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 Characteristics of a good First Aider

 First Aid – is the initial, immediate, and temporary care given to an injured or
sick person
 Objectives:
 Extend or prolong life – is administered to prolong the life of an injured or
sick person
 Relieve or alleviate pain and suffering – is administered to relieve pain and
suffering caused by the injury or sickness
 Prevent further injury – is administered to help that the victim does not
suffer further damage to other parts
 Characteristics
 Gentle- help lessen or soothe pain, fear and panic
 Observant- observe signs of danger of the place and observe signs of
 Resourceful- making the best use of materials at hand
 Tactful- should be careful not to cause panic or fear that can worsen the
injury and pain
 Sympathetic- provide comfort

 Dressing and Bandaging Techniques

 Functions of Dressing
1. Control bleeding- direct pressure
2. Minimize infection
3. Absorb fluids- prevent further blood loss
 Kinds of Dressing-
 Roller Gauze- made from strips of sterilized gauze rolled tightly. Size: 1,2, 3 in
& 10 yard
 Square gauze- sterilized gauze made from sheets of folded gauze
 Adhesive compress- adhesive strips used for small wounds
 Bandage- clean, sterile fabric materials used to hold the dressing in place
 Purpose of Bandage
1. Control bleeding (prevent blood loss)
2. Immobilize injured body part (secure in place)
3. Secure splints in place
 Shock- collapse of body systems due to lack of oxygen supply to cells
 Splint- mechanical devices used to immobilize and protect injured body parts
 Square Knot- popular tying and securing dressing and bandages

 Kinds of bandage
1. Triangular bandage- triangular-shapes bandage large enough to various
2. Cravat bandage- broad, semi-broad or narrow and prepared by folding a
triangular bandage to the desired size
3. Roller bandage- stipes of sterile bandage rolled tightly
4. Four-tail bandage- has both ends cut, thus makes it four ends. It fits
comfortably on the nose and chin


5. Muslin binder- rectangular cloth 12-18 in & 36-60, pinned in front, chest and
6. Elastic bandage- like a roller bandage, pulled to the desired tightness to
help compress injury

 First Aid for common unintentional injuries

 Wound- injury to living tissue which may or may not cause a break or cut in the
 Swelling (edema) happens when fluid and blood builds up
 Classification of Soft Tissue Injuries
 Closed Soft Tissue Injury (Closed wound)- without breakage
1. Rest
2. Ice
3. Compress
4. Elevate
5. Splint
 Open Soft tissue injury (Open wound)- obvious break in skin and
underlying tissues
1. Abrasion (scrape/gasgas)- scraping or rubbing against rough surface
2. Laceration (skin tear)- jagged slantear caused by blunt or dull object,
has irregular edges
3. Incision- clean and deep cut by sharp object like knife, cutter, blade
4. Puncture- caused by pointed object penetrating the body like nail,
steel, glass
5. Avulsion- animal bites, machineries, explosion, torn tissues separated
from the body
 Types of bleeding
 Capillary- most common, in minor scratches and scrapes, body has
natural clotting that stops the blood within seconds
 Venous- a cut vein is characterized by a steady but slow even flow of
dark blood
 Arterial- most dangerous, involves large volumes of bright blood
 Carrying and transporting victims
 Methods of transfer
A. One-man assist, carry, drag
1. Assist to walk
2. Lover’s carry
3. Packstrap carry
4. Fireman’s carry
5. Piggy back ride
6. Blanket drag
7. Shoulder drag
8. Feet drag
B. Two-Man Assist and carry
1. Assist to walk
2. Four- hand seat
3. Hands as a lifter
4. Chair as a lifter
5. Carry by extremities
6. Fireman’s carry with assistance
C. Three-man and four man carry
1. Bearers along side
2. Hammock carry
3. Improvised stretcher
4. Commercial stretcher

 The drug scenario in the Philippines

 According to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the Ph is listed
as one of the countries in Southeast Asia when drug trafficking is growing in
 According to the Dangerous Drugs Board Website, the most common type of
drug or substance of abuse among Filipinos are:
 Shabu (Metamphetamine Hydrochloride), Marijuana (Cannabis) , Inhalants
(Contact Cement Adhesive)
 Drug – is any substance in synthetic or natural form, which changes an
individual’s physical and psychological well-being
 Factors that influence young people to abuse substances
 Lack of parental supervision and support (Teens)
 Strong peer pressure and curiosity (Adolescence)
 Intense feelings of pleasure (Euphoria)
 Relief from stress, anxiety, and depression (Stress-related disorders)
 Increased physical and cognitive performance

 Dangerous substances and their harmful effects

 Stimulants – Affects the central nervous system raising the body’s levels of
physiological activity. Feels more awake and active than usual. Has street
names such as “uppers”, “speed”, & “heart”
 Depressants – The opposite of stimulants because it slows down the central
nervous system. Also called a “downer”
 Common Types:
1. Alcohol – contains ethanol, the only type of alcohol that is ok for
2. Barbiturates – used to treat medical conditions like seizures and etc.
 Hallucinogens – Known as psychedelic drugs, that alters people’s perception
and concept of what is real
 Narcotics – principally for pain management and medication, Produces
numbing effects and induce sleep
 Chemical Inhalants – volatile substances inhaled by users

 Consumer Issues and Problems

 Consumer – a person who buys and uses info, products, and services
 Health product – products which affects a consumer’s health
 Health Service – is a public service offered by both government and private
medical and healthcare providers
 Issues and problems:
 Overpricing
 Product Hoarding
 Adulterated products
 Unjust Measurements of goods


 False Advertising
 Sale of substandard or low quality products
 Special offers and discounts
 Malpractice and quackery

 Rights and responsibilities of consumer in utilizing health info

 Consumer rights:
1. The right to basic needs
2. The right to safety
3. The right to information
4. The right to choose
5. The right to representation
6. The right to redress
7. The right to consumer education
8. The right to a healthy environment

 Criteria for evaluating Health information

1. Bandwagon Appeal – puts across the idea that everyone has been using
this product but not you
2. False Image Appeal – puts across the idea that if the product is used, a
better and more successful life will be achieved
3. Humor Appeal – uses humor or funny ideas and graphics to get attention
4. Reward Appeal – promises rewards and gifts when product are purchased
5. Scientific Evidence Appeal – employs medical and science professionals to
talk about the product
6. Snob Appeal – Gives the idea of limited edition or supply lasts to
7. Testimony Appeal – employs showbiz personalities or politicians as product
and service endorsers


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