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I- Technologies have changed our way of life and have transformed the
way we communicate, work, learn and more things. Technologies have
opened a world of possibilities and generated endless opportunities.

A- In this dialogue, we will explore some of the most relevant

technologies and how they have impacted our society.

I-So for example what do you think about electric cars and tell me the
pros and the cons of it.

A-I think that's electric cars, although they seem better, studies say that
they are not as good as they seem.

A- Now it's my turn, tell me one positive and other negative of mobile

I- What I like about mobile phones is being able to communicate with a

person from a distance.And something negative, that we waste a lot of
time on it.

A- Yes, I think more or less the same about laptops, but it is fine for
doing homework.

I- You are absolutely right, in relation to the TV, I think that nowadays it is
used less, but I like it for watching movies, since it looks bigger.

A-Finally, what do you think about the microwave oven?

I- Like this, many other things help us do things faster in our daily lives.

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