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As soon as I passed through the plane door, I could already feel the cool fresh air across my
face. Unlike in Manila, there were many trees surrounding the area. I see a lot of people, not
just Filipinos but people with different nationalities as well. When we had finally reached the
beach, I could hear the relaxing sound of waves crashing on the shore and the cheerful laughter
of children playing tag and making amazing sandcastles. As I walk down to the beach, I could
smell the mouth-watering food being served across the shiny tables mixing with the salty sea
air. I just love the way the sun feels against my skin and how the grainy white sand squishes
between my toes. Just by the sight of clear skies and deep blue water, I feel so calm and
peaceful. Oh how I wish this vacation would never end.

Process Description

Have you ever craved for a frosty treat but you don't want to go to a store to buy one? Well,
here is a simple recipe I learned from my classmate in making Cookies 'n Cream ice cream at
home without using an ice cream machine.

Before you get started, you will need the following: 2 packs of All Purpose Cream 250ml,
sweetened condensed milk 300ml or any sweetener of your choice, 1/2 cup water, Oreo
cookies, and finally a container for your final output.

First, whisk the all-purpose cream, condensed milk and 1/2 cup water together in a bowl until
soft peaks form, then crush or chop the Oreo cookies and mix them in the bowl to combine.
After mixing all the ingredients, spread the ice cream mixture in a container and place it in the
freezer for 4-6 hours or overnight for best results. Finally, scoop, serve and enjoy your
homemade treat!

Dimaapi, Arrianne Zeanna R.

Comski1 A1A

It was only five o’ clock in the morning and I was already awake. I was excited and at the same
time nervous because it was my first day as a college student. It was also my first time staying
here in Lipa. I jumped out of my bed, ate breakfast and rushed to get a shower. As soon as I’m
ready, I locked the door and headed towards the gate. I was so excited that I forgot to ask how
to commute from the apartment to the school and vice-versa. Since there was already a jeepney
waiting for passengers, I carelessly hopped in since I was too shy to ask the jeepney driver. I
just trusted my guts since the jeepney is heading towards the direction of the school. But boy
was I wrong; I was back to where I started. I was so nervous and I could tell that the jeepney
driver already noticed that I was lost since he was glancing at me. I was crossing my fingers and
then I saw a Lasallian student that was about to ride a multicab, so I told the jeepney driver to
stop the vehicle and then I crossed the road and rode the same multicab as the Lasallian
student I saw. I looked at my wristwatch and my mind was now at ease; I’m finally heading to
school and I’m still not late for class. As I reached to open our classroom door, I saw my
classmates in high school and asked how my morning was. All I managed to say is “You don’t
want to know.”

Comparison and Contrast

Cats and dogs are the most popular pets today. The two animals have several different
characteristics and similarities as well. For example, cats are very independent animals; they
don’t have to be watched during the day. They spend most of their time sleeping in an isolated
place and being alone without getting lonely. Cats require less food and space than most dogs
but are more difficult to train since they do as they please.

On the other hand, dogs love company; they love spending time with their owner and will follow
them almost anywhere. They require a lot of attention since they need to be trained, socialized
and housebroken. Dogs eat depending on their size and are easier to train compared to cats.
They can be trained to do tricks when commanded and they can protect their owner and the
house. Although there are many differences between cats and dogs, they both require love and
affection from their owner but can also show their love and affection to them.

Dimaapi, Arrianne Zeanna R.

Comski1 A1A

Fangirls and fanboys could be anyone in the “real world” but on the Internet, you could say
they’re like a different person. As of now, I have encountered four types: the Shipper, the
Originals, the Hardcore and the Chill Ones. The first type is the Shipper, is the type who
chooses two persons or character from his or her favorite movie, show or group and believes
that they will be together and hopes that they will be romantically involved. The second type is
the Originals. These are fans that have been there from the very start; from the guys that a few
people know about to the guys that everyone talks about now. We also have the hardcore fan
who knows everything; the latest tweets, rumors, shows and album. He or she has countless
folders of photos and music saved on his or her computer. He or she talks about his or favorite
thing or person all the time and will definitely defend them to anyone who says bad things about
them. Lastly there are the Chill Ones who simply like something or someone but doesn’t center
their lives around them. They admit that they have a slight obsession over something or
someone but they tend to be much more calm and mature. Fans may have different levels of
dedication but they’re all pretty fun and interesting to be with.

Cause and Effect

One of the most important decisions to make in college is choosing the right course to pursue.
There are so many different career choices that selecting a course is hard for students. What
causes students to choose the wrong course?

The first cause is that many students experience social pressure and expectations. Some
parents think that what they suggest to their children in what course to pursue is better. Friends
tend to be involved in the decision making because they don’t want to be independent from
them. Another factor that causes a student to choose the wrong course is popularity. Some
teenagers take a particular course because the majority takes it too. Some are promised of high
pay and guaranteed employment. The third and final factor is financial support. Students find it
complicated to decide whether to go for the course that he or she desires or to go for the course
that his or her family can afford.

Dimaapi, Arrianne Zeanna R.

Comski1 A1A

A crush is a person you find attractive base on his or her looks, attitude, interests or skills. It
often lasts for a very short period of time. Every time you see that special person, your heart
starts to race and you try to hide your smile. A crush is someone you find yourself thinking about
all the time and causes you to do silly things like stalking his or her Facebook profile, using his
or her picture as your wallpaper, figuring out his or her cellphone number, collecting some
information about him or her and even trying to get his or her attention. A crush can also make
you feel down in an instant. He or she is most likely someone unattainable or out of your league
which causes you heartbreak and your wishful thoughts to crumble. That’s why it’s called a
crush – you always end up getting crushed.

A crush is a person that gives you a wonderful, yet painful feeling and is someone on your mind
right now as you are reading this.

Dimaapi, Arrianne Zeanna R.

Comski1 A1A

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