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Attachment #1

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional “Francisco Morazán”


Facultad de Humanidades

Departamento de Lenguas y Letras

English Program

March 19th, 2018

As students of Qualitative Research Methodology Class, of this program; we are studying

about the use of grammar in the speaking of students in level III of this university.

We are collecting information through this diagnostic survey; with the compromise from us,

We thank you in advance for your honesty and objective collaboration.

Instruction: Please complete the following questions to reflect your opinions as accurately as

1. How long ago did you start learning a new language?

a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 15 months
d. Other __________________________________________________________________________________

2. When you participate in class and make a grammar mistake, does the teacher correct

a. Yes
b. No

How do you feel about it?

a. Comfortable
b. Uncomfortable
c. OK. I understand it is a learning process
d. Relaxed
e. Other ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Do you have grammar problems when you speak?
a. Yes
b. No

If your answer is “Yes”, what kind of problems do you have?

a. Choosing the wrong tenses

b. Omitting articles ( a, an, the )
c. Incorrect plural nouns
d. Other ______________________________________________________________________________________

4. What happens if you do not use grammar correctly when speaking? Mark as many as
you want.

a. Be misunderstood
b. You do not understand information given by the teacher
c. You confuse tenses
d. You have difficulties answering questions

5. What do you think is the best way to improve your grammar when speaking?
a. Reading aloud
b. Watching English TV shows
c. Looking for English resources
d. Other _______________________________________________________________________________________

6. If you have doubts about something on grammar, do you ask your teacher or a
classmate? Why?

7. Do you have any difficulty to learn grammar structures in English?

a. Yes
b. No

Which ones?

a. Memorizing and understanding grammar rules

b. Practice during writing and speaking
c. Focus just on speaking but not on grammar usage
d. Transfer from L1 to L2
e. Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________
8. Apart from the English book, what kind of resources does the teacher use to work on
your grammar?

a. Photocopies
b. Video tapes
c. Grammar books
d. Other ______________________________________________________________________________________

9. How do you work on your English grammar outside the classroom?

a. Having conversation with your classmate or friends

b. Listening to English music
c. English courses
d. Other ______________________________________________________________________________________


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