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Today we are going to talk about Genova, a city of Italy.

Italy is a precious city that her capital is called Roma.
The population of Genova is about 583.601 people.
Focaccia is a typical specialty of Ligurian cuisine: a kind of cake.
Pandolce is a product especially peculiar to the Genoese, but also to the rest of
The languaje of Genova is the italian.
The name Genova, according to a Roman legend, originated from the Roman god 
Janus, protector god of all passageways, including the door to one's home or the gates 
of a city. 
One day, the builder of the cathedral of san lorenzo was making the cathedral, and he 
has a dog that he was loving and a brick hit the dog and killed him, and the builder, in 
honor of the dog put an esculture of a dog to remember it. 
Carnevale cinquecentesco: with ambience in the sixteenth century, in the month of 
We recommaned you the Palazzo Spinola National Gallery, that is a museum and a 
palace at the same time.  
It is very beautiful and big, and there are a lot of pictures. 

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