fusion of male and female gametes

Two types of animal reproduction

1. Sexual reproduction- animals require two members of the opposite sex to reproduce

Unisexual- each individual has one type of gonads Male or Female.

Hermaphrodite- each individual has both male of female gonads.

SEXUAL REPRODUCTION-gametes from opposite sexes unite

Sperm (male gamete) formed by meiosis in testes

Eggs (female gamete) formed by meiosis in the ovary.

Hermaphrodites- a plant or animal that has both male and female reproductive organs and
secondary sexual characteristics

Mating – male & female join together to ensure fertilization


The union of male and female reproductive cells gametes to produce a fertilized reproductive
cell zygote.

Fertilization can occur externally or internally

Aquatic animals tend to be external

Terrestrial animals tend to be internal

Development can be external in the water, external on land, or internal.

Males & females release sperm & eggs into the environment – sperm & egg join outside the

Males & females may come into close proximity

Eggs & larvae develop outside the body

Many gametes produced; many zygotes formed

Usually aquatic

External Fertilization – e.g. Salmon

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