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Good afternoon teacher and classmates today I will

present my project, it is about a comparison between

technology from the past and now. I will talk about two
tech devices (TV and cell phone) I'll start with the
television. In the past, televisions had a wider shape,
they had a cheap price, they also showed colorless
images only in black and white so we could not see the
programs well, but now the TVs have a flatter form,
they are expensive, They are fashionable and show the
programs in full color. On the other hand, another
technological invention that changed a lot over time is
the cell phone. Before the cell phones were used only
to make calls and its size was too big to fit in a pocket,
but now the cell phones have a flatter size, more
fashionables models, they are more portable and have
many functions such as for example we can take
photos, make videos, search for information on the
Internet, etc. En mi caso, mi celular me ayuda mucho en
mis actividades academicas pues puedo redacar
documentos y obtener mucha informacion en linea que
me ayuda en las evaluaciones
Some advances can help take care of the environment,
for example :
HYBRID CARS: These also come in excellent models
work with gasoline and electricity and have the great
advantage of being RECHARGEABLE
SOLAR PANELS: These will be used in homes, multiply
solar heat and are responsible for maintaining hot
water saving gas and fuel (also used to obtain light).

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