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Implementation of an online page where each client can exercise the donation and
be in contact with the children or programs benefited through their tablet or computer
tablet, and likewise have knowledge of the fulfillment of our goals as a foundation


Gen Cero is a national movement led by the Exit Group since 2013, through its
Foundation, which seeks to bring together the public, private sector, non-
governmental organizations, academia, media, social leaders and the community in
general to achieve eradication chronic malnutrition among children under five in
Colombia in 2030.

In our country, 13.2% of children under five years of age have chronic malnutrition,
which means a delay in height for age and an impairment in their growth and physical
and cognitive development. To achieve Gen Zero, we must first gradually decrease
the percentage of chronic malnutrition or growth retardation in children. The purpose
of the Fundación Exit is that this figure reaches 9% in 2015 and 2.3% in 2030 (which
is considered zero chronic malnutrition, according to the World Health Organization).
this is the biggest problem known in the population but fragile our children if we get
more people donate and do not have a single excuse to not do it would meet the
goal proposed by the foundation for this is that this platform is actively implemented.

although with this platform is given a great advance security and tranquility to the
customers they continue with their doubts, placing as an excuse that their data will
not be handled with the law of habeas data, which with this platform will confirm that
it is very safe and useful for online donation processes.

Another important factor in the consolidation of this business model in the Colombian
economic element is the financing to the client, in addition to donating small amounts
of money can be sponsored to the children of the foundation giving safety and clarity
to the daily life of the families of each of the children, with this deadly disease as is
malnutrition, the foundations offer different sources or means where you can donate
the decision is from our clients, unfortunately the registration of these donations is
liger y registration tools used do not guarantee an adequate treatment of the
information provided.

Nowadays, many foundations do not have tools that allow them to carry out an
orderly registry and consolidated donations in evidences of what the money is
invested if the implements such as the clothes, medicines, markets, among others if
they fulfill the purpose in which it is expected.

That is why we ask, is it possible to develop a tool to capture data on donations,

management of implementation of the same and inventory for products received for
children who will benefit?

We believe that it is possible to develop a comprehensive solution that contributes

to the modernization of foundations and the systematization of sensitive data
generated daily and that are vital for decision making.

It wants to offer as a solution a product that is responsible for capturing the donation
records that are registered daily, this system also captures the inventory of quantities
of products, entered and delivered of donations to establish by reporting the gross
margin operating in the period by the set end user


Donation is commonly identified as an act of altruism. In fact, many donations, such as volunteer
work, respond to the desire to provide for the welfare of others or to promote another kind of good
(defending wildlife, promoting political or religious ideas, etc.). Others, on the other hand, do not
respond to any altruistic motivation, but to a pure personal interest: seeking social prestige or
influence, expectation of gaining a future favor, social gregarism (following the flow to others), etc.
In the great majority of cases there is a combination of the altruistic impulse and self-interest. To
solicit money or other support successfully, you must know the general psychology of donors. Better
yet if you know the psychology of the particular donor to whom you are going. It is important to
know the springs that move people to contribute, whether they are the most noble or the lowest
drivers. And you have to keep in mind that people act not only guided by their thoughts, but also,
and probably almost always fundamentally, by their feelings. For example, by the feeling of having
fulfilled an obligation or by calming bad conscience, by genuine compassion or by a feeling of
paternalistic pity. Nobody gives in exchange for nothing. In our view, pure altruism is a very rare
behavior. It is normal for people to be led by a mixture, to a greater or lesser extent, of benevolence
towards one's neighbor and of one's own desires and needs. Therefore, donating is almost never a
gratuitous act, absolutely disinterested. Donation, more than a delivery, is a transaction. The donor
gives a good (usually money) that the organization needs and expects to receive in return a
psychological satisfaction that the organization must be able to provide. Many donors may not be
aware that they collaborate for selfless reasons as well as for their own satisfaction. But others do
or think about other donors. Thus, in a survey on collaboration with NGOs that took place in Spain
some years ago, 76% of the respondents said that "many people collaborate with them to feel good
about themselves." This is compatible with the opinion of another broad majority, 70.8%, who
thought that the rise of NGOs is due to the society is increasingly supportive. Therefore, when we
raise resources, rather than asking for a gift, we "sell." In exchange for money or other good we do
not simply give our thanks, we give a chance to a person to channel his need to be supportive or to
see another type of less noble aspirations full. We can group the motivations of private donors into
four categories (contributions from companies and administrations, even if they are ultimately the
result of people's decisions, are governed in many cases by specific motivations as organizations
that we are not going to describe here):


 Provide foundation owners with a comprehensive software solution that

allows the founder and / or manager to organize and control strategic areas
of their foundation, such as donor records, inventories, and donor-provided


 Design and implement a real-time donation control and registration model.

 Design and implement a control and recording model of inventory inflows and
 Design and implement a model for identification, control and registration of
outstanding donations
 Integrate the modules described above that allow management to evaluate
the performance of the foundation and make decisions when required by
management reports.


The proposed solution aims to provide the foundations with a web solution that
allows real-time logging of the incoming and outgoing donations by means of credit
and cash, this module will be deducted from the units registered donations to validate
the levels of stocks in real time available for the coverage of programs.

Also, the system must be registered at the time of donation if the transaction was on
credit or in cash, this to record in detail the donations pending entry.

This software can be implemented in small supermarket companies, it is not

designed to be deployed in banks or entities that promote online transaction

Foundation zero success on line gene will make available to the sponsor and the
interested parties an interdisciplinary team of professional engineers and
administrative professionals for the development of the Project

This project involves the development of the following modules necessary for the
implementation of donations and the Capture software inventory for foundations.
registration module of donations

 Understand the relationship of the donations received and the values entered
by the client, by capturing a unique identification code that the system will
recognize to record the respective daily movements.

asset inventory record

Understand the relationship of donations ready in system and distribution channels,
the module must be able to recognize the inputs and outputs of donations to quantify
the value of the inventory at the end of the period evaluated


Understands the relationship of the clients that belong to the group of active donors
through credit and the adviser, the software records the donations through credit that
are made daily and accumulate balances to be consulted by the coordinator at the
time that the donation enters and is taken as effective

The report module allows the daily operations executed within the queries to be
visualized at the time required by the user's results to visualize this: reports of
donations, use given to the money or group in which the same was invested.

This software focuses on small business operations registration, it is not an ERP

tool that integrates additional processes to those previously described

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