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G12 Standard Track Economics

First Semester, SY 2017-2018


Guidelines: Task 3

1. Download the policy proposal of countries within your trade bloc. Go to
Files > PT Documents > Task 3 > [name of the trade bloc where your country belongs].
2. Secure a copy of these proposals BEFORE the PT session on Thursday (Day 2).
3. Based on the proposals of your country and other countries from the same trade bloc, create a
PowerPoint / Keynote presentation (10 slides maximum) containing the following:
a. common proposal/s among all countries in your trade bloc
b. unique proposal/s from your country
c. justification on why the whole trade bloc must adopt your suggested proposals
d. critique on one (1) or two (2) proposals which might be harmful to your country or the entire
trade bloc
4. Prepare a script which encapsulates the important aspects of your report. Make sure that such
script is good for six (6) minutes at the maximum.
5. Focus your presentation on Units 3 (balance of payments) and 4 (protectionism).

1. Prepare your presentation BEFORE your turn. Setup time SHOULD take less than two minutes.
2. Limit your report to STRICTLY SIX (6) MINUTES. Presenters will be cut off beyond this mark.
3. Follow the reporting sequence below. This should also serve as a guide on the trading blocs and
their member economies:
Day 4, October 9th (Monday) – European Union
France Enzo Mercado, John Tomwong, John Ong
Italy Jaime Siy, Mathew Chan, Brian Cedric Ong
Italy Sean Rodriguez, Gjonn Lin, Renzo Te, Miguel Huang
Poland Hans Cua, Kingson Li, Darren So
Portugal Jorge Uy, Gerard Go, Kurt Dee
Spain Christian Yubontoy, Juan Miguel De Leon, Andrew Yap

Day 4, October 9th (Monday) – Mercosur

Argentina Miles Sy, Christian Tiu, John Ting
Brazil Laurence Tin, JC Mendoza, Matthew de Joya
Paraguay CJ Reyes, Finn Cue, Ryan Yu
Uruguay Nicolas Zarate, Nathan Te, Vinz Lim

Day 5, October 10th (Tuesday) – NAFTA

Canada Benjamin Kaw, Joshua Orlina, Brandon Go
Mexico Joseph Tang, Lance Sobremonte, Kino Hilario
United States Adrian Ong, Bryan Chua, Ira Chung
4. Your teacher reserves the right to call ANY member of the group for questions or clarifications.
Since the report is expected to be a collaborative effort, your groupmate’s reply will have a bearing
on the group grade.
5. Some students will be tapped to perform the following tasks:
Timekeeper Kingson Li
Assistant Timekeeper John Ting

6. Grading will be based on the rubrics provided for group tasks (see G12 1st Semester Performance
Task (Group Component) Rubrics).

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