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Videos are the attention, direction, and future of all major media platforms. The use of video has

evolved with each platform experiencing individual benefits. In addition, there are specific ways

that creators can make their videos stand out from the crowd. Facebook was the first platform to

introduce live video and is a wonderful example of social media platforms adapting to the video

trend. YouTube maintains a competitive pace with Facebook, and other social networks should

not go unnoticed. For example, Instagram and Twitter are also reaping the benefits of the video

explosion. Analyzing video as a whole is also important. There are varying reasons why social

media users want to watch videos. Most research indicates that the top reasons are appropriate

length, intriguing description, and strong message conveyed. If creators can produce videos that

follow these techniques, consumers will stay hooked. The video trend is not going away. It began

with YouTube and Vine, was catapulted by Facebook’s innovative features such as live and

watch, and smothers other platforms. Regardless of the platform, video will continue to rise in

popularity. This reinforces the importance of creating quality video content.

Keywords: video, Facebook, YouTube

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