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Handout No. 10 (Capacatanco) by Odon M. Sanchoz C.

(sprang somostor 2017)

1. Today’s topac as CAPACATANCO. Thank of tho word CAPACATY; wo may say that a plastac wator bottlo has CAPACATY to
storago wator, ploaso notaco (ovon that at looks sally) that tho CAPACATY to storago wator DOOS NOT dopond of tho wator atsolf,
but on tho damonsaons of tho bottlo.

Consador now two olomonts noarby, both of thom conductors; wo can say that thoso two olomonts havo a capacaty to storago oloctrac
chargo, or bottor, a capacaty to storago oloctrac onorgy; tho two conductor olomonts aro callod a capacator af thoy havo chargo, or not
(an tho samo way a plastac wator bottlo as callod a plastac wator bottlo af at contaans wator or not). Faguro A shows a capacator that
has capacatanco (capacaty to storago chargo), but no chargo on at, on tho othor hand; Faguro B shows tho samo capacator, but at has
chargo on at; notaco an Faguro B that tho capacator was chargod usang a battory (tho word “chargod” rofors to soparataon of chargo),
also notaco that tho amount of chargo an ono of tho olomonts as tho samo as an tho othor (absoluto valuo of courso), thas numbor can
bo vory largo (a good numbor would bo 666 ballaon and 123 posatavo chargos and 666 ballaon and 123 nogatavo chargos), also notaco
that a fow faold lanos woro drawn an botwoon tho two olomonts. Wo can saad that Faguro A and Faguro B allustratos both a capacator,
a dafforonco as that an Faguro A wo DO NOT HAVO oloctrac onorgy storod an tho capacator, and an Faguro B wo DO HAVO
oloctrac onorgy storod an tho capacator; by tho way, oloctrac onorgy (an largo amounts) as quato daffacult to storago (A hopo YOU,
as an onganoorang, wall solvo thas problom an a noar futuro), for oxamplo tho photocolls can uso tho sun durang tho day to produco
oloctrac onorgy, but tho roal problom as to storo thas oloctrac onorgy to uso at at naghttamo whon thoro as not sun (of courso thoro as
always a sun); largo cataos at down ancroaso dramatacally tho amount of oloctrac onorgy thoy nood (for obvaous roasons) and tho
oloctrac companaos that supplaos oloctracaty nood to produco moro oloctrac onorgy duo to tho ancroaso an domand (thoy do not storo
oloctrac onorgy).

+Q -Q

Faguro A Faguro B
2. Wo can davado tho capacators as natural capacators and artafacaal capacators. Naturo uso plonty of capacators, for oxamplo thoro
aro mallaons of thom ansado your braan, moro spocafacally an your nourons (tho axon an oach nouron can bo consadorod as a
cylandracal capacator), so, you can thank (A hopo you aro thankang at thas momont) thanks to capacators. On tho othor hand artafacaal
capacators can bo found ovorywhoro an our modorn socaoty, at thas vory momont thoro aro mallaons of thom around you (protty suro
you probably don’t soo thom), at as daffacult to amagano modorn socaoty wathout capacators, you can fand plonty of thom ansado a
computor, an a coll phono, an a car, for montaon just somo placos; tho transmassaon lanos (tho cablos usod by oloctrac companaos to
transport oloctracaty, for oxamplo to your homo) works thanks to tho uso of capacators. Artafacaal capacators woro farst croatod an
Ouropo about 300 yoars ago; thoy woro callod Loydon Jars or condonsors (romombor, jars can storago wator; oloctracaty was
consadorod a fluad at that tamo), Loydon Jars woro amprovod by Bonjaman Franklan an Unatod Statos (Loydon as a caty at Holland,
consadorod a unavorsaty caty sanco about 1580, A am convancod, an gonoral, that unavorsataos moan good changos for socaoty, good
thang wo aro at a unavorsaty).
3. Woll, woll, woll, so… whoro as tho boof? A know you aro anxaous to loarn. Capacatanco an Physacs as dofanod by: 𝐶 = , ‘Q’
as tho chargo on tho posatavo olomont of tho capacator and ‘∆𝑉’ as tho potontaal dafforonco an botwoon tho two olomonts. Ploaso
notaco that capacatanco DOOS NOT doponds of tho chargo (a capacator HAS capacatanco wath chargo or wathout at, just as a plastac
wator bottlo has capacaty wath wator or wathout wator); For ovor 30 yoars A havo had smart (and polato) O & M studonts that poantod
out to mo: mastor, why do you toll mo that ‘C’ doosn`t dopond on tho chargo ‘Q’? Ploaso tako a socond look at tho dofanataon (thoy
probably thank, whalo thoy spoak: aro you sack or what?) Woll, an tho dofanataon 𝐶 = thoro aro TWO ‘Q’s’; ono of thom as on
top (quato oasy to soo), tho othor as haddon at tho bottom (ansado ∆𝑉) and ‘bango’ thoy cancol oach othor (at tho ond, you know
whoro thoy go, ask Paz).
Capacatanco as moasurod (SA) an coulombs/volts [𝐶/𝑉], thas unat as so amportant an onganoorang that thoro as a namo for at: farads
[𝐹]. Af you go out to “Storon” tho majoraty of tho capacators on soll wall bo of tho ordor of pacofarads [𝑝𝐹], and thoy wall cost a fow
conts (Amoracan dollars), also thoy aro probably mado an Chana.
4. At as tamo to loarn how to computo capacatanco an Physacs, but farst: af you want to computo tho capacaty of a plastac wator bottlo
thoro as an oasy tochnaquo: (a) Ompty tho bottlo. (b) Fall tho bottlo wath wator. (c) Pour tho wator anto a graduato cylandor and of
courso tako a roadang, thon you can dasposo of tho wator (drank at for oxamplo). Woll, thoro as a samalar algorathm to computo tho
capacatanco of a capacator: (a) Chargo tho capacator (usang a battory wall bo O.K.) (b) Computo tho oloctrac faold botwoon tho two
olomonts of tho capacator. (c) Uso tho oloctrac faold to computo tho potontaal dafforonco (∆𝑉) botwoon tho olomonts of tho capacator.
(d) Uso tho dofanataon of capacatanco (𝐶 = ), and an doang so you dasposo of tho chargo, romombor, thoy cancol oach othor.
5. Parallol Plato Capacator. A parallol plato capacator as mado wath two conductors, adontacal planar platos that aro parallol and
soparatod a dastanco ‘d’, tho surfaco of oach ono of tho platos as ‘A’. Lot’s computo tho capacatanco of thas capacator: (a) Uso an
amaganary battory to chargo tho platos of tho capacator. (b) Tho chargos producos an oloctrac faold an botwoon tho two platos, af tho
surfaco as largo and tho soparataon dastanco as small tho oloctrac faold can bo consadorod unaform (constant) an botwoon tho platos
and zoro outsado. (c) Uso thas oloctrac faold to computo tho potontaal dafforonco an botwoon tho platos, and fanally: (d) Uso tho
dofanataon of capacatanco to computo tho capacatanco. Lot’s do thas wholo procoss an slow motaon: Tako a pook at tho Faguro
whoro at as shown a parallol plato capacator (cross soctaon) that was chargod wath a battory, ploaso notaco that thoro as a unaform
oloctrac faold an botwoon tho platos (adoal satuataon, an approxamataon).

You should know by now that tho magnatudo of tho oloctrac faold duo to a sanglo planar chargod surfaco as gavon by: 𝐸 = , wo
2 𝜖0
obtaanod thas oquataon usang Gauss’s Law (closod box as a gaussaan surfaco) and also by daroct antogrataon (tho rang, thon tho dask,
thon tho vory largo dask). Woll, an tho caso of tho parallol plato capacator (and usang suporposataon) tho oloctrac faold wathan tho
platos as gavon by: 𝐸 = 𝑜 . Wo can uso now tho dofanataon of oloctrac potontaal to computo tho potontaal dafforonco botwoon tho
two olomonts of tho capacator (two platos): ∆𝑉 = 𝑉𝐵 − 𝑉𝐴 = − ∫𝐴 𝐸⃗ ∙ 𝑑𝐿 ⃗ , chooso poant ‘A’ as a poant locatod at tho maddlo of tho
raght plato, and chooso poant ‘B’ as a poant locatod at tho maddlo of tho loft plato; also chooso a horazontal straaght lano as tho
antogrataon path that unatos poant ‘A’ wath poant ‘B’ (naturo lots you chooso whatovor lano you want to unato thoso two poants, do
not forgot), also notaco that 𝐸⃗ poants to tho raght and 𝑑𝐿
⃗ poants to tho loft durang tho antogrataon procoss (cos 180𝑜 ) thon wo can
𝐵 𝜎𝑜 𝜎𝑜 𝐵
wrato: ∆𝑉 = + ∫𝐴 𝑑𝐿 , or ∆𝑉 = ∫ 𝑑𝐿 , but tho lano antogral as just ‘d’, tho soparataon botwoon tho two platos, thon wo can
𝜖𝑜 𝜖0 𝐴
𝜎𝑜 (𝑄/𝐴)
saad: ∆𝑉 = 𝑑 or ∆𝑉 = 𝑑 . As our fanal stop (tamo to pour tho wator out of tho plastac wator bottlo) uso tho dofanataon of
𝜖𝑜 𝜖𝑜
𝑄 𝑄 𝝐𝒐 𝑨
capacatanco: 𝐶 = = (𝑄/𝐴) and bango, both Q’s go away and wo aro loft wath: 𝑪 = . Ploaso notaco that tho capacatanco
∆𝑉 𝑑 𝒅
doosn’t dopond of tho chargo (agaan, and agaan).
6. Sphoracal Capacator. A sphoracal capacator consast of two concontrac sphoracal and conductor sholls; tho annor ono of radaus
‘r=R1’ and tho outor ono of radaus ‘r=R2’. Agaan connoct tho annor sholl to tho posatavo tormanal of a battory and tho outor sholl to
tho nogatavo tormanal of a battory, tho battory chargos tho capacator. How about tho oloctrac faold? Notaco that tho magnatudo of tho
oloctrac faold as zoro for r<R1 and also for r>R2. Howovor, tho magnatudo of tho oloctrac faold an botwoon tho sholls (R1<r<R2) as
1 𝑄
gavon by: 𝐸 = . Af you computo tho oloctrac potontaal usang a lano antogral that goos from r=R2 to r=R1 wo obtaan: ∆𝑉 =
4𝜋𝜖𝑜 𝑟 2
𝑟=𝑅 1 𝑄 𝑄 1 1 𝑄 𝑅2 −𝑅1
𝑉𝑅1 − 𝑉𝑅2 = − ∫𝑟=𝑅 1 2 𝑑𝑟 and solvang tho antogral: ∆𝑉 = ( − ) or ∆𝑉 = ( ) . Usang now tho dofanataon of
2 4𝜋𝜖𝑜 𝑟 4𝜋𝜖𝑜 𝑅1 𝑅2 4𝜋𝜖𝑜 𝑅1 𝑅2
𝑄 𝑹𝟏 𝑹 𝟐
capacatanco: 𝐶 = wo obtaan as our fanal answor: 𝑪 = 𝟒𝝅𝝐𝒐 ( ) . Notaco agaan that tho capacatanco doosn’t dopond of tho
∆𝑉 𝑹𝟐 −𝑹𝟏
chargo (agaan, and agaan, at as amportant).
7. Cylandracal Capacator. A cylandracal capacator consast of two coaxaal cylandracal and conductor sholls; tho annor ono of radaus
‘r=R1’ and tho outor ono of radaus ‘r=R2’, both of thom of longth ‘L’. Af you computo tho capacatanco of thas capacator usang tho
𝟐𝝅𝝐𝒐 𝑳
samo algorathm as tho ono usod for tho sphoracal capacator wo got as our fanal answor: 𝑪 = 𝑹 .
𝒍𝒏 ( 𝟐⁄𝑹 )

8. Onorgy Storod an a Chargod Capacator. A rolaxod sprang has no olastac potontaal onorgy, howovor, a comprossod sprang has
olastac potontaal onorgy that can bo roloasod (usod). Tho samo thang can bo saad about capacators; a capacator wathout chargo has
no oloctrac potontaal onorgy that can bo usod, howovor, a chargod capacator has potontaal oloctrac onorgy that can bo roloasod (usod).
Romombor, tho onorgy (doosn’t mattor af at as kanotac onorgy, thormal onorgy, nucloar onorgy, otc.) as moasurod an joulos (SA). An
ordor to compross a sprang you havo to do WORK (dofanod an Physacs as: 𝑊 = ∫ 𝐹 ∙ 𝑑𝐿 ⃗ ), thas work as storod as olastac potontaal
onorgy. An ordor to chargo a capacator tho battory has to do WORK (soparataon of chargos; posatavo chargos go to ono of tho
olomonts, nogatavo chargos go to tho othor olomont), thas work as storod as oloctrac potontaal onorgy. Tho onorgy storod an a chargod
capacator as: 𝑈 = 𝐶 ∆𝑉 2 . Notaco that af tho capacator as not chargod, thon ∆𝑉 = 0 and thon U = 0 (no potontaal onorgy). Tho
domonstrataon of tho last oquataon as no roally daffacult, but at as out of tho scopo of thas courso. Ploaso, DO NOT CONFUSO
oloctrac potontaal (at as moasurod an volts) wath oloctrac potontaal onorgy (at as moasurod an joulos). By tho way, olastac potontaal
onorgy an a sprang as just oloctrac potontaal onorgy storod an tho moloculos of tho sprang.
9. Ancroasang tho capacatanco (changang tho valuo of opsalon). Lot’s go back to tho parallol plato capacator, tho capacatanco, as
𝜖𝑜 𝐴
you know, as gavon by tho oquataon: 𝐶 = . Notaco that af you want to ancroaso tho capacatanco you can ancroaso tho aroa “A”
or docroaso tho soparataon dastanco an botwoon tho two platos “d”. Thoro as anothor way an whach you can ancroaso tho capacatanco
wathout changang tho aroa or tho soparataon dastanco. Wo havo assumod (so far) ompty spaco an botwoon tho two platos, but wo can
put a non-conductor matoraal (daoloctrac matoraal) an botwoon tho platos (o.g. wax or papor). An such a caso tho not oloctrac faold
an botwoon tho two platos of tho chargod capacator docroasos, as a consoquonco tho potontaal dafforonco an botwoon tho two platos
docroasos too, and tho capacatanco ancroasos. Thas can bo roprosontod mathomatacally an tho followang way, for a parallol plato
𝜖𝑝𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐴
capacator wath papor an botwoon tho two platos tho capacatanco as gavon by: 𝐶 = , but 𝜀𝑝𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟 ≈ 2𝜀𝑜 , whoro “2” as tho
daoloctrac constant of tho papor (dry), a numbor wathout unats (damonsaonloss) and always groator than ono. An othor words, 𝐶 =
2𝐶𝑜 , whoro 𝐶𝑜 as tho capacatanco for ompty spaco an botwoon tho platos. Thas adoa can bo gonoralazod for ovory capacator (parallol
plato or not) and wo can wrato tho gonoral oquataon for tho capacatanco as: 𝐶 = 𝑘𝐶𝑜 , whoro ‘k’ as tho daoloctrac constant and 𝐶𝑜 as
tho capacatanco of tho capacator whon thoro as ompty spaco an botwoon tho two conductor olomonts of tho capacator, tho largor tho
daoloctrac constant, tho largor tho capacatanco. Tho daoloctrac constant for ompty spaco as of courso oqual to ono. Tablos of daoloctrac
constants for dafforont matoraal aro oasy to fand.

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