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Something that I think needs changed in this world is violence. Today there is many different
types of violence. Already in 2018, there has been 11 Shootings and the first month hasn’t even
ended. There are so many fights happening in school for the dumbest reasons. There are towns
that are considered “the hood” because it’s known for violence.

Publishable piece rought draft

Violence. An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. There are so many different
types of violence in this world. Physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence,
psychological violence, spiritual violence, and cultural violence. School Shootings weren’t such a
big thing before. Now, when you turn on the news there’s always a school shooting or some type
of violence happening. People take everything for granted now a days and it needs to be
changed. This world could, and still can be, a better place.

Physical violence. Most people solve their problems by just fighting one another. There are so
many fights that happen around the world every single day, in schools, in prison, and in the
streets. People have anger issues and just take it out by physically hurting someone else. Sexual
violence. It’s been around for a very long time. Sexual predators looking for kids on the street.
Children being sold into prostitution. And most sexual predators that get caught, don’t have that
big of a punishment. Why? Because some people don’t think that’s wrong? I think sexual
predators should get life in prison or even the death penalty.

Emotional violence. No ones thinks before they speak anymore. People say mean, vulgar
things to one another even if they are just joking. But some people won’t take it in a joking
matter. Some people are so emotionally broken that it hurts them even worse. Possibly even
causing them to commit suicide. People need to start thinking before speaking. Somethings
shouldn’t even be said out loud. Psychological violence. When someone threatens to hurt oneself
or others. This goes along with school Shootings. There’s been over eighteen school shootings in
2018 alone. It’s only the second month. All over the country there have been numerous threats.
Bomb threats, suicide threats, shooting threats. So many children have died because of
someone’s actions. Parents are scared of sending their children to school because they might
not see them again.

Spiritual violence. Prejudice people are all around the world. Judging people for what they
want to believe in. People think it’s okay to manipulate others because they want them to believe
in the same thing. Cultural violence. This goes along with spiritual violence because it’s almost
the same thing. But not quite. Some cultures will inflict violence on their members. It disgusts me
because some cultures will rape, murder, and put people in sexual slavery.

Those are only a few types of violence. There are so much more. It sickens me that this is
what our world has came to. People fighting, killing, and raping others. People need to start
thinking more rather than speaking or doing. This world could be a great place if all the hate
stops. And I would love to be alive to see it








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