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Bryce Newer

Diana Watkins

English Comp I T R 10:30

1 October 2018

The Most Important Day of My Life

The most important day of my life is the day that my mom walked out on my dad and me.

It was two days before my 12th Christmas. It was an important time in of my life that I thought I

needed both of my parents for. Although, by the end of December 23rd I came to find out that my

parents wouldn’t be together anymore. After that day my parents started a long divorce that had

quite an effect on me. Before that day I was babied and had everything done for me. After that

day I changed into who I am today.

December 23rd ,2012 I was twelve. My parents got into an argument, but it was worse

than I had ever seen before. After their argument my mom started packing her belongings to take

to a friend’s house. I didn’t really know what was going at the time, but I knew it wasn’t good.

My dad, brother, and I went to a friends’ house close by while she packed. Though, not too long

after we got there my dad and brother left because my sister told them to come back to the house

because my mom was moving out for good. All this was happening, and nobody would tell me

what was going on, I guess because they were trying to protect me. This day led to my change of

personality very quickly.

Following December 23rd my parents started their divorce. Since I was twelve, I got to

choose how my visitation would be divided. A friend of mine’s parents had also divorced years

before this. He lived with one parent for a week and then switched to the other for a week, and he

had to split everything. He had to divide all his school vacations to make equal for his parents.
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After him telling me about it I concluded that I didn’t want split visitation. I wanted to live with

my dad and only him. It was my mom’s decision to leave, not mine, and I didn’t feel that I

should have to suffer because of her decision. I felt that if she wanted to keep me in her life then

she should have stayed. It does sound selfish of me, but that’s also what my mom did. My mom

did what she thought was best for her but left me with the consequences. So, I didn’t see why I

should have suffer for her decision. This was unusual for me because I always did what I thought

would please my parents, and I never had to make a hard decision because my parents would just

give me the easy way out. However, I didn’t get the easy way, I had to make a very important

decision, if I wanted to live with both of my parents and split their visitation or live with one of

them and see the other when I wanted.

Before that day I got to take the easy way out all the time. If I didn’t want to do

something I didn’t like then I didn’t have to do it, most of the time. I was a shy kid who didn’t

like school or any extracurricular activities. For instance, they tried to get me to play baseball

when I was younger, but I didn’t want to, so I didn’t do it. Also, I played basketball because it

was required at my school, but never went to any of the summer camps. I wanted to stay at home

because I was nervous about going, which lead me to not have many friends through elementary

school. I also didn’t like doing homework. Mainly because I struggled with school work, but I

also didn’t like doing it. So, my mom would do it for me instead of helping me with it because

she didn’t have the patience to explain it, and after she left she tried to use that to get me to come

live with her because she knew I didn’t think I could do it on my own. When it came to school I

went to my mom about everything.

After the day she left, I had to start doing more tasks on my own. I started doing all my

homework on my own and depended less and less on someone’s help every year. Also, my dad
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and I started arguing often because I was more opiniated and stubborn. This lead me to going out

more and making friends and making my previous friendships better. Then I started to enjoy

school more because that meant I got to see my friends. Also, if I ever had a problem I never

looked to anyone else but me to fix it. It became so relaxing to not have to depend on someone

for the simplest of tasks.

The reason December 23rd ,2012 is my most important day is because after that day I

changed and everything else changed for the better. I am less dependent on my family. I no

longer had parents that fought all the time, and I learned how to make more friends. Also, I enjoy

life much more now, and if it wasn’t for that day I wouldn’t be who I am today.

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