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Italian Complex Tenses Summary

Regular are, ere verbs: -ero4, -erai ,-era4, -eremo, -erete, -erranno
Regular ire verbs: -iro4, -irai, -ira4, -iremo, -irete, -iranno (this includes ire verbs that isc verbs)

Conditional (would)
Only has two forms
Normal condition (would): erei, eresti erebbe, eremmo, erebbero, ereste
Past condition: (would have): normal condition avere/essere + pp

Present subjunctive (use with future and present states)
Take the ‘o’ off the ‘io’ form of the verb and add
verbs: i, i, i iamo, iate, ino
a, a, a, iamo, iate, ano
- For isc
verbs, note that isc is not added in the noi and voi forms regardless of
whether it is used in the io form. In other words you take the -ir off the stem
and then add iate or iam

Imperfect subjunctive (congiuntivo passato)

Use where the lead clause is conditional or past (-vo etc) and the action in the dependent
clause was ongoing, subsisting or hadn’t occurred I thought you were going I would think I was
This is made by adding the following endings to the verb stem
~assi, ~assi, ~ ~asse, ~assimo, ~aste, ~assero
~essi, ~essi, ~esse, ~essimo, ~este, ~essero
Ire: ~issi,
~issi, ~isse, ~issimo, ~iste, ~issero

Perfect subjunctive
Use where the verb has been complete
The lead clause is in present indicative and the following clause has been completed
normal subjunctive avere/essere + pp

Past perfect subjunctive (Congiuntivo passato)

Use to express you were thinking or hoping in the past that someone had done sth. The action
had been completed in the past.
imperfect subjunctive avere/essere + pp

Passato Remoto
To form remove re and add: i, sti, (-are/ere/ire, +o4/e2/i2, mmo,ste, rono)

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