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FILIPINO YOUTH? The first factor

why it attracts the youth is the type
of game involved. Filipino gamers
love strategy and action games
The Culture of DOTA in the Philippines

compared to board and mini games.

Joshua Frankie B. Rayo
Department of Computer Science
University of the Philippines Diliman

It has a very different gameplay

compared among other games.
Also, it is a multiplayer game;
people can play with others up to
10 persons per game. These are the
heroes of DOTA, there are so much
to choose from. They are divided
into three groups, the Sentinel, the
Scourge, and the Neutrals. Also
they are divided further by their
The Culture of DOTA in the Philippines
Joshua Frankie B. Rayo
Department of Computer Science, University of the Philippines Diliman

Abstract. The culture of DOTA (Defense of the Due to the popularity of this game, many
Ancients) has taken the Philippines to storm players indulged themselves into it; some spend lots of
because of its very creative gameplay that caused hours playing it over and over again and that‟s why it
millions of Filipino students hard for them to avoid “sets a Filipino gamer apart”. Majority of the gamers
playing the game; and it is also evident from media in the Philippines are playing DOTA and regarding it
to the internet. This game has brought such intense as their specialty compared to playing other games
effects to the Filipino youth and its everyday life; like Ragnarok, Tantra, etc. These factors make
up to the point where they are affected physically, playing DOTA to become culture here in the country,
psychologically, and their respective careers. and it continues to flourish since 2003.
Because of DOTA, the computer shops in the
country have been growing massively since its SCOPE AND DELIMITATION
release; the youth are gathered there to play
informally and to show their enthusiasm and foster This paper only establishes an understanding about
friendship, teamwork and camaraderie. It follows the culture of DOTA in the Philippines, specifically in
the ‘booming’ computer shop industry and culture Metro Manila. It will tackle the origin and background
in the country. Also, some people handle DOTA of DOTA and simply present its gameplay. Also, this
tournaments to encourage other people and make paper will give you an idea how DOTA exist in the
this gaming industry to grow in the country. Philippines and how it attracted the Filipino youth.
Because of the addiction of the people playing the Also, this paper will differentiate playing DOTA in an
game, they also express DOTA through the arts informal and formal setting. It will also discuss how
and music, language, internet and the social DOTA invades the everyday lives of the people.
networks. Lastly, it will briefly describe the good and bad
effects of playing DOTA to the Filipino players. The
paper will also present the research methodology
executed and the interpretation of the data acquired.

C omputer gaming is one of the most favorite

hobbies and pastime of the Filipinos aside
from watching television and playing sports,
until the Blizzard Entertainment released Warcraft III: D rawing inspiration from a popular Starcraft
mod known as Aeon of Strife, the first
version of DotA was released in the middle
of 2003 by an individual known only by his
Reign of Chaos and Icefrog, Eul & Guinsoo released
the DOTA custom map for Warcraft. The invasion of pseudonym "Eul" (Feak, 2009).
DOTA in the Philippines is very massive, that millions
of Filipinos are getting involved into it. Many other In Eul's original DotA, players could choose
people are encouraged and influenced to play this one of 32 heroes, and hold up to six items
strategy game that led to their addiction. simultaneously from a pool of 39 available options.
This rudimentary predecessor of the current DotA
“The culture of DOTA in the Philippines sets a Filipino paved the way for the future innovations that have
gamer apart.” led to the success it is today. On May 29, 2003,
-Sir Malacaman, 2012 Blizzard officially released the Warcraft III: The
Frozen Throne expansion pack which added a
breadth of new features to Warcraft III, including a
new and improved World Editor. This new tool The Background Invention,
provided map-makers far more options for and Origin of Production and
the Game Gameplay
customizing items, skills, models, tiles, etc (Feak, 2009).
Utilizing these newly released tools, many attracts the
Filipino youth? Playing with
spinoffs of the original DotA were created with vastly others and in
Playing DOTA computer shops
superior sets of features, including the first versions of in an informal
Steve "Guinsoo" Feak's Defense of the Ancients: setting 'Trash talking'
and 'pustahan' in
Allstars which is the focus of this postmortem. Guinsoo DOTA in DOTA
originally began development on DotA Allstars Philippine
because he was frustrated with bugs and balance
issues in the version of DotA that was most prominent The Culture of exclusivity of Arts and Music
at the time (Feak, 2007). DOTA in the playing DOTA
Internet &
Contrary to popular belief, DotA started on DOTA Invasion Social
Reign of Chaos before the expansion, The Frozen
Throne came out. It was based on the custom map 'Pinoy' DOTA
"Aeon of Strife" from Starcraft, a team game focusing Lingo
on hero combat. There have been many different
versions of DotA, but only one shines, IceFrog's DotA Physically &
Allstars. Since then DotA has come a long way, from
terrain changes, balances, bug fixes, new heroes, new
Study career
items and graphics, IceFrog does it all (Neha, 2007). How DOTA
affects the
Filipino youth?
To do all of the changes, IceFrog built a new Commitments &
community site where everyone can suggest and
contribute contents that can help him develop the
custom map. Now, you can choose over 100 heroes Work
and choose from over 50 items to equip.

“My goal is to have a format where everyone that SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
wants to help can contribute in a productive way.”
-IceFrog, 2009.

As a computer game player, there are

several reasons why I decided to make this
research paper. First, the culture of DOTA affects
T his research paper is very important to read
because playing DOTA in the country is very
popular. Second, this paper gives critical
knowledge about the topic to the reader. Third, it has
wide target audience; any people are suitable to
the people concerned. Second, there is only few read this paper to understand what the topic is all
research papers published about this topic. Third, I about. Fourth, the topic is fresh and modern.
wanted to know more about its culture. Fourth, I am
also playing DOTA. Lastly, I wanted to share all my DEFINITION OF TERMS
knowledge to all the people involved in the culture
of DOTA in the Philippines. DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) – a custom map
game for Warcraft III; released in 2003 by “Eul”.
Custom map – is a game that you can modify its

T he following diagram determines the flow of features using World Editor.

ideas in this research paper, to enable the
reader to keep track of what he/she is Computer shops – are places that contain computer
reading about. Hierarchical representation is used to units that you can rent for surfing the net or
break down the main topic into several subtopics, gaming. Some shops utilize cubicles for the
from general to specific topics. privacy of their users. Some shops sell computer
software, hardware or offer repair services.
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND Teenagers who don‟t know initially each other can
STUDIES easily become friends through playing the game,
because it provides a common topic for the teenagers

A ccording to Kevin Tok (in playing the game),

two bases are placed on opposite corners of
the map. Three lanes branch out from the
bases, and armies for both sides will spawn along
these lanes at intervals. The Sentinels are the red
to talk about. They can discuss the heroes, the items,
and the tactics.

Nair Neha argues that “It has been widely

accepted that in playing the game, the team wins
Night Elf based team located on the bottom left, and rather the individuals. Competitive DOTA is a
their opponents are the Scourge, the green Undead completely different world in comparison to casual
team located on the top right of the map. Both sides play, to a more extreme unlike less complex games.
are vying to destroy the „Ancient‟ of the other; the Because of this, it is much more interesting to watch.
World Tree is the Sentinel Ancient, and the Frozen Teams always come up with innovative strategies and
Throne is the Scourge Ancient. Based on Tok‟s study, sometimes pull off amazing moves in matches that
he explains the concept, the gameplay, the elements people have never even thought was possible. To the
of the game, and its objective. DOTA Community, that is spectator value, the
complexity.” Neha gives a critical analysis of how
Punit Lodaya, a game expert, describes the DOTA has been evolving for several years. He shows
base consisting of towers and unit-producing ancients. that playing the game requires not only great
The units (referred to as „creeps‟ in games) are teamwork and communication, but also creativeness
produced automatically on a regular basis, and they and critical thinking on every aspect of the game. He
go to have a direct clash with the opponents‟ units, also noted that “DOTA is an evolving game because it
and the first fight usually starts at the center of the is constantly being reworked and it changes
map. In addition, players get to control a special unit constantly.”
called Heroes, who are stronger than normal units and
have special abilities. Each team can have a maximum These studies show concrete evidences why
of 5 players. Lodaya provided a more detailed the game is very popular in our country. Aside from
description of the game, its elements, and how many being a strategy game, it is the game for the masses.
players are involved. The people are not only playing the game, but also
they are helping the developers to improve the game.
Another interesting study about playing the The final output of the game comes from the creative
game is from Michael Waldbridge. He regarded and innovative minds of computer gamers all over the
playing DOTA as an „underground revolution‟. He world; that is its very big difference among any other
said that “DOTA is likely the most popular and most- games. Another factor why this game is become
discussed free, non-supported game mod in the world, popular is the fact that it‟s free to play; you do not
judging by the numbers.” He said that like any other have to pay anything except if you are renting a unit
game, the concept is simple and its strategy. “The in computer shops. Also, by playing the game you can
strategy focuses on levelling, getting hero kills, gain more friends to know and get along to develop
pushing the enemy‟s base with allied creeps and social skills and self-confidence. If you want to know
defending against the enemies.” more about the game, please see Appendix 1.

“DOTA is a delight to all who play it; it’s surprisingly Jack Rodriguez wrote about the 25 signs of
addictive and even pastiche, mixing the highs and lows DOTA addiction. Here are some: 1. Whenever you
of gaming and gaming culture. DOTA’s quirks, lose a Dota game, you want to grab your weak team
governments, outlaws, and innovation show us that its’ mate and punch him in the face. 2. Your left thumb is
much easier to renovate for the masses when the masses always on the alt button whatever you‟re doing at
are involved. The vision of one leader alone is required, your computer. Maybeyou want to check your
but never sufficient.” facebook friend‟s hp bar. 3. When you get amazed
-Michael Waldbridge, 2008. at anything you call it 'imba'. 'He scored 99 at his
math test, imba!„.You also call things that annoy you,
According to JV Aquino, playing the game 'imba‟. „That guy is imba, he is damn fat'.
serves as a platform for youth to communicate.

HOW THE GAME ATTRACTS THE FILIPINO because of its popularity. Many people testify to their
YOUTH? friends that it is worth playing for. Others are even
taught their friends and promoted the game. Based

T he first factor why it attracts the youth is the

type of game involved. Filipino gamers love
strategy and action games compared to
board and mini games. It has a very different
gameplay compared among other games. Also, it is a
on my observation, it is easy to learn, it is fun to play,
and it is user-friendly. Even kids 10 years and above
knows how to play the game. These are the factors
why DOTA stands out among other games.

multiplayer game; people can play with others up to PLAYING DOTA IN AN INFORMAL SETTING

10 persons per game. It involves teamwork and
cooperation to win the game. We know that it is very laying DOTA has never been boring when it
fun to play team games like basketball, volleyball comes to playing with friends. Sometimes, this
and others; even back then when were are a child. serves as the opportunity to bond with your
Another difference of DOTA to other games is the friends. Playing the game does not only develop
production of computer-controlled creeps. The game mental alertness, body coordination and strategy
does not focus only to heroes clashing, but also on planning; it also develops your interpersonal skills and
how you control your lane by utilizing the creeps. it fosters teamwork, leadership and camaraderie to
be able to win the game.
The second is that it the game employs high
quality visual effects. Aside from it has good graphics, A normal round of playing time ranges from
the heroes controlled by the players have special 40 to 50 minutes, depending on the strategy of the
abilities, either a special attack or a spell. Heroes team. If one team is good and the other is not, the
have their unique abilities or skills, which make game can last for only 30 minutes or so. If both teams
playing the game fair and square. Heroes‟ spells are have good strategies, the game can last for more
visually attracting, such as lightning attacks by the than 1 hour. But because playing the game for just
hero Zeus, fire attacks by Lina Inverse, ice attacks by one round does not satisfies most of the gamers, they
Lich and poisonous attacks from Venomancer. Not only start another round again until they finish 5-10 rounds.
that, if you saw the ultimate skills like Macropyre of If you encounter gamers like that, it is a sign of their
Twin-Headed Dragon, Epicenter of Sand King, addiction to that game. Sometimes, gamers are
Freezing Field of Crystal Maiden and Sanity‟s Eclipse playing the game late at night up to 1am or 2am
of Obsidian Destroyer, you will surely enjoy using because they want to develop strategies and enhance
those skills that can make your desktop lag for a their playing skills.
while. Some heroes‟ abilities and items create an aura
Before Warcraft III and DOTA was released,
that surrounds them. (The complete list of heroes are in
computer shops were already built here in the country
Appendix 2.)These are the reasons why some players
for the purpose of providing internet connection and
want to play DOTA; they want to escape in the real
offer services like printing, CD burning, and hardware
world they are living.
repair. Computer rentals range from Php15 to Php30
Lastly, playing the game is free, except for per hour. The shops are still few way back year 2003.
the computer rental. Every computer shops here in the But after the release of the game and many people
country have this game; it is easy to install and is are involved in playing DOTA, the demand for
portable. “Everyone love free, right? PC rentals here computers is greatly increased. It led to the growing
in our country is going cheaper and cheaper due to industry of computer shops. As the demand continues
the exponential growth of the computer shops.” to grow, people built more computer shops and
(Rudolf, Ryan. 2009) business competition existed. That is the reason why
the number of computer shops in the country is
Due to curiosity of Filipinos, many people are growing geometrically, and it opens almost every
attracted and want to involve in playing the game month.
That is how the computer shop culture in the communicating with each other. Generally, Filipinos
country has been started. Now, computer rentals used trash talk to make fun with each other.
range from Php10 to Php20 per hour, and even
cheaper if you will avail promos. The competition DOTA players also trash talk through the
between computer shops is very tight. This follows the game itself. The game has chat feature that can send
transformation of computer shops into gaming shops. your message to your allies or to all of the players.
People are now going into computer shops just to play Players usually use them to communicate with their
DOTA. The original objective of computer shops has teammates secretly, such that no other opponents can
been very misleading nowadays since they are now hear or read the message itself. It is also used to
used for playing DOTA, not for accessing the internet. discuss what the players are going to do; to continue
farming or attack an opponent. Some players have
Computer shops are also instruments to also strategies on what message they will send. If a
gather DOTA players to show their skills there. Teams player sends “no top” to his allies, it means that there
are also formed inside the computer shops since they is no enemy on the top of the map; the enemy
enjoy playing with each other. The purpose of forming probably returns to his base to buy items or it goes to
the team is to battle other teams in their community. another lane to help his allies attack another enemy.
When a hero controlled by a player dies, it has
Playing DOTA in an informal setting has certain time to respawn; players use this time to say
never been fun without trash-talking. So what does sorry to his teammates or to blame his teammates of
this mean? lack of support. Being a Filipino, we tend to blame
other people because they failed to do a certain task.
“trash talk. Noun: disparaging, taunting, or boastful comments especially
Generally, the chat feature of DOTA has good
between opponents trying to intimidate each other.
- trash–talk (verb) features and should be used wisely.
- trash–talk·er (noun). ” (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
Pinoy DOTA Lingo is also used during the
“(also trash talking)
game. The players utter phrases and jargons that acts
informal: insulting or boastful speech intended to demoralize, intimidate, or as a command on what they are going to do next. The
humiliate someone, especially an opponent in an athletic contest:
most popular word in DOTA lingo is “imba”, short for
-he heard more trash talk from the Giants before the game than during the
game “imbalanced”. They use this word to describe a
-stop the trash talking and stop the violence powerful and skilful player. Some people say, “imba
verb naman si Mineski!” which suggests that Mineski is very
[no object] (trash-talk)use insulting or boastful speech intended to demoralize: powerful and he dominated the game. Another
-their players do not swear or tussle or trash-talk
popular jargon is “G.G.”, originated from Starcraft
(as adjective trash-talking) and short for “good game”. This word has many uses:
-the worst trash-talking team they had ever encountered
if a team wins/loses, if a hero dies/pawned another
Derivatives hero. It is the universal word used in different
trash talker situations. “NG” means nice game; ”GLHF” means
(also trash-talker) noun” (Oxford Dictionary)
“good luck, have fun”. “GLHF” is often used in
That‟s the exact meaning of the word “trash tournaments. “TP” means “town portal”, an item that is
talk” and its usage in the Philippines. Opponents try to used to teleport to another place near allies. “B”
insult or boast the other team. There are two means of means back, which means to move back and do not
trash talking: either verbally or through the game fight the enemies. “Push” means to progress forward,
itself. It can be also in humorous manner (ex. “Hoy in order to battle the opponents. “Farm” means to kill
patalo ka naman eh, hahaha.”) It is also often used the enemies‟ creeps, to earn money and experience.
with hyperbole, a figurative language that evokes “KS” means “kill steal”, used when a player steals a
strong feelings (e.g. “Natutulog ka ba sa pansitan?”). It kill from another player by attacking the opponent
is fun to play the game with trash talking. Some also last before it dies. The word “awts!” is used when a
uses foul and strong words. For us Filipinos, trash player fails to succeed in his task; the Tagalog
talking in a humorous spirit creates a good parody of the Engish word “ouch!” DOTA lingo is not
atmosphere that is conducive for players in playing only limited to events, but also in the items used in the
the game; there is an interaction between the two game. For example, Mekanism is abbreviated as
teams not only on their computer monitors, but also on
“Meka”, “BKB” for Black King Bar, and “DR” for provider of Shop and Bandwidth, Team Name (which
Divine Rapier. is optional), Players‟ names (5 Players + 2 Substitutes),
Garena User Names, and their User I.D. (UID). The
Some Filipinos are fond of gambling and registration fee per team is Php700. All players will
betting players in the world of sports, so as playing receive freebies upon registering. The top team will
DOTA. Some teams must dominate other teams in get Php2,000 per player and Php10,000 for their
order for them to earn money. Usually, “pustahan” in shop; for the total amount of Php20,000. The 1st
playing DOTA involves 2-5 players per team. The runner-up will be awarded Php1,000 per player and
money at stake ranges from Php100 to Php5000. Not Php5,000 for their shop; for the total amount of
only who are playing the game is involved, but also Php10,000. The 2nd and 3rd runners up will yield
other people watching the match and betting a Php500 per player and Php2,500 for their shop; for
player whom they think that will win. the total amount of Php5,000.

There are also some flaws in playing DOTA. The competition had a single elimination
Due to its high quality graphics, low-end computers system; meaning you will be knocked-out of the
might lag during the game, especially when the competition if you lost a game. After the single
heroes cast their most powerful spells (can be elimination, the final 4 teams will have their
executed by typing a single key in the keyboard) and championship match that will be the best of 3 series.
can be the cause of interruption of the game. Another Games are now held in the tournament rooms, but
hard thing in DOTA is clicking an item in the inventory over the Garena client. A winner is declared if they
before using it, while battling with enemies that destroyed the Frozen Throne / World Tree, or if the
require great focus. Good thing, DOTA now comes opponent surrenders. If the game lasts for 100
with DOTA Toolkit that allows user to customize the minutes, the organizer shall stop the game and decide
keyboard settings to use items in the inventory and what team will win based on their performance. The
also help a player cast a spell efficiently. Using the match will begin with a coin toss or roll -100. The one
toolkit answered the needs of the Filipinos; DOTA who wins the coin toss or with the higher roll can pick
becomes easier to play, so it became more popular. either (a) Sentinel/Scourge side of the map or (b) First
or Second hero selection from drafting. Irresponsibility
PLAYING DOTA IN PHILIPPINE of the teams will not be tolerated (such as missing
TOURNAMENTS player, late game, etc.)

B ecause of the big potential of the game,

some people sponsor DOTA tournaments here
in the country. They want to encourage
people to play the game, and they also want to
popularize it. Almost all of the competitions are held
During the game, proper attitude of both
teams must be observed. Severe trash talking or
verbal assault will cause the team‟s loss of the game
or disqualification from the tournament. There will be
no item and hero restrictions. Backdooring is not
in public places like shopping malls or in private allowed. This means that players are not allowed to
places like tournament rooms. Others do tournaments attack an enemy building without any creep wave. A
through Garena, which connects online gamers. The warning or game loss is the sanction if backdooring
usual registration fee ranges from Php100 to happens. Deliberately trapping the opponent to trees
Php1,000 per team, and cash prizes ranges from is not allowed. The game must not be paused after
Php2,000 to Php20,000 with freebies depending on the players selected their hero. Creep blocking is not
how many teams are participating. allowed; meaning you cannot cast spells to slow your
allied creeps or block the way. Creep pulling is
The most popular event handler of DOTA
allowed; meaning you can pull the neutral creeps to
tournaments is the Philippine Garena CyberCafe
the lane so that the allied creeps will attack them that
Alliance (GCA). Competitions are done through
benefit the hero. Bug exploitation is also not allowed.
Garena itself. Any participating team must play in
If the team incurred 3 warnings, the opponent will be
computer shops/internet cafès that is a member of
awarded as the winner; the team will be disqualified
GCA. Maximum of 2 teams are allowed per GCA
from the tournament if they incurred 6 warnings. Any
Shop. The team must submit a registration form
competitor found to have intentionally disconnected
including their GCA Shop Name, ISP/Broadband
from the game will give that competitor‟s team a loss
for that match. Game saving is also done periodically. angry. If you leave GF, it's hard to return to her; if you leave DOTA,
it's still ready to accept you. Who do you prefer?! DOTA or GF?!]
The referees‟ decision will always be final.
There is also a poem that is called “Oath of
Allegiance to DOTA” or “Panatang Maka-DOTA”, a
DOTA parody of the Philippine poem “Panatang Makabayan”

that is recited every morning in schools. The poem
ajority of the gamers in the Philippines are
male; because most of the computer suggests that playing DOTA must be treasured by the
games here are strategic. Male Filipinos
seek adventures and challenges on games what they Panatang maka-DotA (Anonymous)
are playing. Since the release of DOTA, players have
gathered in computer shops; most of them are male. “Iniibig ko ang larong DOTA
Isinilang ako para maglaro ng DOTA.
But we do not limit playing DOTA for male only. Since
Ito ang ipapasa ko sa aking mga susunod na saling-lahi.
it is war-themed, there are rare conditions where you Ang hero ko ay kanyang kinukupkop at tinutulungan
can see a female playing it. Upang maging malakas, matatag at kapaki-pakinabang.
Bilang ganti ay kakarnihin ko ang mga kalabang hero,
But we Filipinos accept that all people are Pagli2ngkuran ko ang napili kong base,
Ipagtatangol ko ang napili kong base kahit mag megacreeps pa
accepted play the game. Even if it is dominated by
male, there is no gender exclusivity in playing DOTA. Hindi ko pipindutin ang F10 kahit na matatalo na kami,
Sisikapin ko maging isang tunay na maka-DOTA sa isip sa salita at

Because of the popularity of DOTA in the [English Translation: Oath of Allegiance to DOTA: I love DOTA. I
was born to play DOTA. This is the game I will pass on to my next
country, its influence does not just end in the field of generation. She cares for and helps my hero to be strong,
gaming. It is not only evident to the youth and the courageous and useful. In return, I will butcher my opposing heroes.
computer shops, but also it occupies its own space in I will serve the base I chose. I will defend my base even if its mega
the field of media; it also affects our daily lives. creeps. I will not press F10 even if we're about to lose. I will strive
to be a true DOTA lover in thoughts, in words and in deeds.]
There exist composed poems comparing DOTA and
GF (girlfriend) that concludes DOTA as the winner Playing DOTA also made a space in the
over GF. field of music. As evidence, rapper/singer Dino R. and
K-Tin composed a song, “Mas Mahal Mo Ba ang
DOTA”, that expresses a typical Filipino relationship
“si DOTA isa lang sa mundo, under the influence of DOTA.
GF napakarami niyan.
GF iiwan ka din niyan, (Girl)Bakit ba ganyan mas mahal mo pa ang DOTA
si DOTA hindi. Gabi gabi pagtulog ko ay kayakap lang kita
Paggising sa umaga'y tinakasan mo na
si GF nagagalit pagnagdoDOTA ka, Tapatin mo nga ako
si DOTA hindi nagagalit pag nagGF ka. Mas mahal mo ba ang pagdoDOTA mo?

si DOTA P20 lang masaya na, (Boy)Pag gising sa umaga almusal ko na ay DOTA
si GF baka P200 hindi pa masaya. Kahit wala nang pera ay handa akong gumyera
Umaasa na akoy makaisa
pagnakakakita ka ng ibang Hero hndi nagagalit si DOTA, Ikaw ay pumusta dudurugin ang kalaban
pero pagnakakakita ka ng ibang babae nagagalit si GF. 4on4 or 5on5 that shit will never matter you will lose motherfucker
I'm a farmer
si GF pag iniwan mo mahirap na balikan, And I'm a killer
si DOTA pag iniwan mo, handa ka parin tanggapin. Good game ka na bumawi na lang bukas

Ano mas gusto mo DOTA o GF?” Repeat chorus

[English Translation: DOTA is one of a kind in the world; there's
plenty of GF material. GF will leave you, DOTA will not. GF gets (Boy)Isa dalawa tatlo magpupush mirana ko
angry when you do DOTA; DOTA doesn't get angry when you're Hindi mapipigilan nakamanta na ako
with GF. DOTA is happy with 20 pesos [low maintenance]; GF is Pumapana, sapul ka nanaman, tangina ka patay ka nanaman
unhappy with 200 pesos [high maintenance]. If you find another bitch!
hero, DOTA does not get angry; if you find another girl, GF gets Hinahabol may leap yan boi hindi maabutan kahit faceless void
Tumi-tp na asa ka pa again tangina ka babalikan kita ang DOTA ay laro na pwede mong paglaruan
wag mong itulad sa akin na nasasaktan
Repeat chorus ano bang nakita mo sa DOTA na wala ako
kaya ka bang mahalin ng DOTAng sinasabi mo
(Boy)Hindi kailangang magselos pa ang DOTA ay laro na pwede mong paglaruan
Hindi naman kita pagpapalit sa DOTA wag mong itulad sa akin na nasasaktan
Anu bang ligaya ang dulot nyan
Wala ka nang pakealam (Repeat Chorus 2 times)
Matulog ka na lang
Ang DOTA ay isang larong imbento
Repeat chorus” ito ay libanga ng mga tao
ngunit mag-aral muna ng mabuti para sa kinabukasan mo
There is another original song that is upang sa hinaharap maipagmalaki mo”
composed by Aikee and Vanessa, “DOTA o Ako”. It
expresses the boy‟s and the girl‟s side of their DOTA also invades the internet and online
social networking life of the Filipinos. There are so
relationship affected by DOTA.
many resources in the internet that can encourage
“(Boy)si DOTA nag iisa lang sa mundo, si GF napakarami nyan people to play the game. Some people embedded
si GF iiwanan ka din nyan, si DOTA Hindi screenshots and replays of their astounding game and
Si GF nagagalit kapag nagdoDOTA ka, si DOTA hindi nagagalit
show it to all of the people to gain pride and
kapag nag GF ka
si Dota 20 pesos lang masaya na, si GF baka 200 pesos baka di reputation. There are also websites and forums that
pa masaya offer game tutorials like that provides
pagnakakita ka ng ibang hero, di nagagalit si DOTA the people complete tools on how to play the game.
pero pag nakakita ka ng ibang babae, nagagalit si GF
Forums help Filipinos share their own ideas and
si GF kapag iniwan mo mahirap kang balikan, si Dota kapag
iniwan mohanda ka pa ring tanggapin gather more information; they can gain more friends.
Ano mas gusto mo? Dota o GF? They include screenshots, replays, guides and reviews.
If you want to play DOTA with online gamers,
Chorus: (Girl)
Garena Philippines, an E-sports publishing company,
anong pipiliin mo DOTA o ako
anong mas gusto mo pagkasama kay yun ang nasa isip helps connect online gamers regardless of their
anong pipiliin mo DOTA o ako location. Facebook pages that are related to DOTA
at ano ako sayo anong mahalaga mahal mo ba akong talaga are liked; also public groups are also joined by the
Filipinos. Some examples are “Ibagsak ang Edukasyon,
(Boy)Defense of the Ancient tayo ng magDOTA umulan o bumagyo
kahit naka bota tawagin na ang tropa Ipang-DOTA ang baon!”, “Kamukha mo na si Gondar!”,
let‟s start the countdown everybody push get ready for gangbang “DOTA o GF?” The two poems mentioned earlier are
pumatak na ang dugo within 3 minutes ang bilis makabuo also embedded into images, which in turn became
parang basketball lang make me like mike
viral in the internet (see Appendix 3).
sa dami kong kills ako‟y naging god like
yo! line stand paki push yan
pagkatapos nyan tayo ng mag Roshan Because of DOTA “fever”, it also invades our
nice strategy para bang menisky language. Some words being trash talked are now
and skills are type para bang si Aikee belongs to our language. In fact, some of them are
the sword the for the last hour
also used by people who do not play DOTA. The
panalo ang kuhain basagin na natin
ang puno ng mulawin word “imba” can be used universally to describe a
good game maybe next time sir imba sorry chiken na sir person or a thing which is extraordinary. The word
“GG” is also used by Filipinos to describe an event
(Repeat Chorus)
which is about to end.
Kapag naglalaro anong ligaya ang nadarama
nalilimutan ang problema at pag nadarapa The creativity of the Filipinos is very visible
di ako nagdadrama tingnan ang pagkakaiba on these examples. The songs send a message and
kapag sinaktan ka ng girlfriend puso ay nagigiba warning to the youth on what effects on players are
kapag meron kang pera kapag meron kang tf
incorporated in playing DOTA. It serves as a warning
ang DOTA 20 pesos the rest mapupunta kay GF
di ka kayang mahalin ng DOTA kailanman for the youth to be aware of the consequences of
yan ay nagbibigay libang kahit sa sinuman playing the game. Also, the indescribable events in
ano bang nakita mo sa DOTA na wala ako our everyday lives are given a term to define them.
kaya ka bang mahalin ng DOTAng sinasabi mo
As the popularity of DOTA continues, its invasion also
HOW DOTA AFFECTS THE FILIPINOS? develops your leadership skills and promotes
teamwork and camaraderie. It also temporarily

W hen the gamers play DOTA, they are

also exposed to its consequences either
advantageous, or disadvantageous.
This point, the paper will present the effects of DOTA
eliminates problems; sometimes, gamers play the
game because it provides an escape from the chaotic
world they live in.

to the Filipinos, not only for those who play it, but also Because of the theme of the game, some
to all of the people in the environment. Playing DOTA people tend to be war freak; they tend to be violent
can affect a person‟s physical and psychological because it is the main intention of every player to win
aspect, careers and relationships with other people. the game. The player who is war freak also tends to
abuse other people physically, or verbally. Sometimes,
DOTA can be regarded as a good game, addicted players cannot control themselves to play
because it helps the player improve his body‟s the game. For example, an addicted student is
coordination, specially the head, eyes, ears and always cutting classes just to play DOTA in the nearest
hands. It also motivates the players to think critically; computer shop. When it happens, the domino effect
to devise strategies how they can win the game. The will follow; he does not have time for studying
player‟s reflexes are also improved like fast typing anymore, he loses interest in his studies, he get low or
and mental alertness. It also enhances the creativity of failing grades, and he is expelled from the school.
the player; the tone of the game will depend on your Some students spend their money in playing DOTA
items in the heroes‟ inventory and he must use it wisely. rather than in food, or other expenses in school. The
Some people play the game to eliminate stress; it is worst case is, when the player does not have quality
relaxing in a sense that you are having fun during time to bond with his family and people around him.
your spare time. Some aspects of the game can also Another is when the player discovered how to gamble
be applied in our everyday lives. in playing DOTA. Some videos in Youtube™ show
Filipinos playing DOTA but ends in chaos, hurting
“It is better for the students to spend their time playing everybody. Same things happen when some gamers
computer games like DOTA than to smoke, drink are at work. They tend to play DOTA that will
alcohol and take drugs.” decrease their time in working, until they lose interest
-Aquino, 2012 and be fired by the employer.
Because playing DOTA can be addicting, Another issue here is the effects of DOTA in
some people stayed for many hours just to play the an intimate relationship. Almost all of the relationship
game. It can lead to excessive eye exposure that can under the influence of DOTA is ruined. So how do we
be the cause of poor eyesight. Also, formation of the say that a relationship is under the effects of DOTA?
eye bags will be evident to the player, when he is We can say so if the male, or the female or both are
playing overnight. Playing overnight can change the playing the game. Since majority of the gamers are
body clock of the player, which results to late male, the female usually sacrifices in a relationship
sleeping and waking up. The player can develop under DOTA. Females usually rant because their
insomnia. In playing computer games, only the eyes, partners lack time bonding with them. Males tend to
head and the hands are operating. It can lead to maximize their time playing DOTA than spending with
player‟s obesity; since few carbs are burned due to their partners. Modern Filipinas tend to be demanding
inactive locomotion of the body. In rare cases, the and strict when they have intimate relationships, that is
player can lose weight if he experience stress in why some people chose playing DOTA over their
playing the game, because they did not eat in time. partner. Some males tend to be war freak, and tend
to abuse their partner physically or verbally. These
Playing DOTA can also enhance your social
are the main causes why such songs about DOTA exist.
life. You can get more friends just by playing in
It implies that the game can be a bad element in a
computer shops. It is now the common topic of the
gamers, so everyone that is playing it can relate with
other people. When you play the game with others, it


n analyzing the data gathered, a simple

T he researcher conducted a survey about the percentage and frequency method was
research topic in three ways: by distributing manipulated using the following formula:
printed questionnaires, by interview, and by
online survey. The respondents are given enough time
to answer the questions and to express their opinions.
Twenty-four random persons are selected to answer
Where, P is the total percentage, F is the frequency,
the questions. After distributing and getting all of the
and n corresponds to the total number of respondents.
results, the data has been organized into tabular form
to be able to analyse the results further.

This chapter presents the questions of the survey and the results of the data gathered.

Question 2. How old are you? Question 6. Do you play DOTA?

Age distribution Frequency Percentage Answers Frequency Percentage
11-15 years old 3 13.04% Yes 19 82.61%
16-20 years old 15 65.22% No 4 17.39%
21-25 years old 5 21.74%

Question 3. Where do you live? After question 6, respondents that play DOTA will
proceed to the next part of the survey. The others will
Answers Frequency Percentage proceed to the last part of the survey (see Appendix
Outside a 3).
12 52.17%
In a city 11 47.83% Question 7. From whom you discover DOTA?

Question 4. Are you studying? Answers Frequency Percentage *From this

Family 7 36.84% the
Answers Frequency Percentage number
Friends 11 57.89% of
Yes, in high school 3 13.04% responde
Yes, in college 14 60.87% Classmates 6 31.58% nts is 19.
No, I’m working 4 17.39% Other 5 26.32%
No, I’m neither
studying nor 2 8.70%
working. Respondents may select more than one answer, so
percentages may add up to more than 100%.
Question 5. Do you have you own computer at home?
Question 8. Did you find it interesting or it‟s just a
Answers Frequency Percentage junk?

Yes 20 86.96% Answers Frequency Percentage

No 3 13.04%
Yes 17 89.47%
No 2 10.53%
Question 9. Did you remember the first hero you Question 12. How many hours do you play in one
used? session?
Answers Frequency Percentage 5
Vengeful Spirit 2 10.53% 4

Crystal Maiden 1 5.26%
Rogue Knight 1 5.26%
Lone Druid 1 5.26%
Lina Inverse 1 5.26% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Treant Protector 1 5.26%
Hours per session
Storm Spirit 1 5.26%
Dwarven Sniper 4 21.05%
Skeleton King 1 5.26% Question 13. Which do you prefer?
Lightning Revenant 2 10.53%
Drow Ranger 2 10.53%
Invoker 1 5.26%
Witch Doctor 1 5.26% 32% Heroes from
the Sentinel
Question 10: Who is your favorite hero? 68%
Heroes from
Answers Frequency Percentage the Scourge
Ursa Warrior 1 5.26%
Goblin Techies 1 5.26%
Storm Spirit 1 5.26%
Sacred Warrior 1 5.26% Agile heroes
Windrunner 1 5.26% 22%
Shadow Shaman 1 5.26%
17% Strong heroes
Lycanthrope 1 5.26% 61%
Skeleton King 1 5.26%
Shadow Fiend 2 10.53% Intelligent
Grand Magus 1 5.26%
Venomancer 1 5.26%
Phantom Assassin 1 5.26%
Sand King 1 5.26%
Geomancer 1 5.26% 32%
Mirana Nightshade 1 5.26%
Troll Warlord 1 5.26% 68%
Long ranged
Earthshaker 1 5.26%
(None) 1 5.26%

Question 11. For how long do you play DOTA?

more than 5 years

4 years
3 years
2 years Hitter
6-12 months 74% Supporter
0-6 months
0 2 4 6
Question 14. What are the impacts of playing DOTA Question 17. In what types of computer shops do you
to you? (Optional) play it? (Optional)
A. My grades get low/ failing
Ordinary computer
B. My grades get high shops
C. My grades are stable 41%
D. I have more strategies and techiniques in gaming. Ordinary,
E. I don‟t have time to study/ do household chores aircon(ed)
41% computer shops
F. I am being nocturnal.
G. I did not eat in time. Premium computer
H. I am doing more things than before. shops
I. I have more self-esteem.
J. Other

Question 18. Is playing DOTA gender exclusive?
H 0% Yes, only men
G are acceptable
to play DOTA.
E Yes, only women
are acceptable
D 100% to play DOTA.
C No, all are
B accepted to play
0 5 10
Question 19. Is it true that DOTA interferes an
intimate relationship? (Optional)
Question 15. Do you play DOTA with other people?

15 Yes

0 Question 20. Please rate your enjoyment and

With my With my With my With With others
family friends classmates "dayo" contentment in playing DOTA, as 10 being the highest.

Question 16. Where do you play DOTA with other
Rate of enjoyment

20 5
15 3
5 0
0 8
At home At computer Other Frequency
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA In studying the culture of DOTA in the
Philippines, it is important to have surveys because the

A s you have noticed, the results of the survey responders from different places, different careers
says much about the culture of DOTA in the and different walks of life represent the whole
Philippines. It supported the arguments country.
presented in the previous chapter. It says that
majority of the people who play DOTA are students
with ages 16-20. Most of them discovered the game
by their friends and classmates. Out of the
respondents who play DOTA, only two said that it
was not interesting. In short, almost all of the people
said that its intricate. In the case of the respondents,
their average time when they began to play is
around 3 years ago. They play for an average of 3
hours per session.

As the researcher observes, the first hero

used by the respondents is usually long-ranged, in
order for him to adjust with the environment and to
keep away from harm. In fact, Dwarven Sniper is the
usual hero chosen by the beginners. It is also observed
that the favorite heroes of the respondents are what
is called “hitters” of the game. The “hitter” heroes are
regarded as the carry of the team; it usually assaults
the enemies directly. In fact, Shadow Fiend is the most
popular hitter in Philippine DOTA.On the other hand,
the “supporter” heroes do indirect damages to the
enemy like stunning, silencing, disabling, poisoning or
slowing them. In order to create a very good team,
the heroes must have a supporter. The responders
prefer heroes which are hitters, long-ranged, agile
and belongs to the Sentinel. Such heroes are Dwarven
Sniper, Morphling, Mirana Nightshade, Drow Ranger
and Vengeful Spirit.

As you can see from Question 14, the main

impact of DOTA to the respondents is they develop
critical thinking; it enhances their strategy and
techniques in gaming. Most of them are playing
frequently with their friends other than with their
family, classmates or other people. They play mostly
in ordinary computer shops, because they can
accommodate at most 10 players.

All of the respondents that there is no gender

exclusivity in playing DOTA, and 6 out of 14
respondents who answered question 19 agreed that
DOTA interferes in an intimate relationship. To end
this section, the responders rated playing DOTA with
an average score of 8.32/10. The complete result of
the survey is on Appendix 4.

T his research paper actually shows how DOTA

influenced the Filipino people – not only the
gamers but also the people who do not play it.
As you can see in the arguments presented, we can
at school. But in the cities it does not mean that you
flunk at school it you are expert in playing DOTA. As
you can see in the survey, some people

Time is also very essential when it comes to

conclude that the culture of DOTA in the Philippines is work. I‟ll recommend that employees must not play
rich, because it affects our daily lives and serves as a while at work; because 1 game is not enough to
connection between the gamers. In the first place, satisfy him. Just play at your vacant time while you
there are no other games which has the same are not at work. Aside from playing DOTA, there are
gameplay of DOTA; it‟s origin, Starcraft, has never more worthwile tasks that you can do like playing
been popular here in the country. People continue to sports, helping in household chores, helping the
embrace its influence and apply it to our everyday community and serve the people. Every person in a
lives. relationship must also understand what consequences
will happen if one of them is playing DOTA. As said
It covers vast array of topics, which every earlier, time is very important in a relationship, and
people should know such as its origin and its concept. one must reduce the time in playing the game. Also
Every people should also know how gamers behave keep in mind that DOTA cannot be compared to your
when they are playing informally and formally. partner; it is only a game while your partner must be
People should also know that there is no gender treasured of. Their partners must not be replaced by
exclusivity in playing DOTA. People should also know a game.
how DOTA invades the country, and its effects to us. If
every people know all of these, he can establish a “Just like any sport, DOTA should not be treated as a
clear understanding regarding the topic. He can clear priority. Play it for fun and play moderately.”
things out, and know people‟s opinions about it. He -Rodriguez, Jack. 2011
can also help other curoius people of what is the
game all about. The main purpose of this paper is to The game promotes many advantages to
inform and remove negative thoughts about DOTA to many individuals that can boost their self-esteem and
the reader. Everyone must not be alarmed, but rather social skills. But also, we must not forget the risks that
be informed. can brought bad effects to the gamer. Everything has
its own advantages and disadvantages. It‟s up to you
Since the game was released, everything if you will adapt to its dynamic effects brought to the
followed like a domino: the rise of the computer shops country. It‟s up to you if you will embrace it or not. It‟s
and its culture, the popularity of the game, the hosting up to you if you will use it for good or for bad things.
of several DOTA competitions, and its total invasion in At the end of the day, you yourself should decide
the country. whether you will explore the game or not. What‟s
very important thing is setting priorities in everything
Jack Rodriguez wrote an article about you do: in studies, time management, relationships
balacing studies and playing DOTA. He presents 8 and at work. We must be conscious of our time,
ways to control time between studying and playing. because we cannot go back to correct our mistakes
“Pay attention at school; play moderately; pay anymore.
attention to your game; observe the factors that can
affect your studies; know when not to play; don‟t mind Also, DOTA is only a game. So what‟s the
the insults; cutting class is a drug; know when to quit”. point if you are expert or not? The point here is, the
These eight simple ideas can greatly help a student in culture of DOTA is generally not harmful; rather it
organizing his time. Parents can also guide their serves as a significant challenge to the youth, to filter
children if they will be informed about playing DOTA. responsible persons and make a twist to the
The trend of gamers in provinces is that the more they individual‟s journey to success.
are expert in playing the game, the more they flunk

Aquino, JV. The Effect of DOTA to Filipino Students.

(March 18, 2012) PINOY DOTA LINGO: A Collection of Filipino Dota Terms
Students Pinoy Tumblr. (June 30, 2010)
Ask A Filipino! : Why is DOTA more important to a a-collection-of-filipino-dota-terms
Filipino teenager than his GF? (January 11, 2011) Rodriguez, Jack. Balancing Studies and DOTA.
important-to-filipino.html (April 01, 2011)
Dino R ft. K-Tin – Mas Mahal Mo Ba Ang DOTA studies-and-dota.html
ang_dota.html Rodriguez, Jack. Top 25 Signs of DOTA Addiction.
(February 25, 2011)
DOTA vs. GF (Poem) addiction.html
Rudolf, Ryan. DOTA – Philippines Most Played PC GAME?
Icefrog. DOTA Website News. (May 15, 2009) (March 02, 2009)
Lodaya, Punit. DotA AllStars. (February 09, 2006) Tok, Kevin. Defense of the Ancients 101.
7&cat_id=541&page=1 (January 25, 2006)
Nair, Neha. Why Defense of the Ancients?
(October 30, 2010) Vanessa & Aikee - DOTA o Ako
Panatang Maka-DOTA (Poem) Waldbridge, Michael. The Game Anthropologist: Defense
of the Ancients - An Underground Revolution.
Philippine Garena CyberCafe Alliance (GCA) DOTA Blitz (May 30, 2005)
Tournament: Competition Flow _anthropologist_defense_of.php


Figure 1 (Left). DOTA Loading Screen. Before you play the game, a loading screen will show to be able for the computer to set-
up resources of the game. Figure 2 (Right). That is what the terrain looks like. It shows Mirana Nightshade killing the creeps.


Figure 3. These are the

heroes of DOTA, there are
so much to choose from.
They are divided into
three groups, the Sentinel,
the Scourge, and the
Neutrals. Also they are
divided further by their
primary attributes:
strength, agility and

Heroes‟ spells are visually

attracting, such as lightning
attacks by the hero Zeus
(6th, Sentinel Intelligence),
fire attacks by Lina Inverse
(9th, Sentinel Intelligence),
ice attacks by Lich (7th,
Scourge Intelligence) and
poisonous attacks from
Venomancer (9th, Scourge
Agility). Not only that, if you saw the ultimate skills like Macropyre of Twin-Headed Dragon (10th, Neutral
Intelligence), Epicenter of Sand King (8th, Neutral Strength), Freezing Field of Crystal Maiden (1st, Sentinel Intelligence)
and Sanity‟s Eclipse of Obsidian Destroyer (9th, Scourge Intelligence), you will surely enjoy the game. Every hero has
its strengths and weaknesses, so forming the team is crucial to make.

Figure 4 (Left). This image that contain the “Oath of Allegiance to DOTA” or “Panatang Maka-DOTA” became very
viral in the internet. Also, Figure 5 (Right) shows the poem “DOTA vs. GF”, which tackles the issues of DOTA in


This is the complete results of the survey. It also includes the opinions of the respondents regarding the topic involved.

Digitally signed by Joshua

Frankie B. Rayo
Joshua DN: cn=Joshua Frankie B.
Rayo gn=Joshua Frankie B.
Rayo c=Philippines l=PH
Reason: I am the author of this
B. Rayo Location:
Date: 2012-10-11 01:14+08:00
If you are studying in an
elementary or high
school, please indicate
your grade/year and
your school on the box Do you play computer
below. If you are games? If yes, please What makes DOTA
Do you have your Did you find it Did you remember
studying in college, indicate the games you From whom you different from other Who is your favorite What is your favorite
a How old are you? Where do you live? Are you studying? own computer at What is your name? Do you play DOTA? interesting? Or it's the first hero you
please indicate your have played. If no, discover DOTA? games? Why is it very hero? item?
home? just a junk? used?
year, course and school please leave the box attractive?
on the box below. If you blank.
are working, please
indicate your
occupation on the box

1st Year BS Computer

Outside the city (hindi Yes, in college. (Oo, sa Icy Tower, O2Jam, Special effects, creeps,
1 Frank 16 - 20 years old
sa siyudad) isang unibersidad.)
Science, University of the Yes
Frank Yes Family, Dorm mates Yes
spells, magic
Dwarven Sniper Venomancer Mjolinir
Philippines Diliman

kasi ang mga nangyayari

sa loob ng laro ay parang
parehas na nangyayari
sa ating buhay.
Dota, RF online, Dragon gaya na lamang ng
Nest, Hangaroo, weather conditions na
GoldFish, Feeding naeexperience while
Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa
2 Pogi 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.)
2nd yr UP Diliman Yes Frenzy, Farm frenzy, Pogi Yes Friends Yes playing, ung pag nagtago Storm Spirit Shadow Fiend Mski
Diner Dash, Rakion, MU ka sa likod ng puno d ka
online, Counter Strike, makikita, minsan mahirap
Farmville ka at minsan mayaman.
may mga kamalasan rin
na nangyayari at kung
madiskarte ka ay
maoovercome mo yun :))

It makes use of your

strategic and tactical
Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa 1st Year, BS Computer Family, Friends, skills, thus making your
3 Norman Roy 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.) Engineering
Yes DOTA, CABAL, HON Norman Roy Yes
brain really work while
Treant Protector Grand Magus Euls Scepter
playing. It's not just pure
talent, it's intellectual.

Most modern games and

Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa Competitive, Player vs
4 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.)
UP Yes mmorpg (too many to Yes Family, Classmates Yes
Player genre.
Lina Inverse None. None.
It is like playing tekken
with more complexity. Its
multiplayer nature is what
makes it really special.
Defense of the Ancients Having to play with real
Heroes of Newerth players and being able to
League of Legends do tricks by cooperation
Outside the city (hindi Yes, in college. (Oo, sa Incoming 2nd year Weapons of War is what makes it exciting.
5 Ted Moseby 16 - 20 years old
sa siyudad) isang unibersidad.) College, BS Geography
Ted Moseby Yes Friends, Classmates Yes
Every minute of playing it
Lightning Revenant Storm Spirit Butterfly
Tetris Battle is very intense because
Pokemon Crater every move counts,
anything can change the
tides of battle. Even
though it is done in an
hour or less, it is a hell of
an hour. :)

Tetris Battle, Runescape,

Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa 2nd year, BS Computer
6 Klarizze 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.) Science, UP Diliman
Yes Plants VS Zombies, Klarizze No
Angry Birds

kakaiba ang game play.

pinagsama sama ang
elements na maganda
mula sa ibat ibang
game... tulad ng arena
style of gaming ng
Counter Strike, Leveling
RAKION System ng Rakion at iba
DOTA pang RPG, at ang
Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa Family, Friends, Perseverance,
7 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.)
1st year BS MATH Yes GUNDBOUND Yes
Yes Strategy ng Dwarven Sniper Sacred Warrior
RF Starcraft/Warcraft. ASTIG
:) astig rin ang storyline,
at very unique ang skills.
BALANCED rin ang lahat,
bawat start ng game
LEVEL1 lahat ng players,
kaya di porke bago ka
lang naglaro wala ka na
pag asa. :D

It is a game that can

Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa too many to mention showcase the wits,
8 Mr. Vital 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.)
1st year BSFT, UPD Yes
Mr. Vital Yes Friends Yes
creativity, skills and luck
Lone Druid Shadow Shaman Armlet of Mordigan
of the players.

Call Of Duty Modern

Warfare 1,2,3
Call Of Duty 5
Battlefield 1,2,3
Warcraft (RPG and TFT)
Starcraft 1,2
Diablo 2
Battlerealms (BT &
Need For Speed
underground 2, MW,
self (dota not yet
Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa 2nd year, BS Computer Carbon) It is the first renowned
9 Jonathan John Yacapin 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.) Science, UP Diliman
Assassin's Creed
Jonathan John Yacapin Yes famous, dota map ver: Yes
multiplayer action RTS.
Crystal Maiden Phantom Assassin Na'vi (int), izone(ph)
Generals (main, zh,
left4dead (1,2)
o2 jam
splinter cell conviction

others (too many to list)

Outside the city (hindi No, I am working. (Hindi,
10 dan 21 - 25 years old
sa siyudad) nagtatrabaho na ako.)
programmer Yes dota dan Yes Friends Yes teamwork Skeleton King Skeleton King tarasque

No, I am neither studying dota,cabal online PH.Ran mas challenging at

Outside the city (hindi nor working. (Hindi ako online,MU PH,audition nakita q lng sa comp gagana talga ang keleen's dagger at
11 poks 21 - 25 years old
sa siyudad) nag-aaral o
PH,devil may cry 1-
poks Yes
diskarte sa paglalaro
Rogue Knight Windrunner
nagtatrabaho.) 4,ATBP.. neto

marami (RPGs, first-

Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa First Year, BS Computer Every game presents a
12 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.) Science, UP Diliman
Yes person shooters, real- Yes Family, Classmates Yes
whole new experience.
Lightning Revenant Goblin Techies Aghanim's Scepter
time strategy, puzzle) =))

kasi dito open lahat

Outside the city (hindi Yes, in high school. (Oo, BKB,lothars and
13 Den Mark 11 - 15 years old
sa siyudad) sa mataas na paaralan.)
3rd yR No special force.. Den Mark Yes Friends Yes ...nakakaadik Vengeful Spirit Shadow Fiend
ok to pare

It was fun at first because

you could test your skill
against other people.
Yes, sa sobrang dami Masarap mandurog ng
Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa 1st Year BS CS UP
14 Gost Payter 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.) Diliman
Yes (more than 100) hindi ko Gost Payter Yes Friends Yes mayabang pero naging Dwarven Sniper Lycanthrope Tango
na ililista boring na rin ang DotA
kasi ang luma na niya.
Pang jejemon skwater
lang siya.

Inside the city (sa isang Yes, in college. (Oo, sa 1st Yr., BS Computer
15 Angela 16 - 20 years old
siyudad) isang unibersidad.) Engineering, UPD
Yes Angela No

Inside the city (sa isang No, I am working. (Hindi,

16 Aaron 21 - 25 years old
siyudad) nagtatrabaho na ako.)
Web Developer Yes Yes Aaron Yes Friends Yes Cheese like game. Vengeful Spirit Ursa Warrior phase boots

ang dota ay isang

Outside the city (hindi Yes, in college. (Oo, sa dota, tetris battle, chess, strategy game na ibang
17 rhafael dela cruz 16 - 20 years old
sa siyudad) isang unibersidad.)
need for speed
rhafael dela cruz Yes dahil sa panonuod Yes
iba sa ibang computer
drow ranger(traxex) sand king preserverance

Outside the city (hindi Yes, in high school. (Oo, 4th year high school, Tetris, Guitar Hero, Part it employs special effects
18 Daryl 15
sa siyudad) sa mataas na paaralan.) CSMA
Daryl Yes Family No
and have "creeps".
Invoker Geomancer Ironwood branch

Outside the city (hindi Yes, in college. (Oo, sa tetris, typing maniac,
19 Jaymark 19
sa siyudad) isang unibersidad.)
Comp. Tech, TESDA No
facebook apps
Jaymark Yes friends and classmates No it has killing, trashtalking. witch doctor mirana nightshade linken's sphere
Outside the city (hindi Yes, in high school. (Oo, DOTA, SF, facebook nakakatuwang mag dagon, aghanim's
20 Jeremiah 13
sa siyudad) sa mataas na paaralan.)
Jeremiah yes friends Yes
DOTA. :)
drow ranger(traxex) earthshaker

because dota have

unique characters than
Outside the city (hindi No, I am working. (Hindi, other games; it attracts
21 Russel 21
sa siyudad) nagtatrabaho na ako.)
teacher, NNHS yes battle,o2jam,icy tower, Russel Yes family Yes
me because the game is
Dwarven Sniper Troll warlord Perseverance
jewel quest
new in my eyes yet very
wonderful game.

No, I am neither studying

Outside the city (hindi nor working. (Hindi ako
22 Diane 19
sa siyudad) nag-aaral o
yes fam ville Diane No

Outside the city (hindi No, I am working. (Hindi,

23 Mark Allan Juan 23
sa siyudad) nagtatrabaho na ako.)
No Mark Allan Juan NO
If you play DOTA and
you are in a
How did you manage
relationship status, did
How frequent do you your time with playing
How many hours do Does playing DOTA you find DOTA a
play DOTA? (e.g. For how long do you What are the impacts of DOTA and other Do you play DOTA with
What is your name? you play DOTA in one What do you prefer? What do you prefer? What do you prefer? What is your name? What do you prefer? affect your study hindrance to your
everyday, every other play DOTA? playing DOTA to you? aspects of your life other people?
session? habits? How? commitment? Why? (If
day, etc.)? (studies, work, time,
you have nothing to
relationship, etc.)?
share, please leave the
box blank below.

My grades are stable, I

have more strategies and
techniques in gaming., I
am being nocturnal / I
sleep too late. , I am
doing more things than Finishing my obligations Yes, with my family, Yes,
Frank everyday 3 0 - 6 months Heroes from the Sentinel Agile heores Long-ranged Frank Hitter No
before. (Mas marami first before playing. with my friends
akong ginagawa
ngayon), I have more self-
esteem. (Tumataas ang
aking tingin sa aking

Nope, syempre ang dota

ay laro lang naman. Mas
importante parin ang Dota pag kasama lang
Wala naman, pwera pag My grades are stable, I
commitment sa isang ang mga kaibigan.
matalik na kaibigan ang have more strategies and Yes, with my friends,
bagay na may/mas kaya paminsan-minsan
nagyaya :))) maganda techniques in gaming., I Yes, with my classmates,
Pogi linggo-linggo 3 2 years Heroes from the Sentinel Agile heores Short-ranged Pogi Hitter malaki ang magiging lang talaga.
ngang pagbalingan ng have more self-esteem. Yes, with "dayo" (new
epekto sa ating buhay at kailangan lang talaga
depression sa studies (Tumataas ang aking people)
kinabukasan. magprioritized ng mga
ang dota eh tingin sa aking sarili.)
Iba parin kung marunong bagay-bagay
ka magpriority ng mga

LOL. Yes. Pag-nag aya Nung nasa high school

It takes some of the time ang mga katropa at ako, every weekend lang
My grades are stable, I
I should have had spent kasama mo gf mo, naku. ako ng lalaro ng DOTA
have more strategies and
reading my notes! HAHA. Pero ng break naman kasama ang tropa. Kaya Yes, with my family, Yes,
techniques in gaming., I
Pero, as time goes by, kami agad, at hindi yun ang weekdays ay with my friends, Yes,
Norman Roy Ocassionally (Nowadays) 5 3 years Heroes from the Sentinel Agile heores Short-ranged Norman Roy Supporter did not eat in time. , I
medyo makokontrol ko dahil sa DOTA. so for nakalaan para sa with my classmates, Yes,
have more self-esteem.
na sarili ko (that was in me, walang "hindrance" schoolworks. Except pag with "dayo" (new people)
(Tumataas ang aking
third and fourth year high or any form. Syempre departmental exams na,
tingin sa aking sarili.)
school) time management mo na 2 weeks before, wala
yun. nang maglalaro. xD

My grades are stable, I

have more strategies and
Doing what is needed at Yes, with my friends,
Kapag gusto. 3 4 years Heroes from the Sentinel Agile heores Long-ranged Hitter No. techniques in gaming., I No.
the current time. Yes, with my classmates
am being nocturnal / I
sleep too late.
DOTA will not be a
hindrance but it will
My grades are stable, I decrease the time spent
have more strategies and with partner. But if the
Yes it does, because it techniques in gaming., I partner understands that Yes, with my family, Yes,
Ted Moseby I haven't played in a while 2 3 years Heroes from the Scourge Agile heores Long-ranged Ted Moseby Supporter have become a part of don't have time to study/ playing online games is a Setting priorities. with my friends, Yes,
my schedule. do household chores , I part of guys' time then it with my classmates
have developed better is all good. It is kind of
critical thinking gender biased, because
if girls play Dota, nothing
can be wrong.

Klarizze Klarizze

My grades get low /

medyo.. minsan tatawag
failing , I don't have time
si GF at nasa gitna ako priorities first syempre..
OO, nung nasa dorm to study/ do household
ng laban sa DOTA. pag kailangan umalis o Yes, with my friends,
everyday 8 more than 5 years (?) Heroes from the Sentinel Agile heores Long-ranged Hitter pako mas madalas ako chores , I am being
minsa sinasagot ko. may gawin, no dota Yes, with my classmates
magdota kesa mag aral nocturnal / I sleep too
minsan hindi ^.^ away muna. LOL
late. , I did not eat in
kami nyan paghindi... :P

Yes, with my family, Yes,

Kinda, minsan My grades are stable, I
It's all about time with my friends, Yes,
Mr. Vital Almost Everyday 3 more than 5 years (?) Heroes from the Sentinel Intelligent heroes Short-ranged Mr. Vital Supporter napapasobra ang have more strategies and
management. with my classmates, Yes,
paglalaro. techniques in gaming.
with "dayo" (new people)

Sometimes, it
I have more strategies
and techniques in I only play dota when I Yes, with my friends,
procrastination, but I am
gaming., I am being have nothing better to do Yes, with my classmates,
Jonathan John Yacapin everyday 2 more than 5 years (?) Heroes from the Scourge Agile heores Short-ranged Jonathan John Yacapin Hitter always capable of
nocturnal / I sleep too (entertainment Yes, with "dayo" (new
steering myself away if
late. , I did not eat in alternative). people)
something needs to be
passed the next day.
I have more strategies put thing at the right time Yes, with my family, Yes,
dan seldom 1 3 years Heroes from the Sentinel Strong heroes Long-ranged dan Hitter hindi and techniques in hindi learn to adjust your time with my friends, Yes,
gaming. and discipline with my classmates

oo kc un ang madalas
oo madalas aq makapag My grades get low / Yes, with my friends,
namin pag awayan kaya
cutting classes at failing , I have more pagkatpos ng mga Yes, with my classmates,
poks minsan nlng ngayon 5 more than 5 years (?) Heroes from the Sentinel Intelligent heroes Long-ranged poks Supporter pag naglalaro aq d q
nakikipag pustahan sa strategies and techniques gawain q Yes, with "dayo" (new
cnasv na naglalaro aq
laro in gaming. people)

My grades get low / I restricted myself playing Yes, with my family, Yes,
Yes, it destroys your failing , I have more DotA only if I have free with my friends, Yes,
when i have free time 2 2 years Heroes from the Sentinel Intelligent heroes Long-ranged Supporter
focus and eats up time. strategies and techniques time. I put my real with my classmates, Yes,
in gaming. priorities first. with "dayo" (new people)

Yes, with my friends,

di naman...nkakapasok oo ee palagi syang naglalaro aq pagkatapos Yes, with my classmates,
Den Mark araw arw dati 4 6 - 12 months Heroes from the Scourge Agile heores Long-ranged Den Mark Hitter My grades are stable
pa naman ako xD nagagalit sakin e xD ng klase Yes, with "dayo" (new

Teka, ayoko pong

magtunog bastos pero
maling mali ho ang
Hell no. I really don't
inyong English grammar.
Kapag may mga jeje na bother to play DotA Yes, with my friends,
Pwede po itong maging
mayabang at eto ang unless it is forced upon I don't play that much, so Yes, with my classmates,
sagabal dahil kapag ito'y
Gost Payter ipinang hamon sa akin, 2 6 - 12 months Heroes from the Scourge Strong heroes Long-ranged Gost Payter Hitter me by my friends. It's fun Nothing my life is pretty much Yes, with "dayo" (new
naging adiksyon, patay!
game ako. (Once in a to watch other people easier to manage. people), Skwater at mga
Mapapapili ka sa
blue moon) play it because of how jeje
minamahal mo at sa
skwater and jeje they are.
DotA, pero hindi ako
naapekto nito dahil ako'y
hindi adik.

Angela Angela

Yes, with my friends,

Aaron twice a week 8 4 years Heroes from the Sentinel Agile heores Short-ranged Aaron Hitter No. Stress Free No. play on free time only. Yes, with "dayo" (new
minsan kasi tulad ng
Yes, with my family, Yes,
oo dahil sa paglalaro ng nangyari saken halos
with my friends, Yes,
dota mas lalong na hasa iwan na nya ko para lang
magiiskedyul para sa with my classmates, Yes,
rhafael dela cruz araw-araw 4 6 - 12 months Heroes from the Sentinel Agile heores Long-ranged rhafael dela cruz Hitter ang aking kaalaman sa My grades get high makapaglaro sya ng dota
dota at sa pag aaral with "dayo" (new
pag solve ng mga pero naayos naman
people), kung sino may
problem namin yung bagay na

Yes, with my family,

Daryl everyday 2 3 years Both Intelligent heroes Long-ranged Daryl Hitter No None No 1 game per day only. friends, classmates and
other people or "dayo"

yes, ayaw ng girl,

My grades get low, I did family, friends,
Jaymark everyday 3 3 years Heroes from the Scourge Agile heores Short-ranged Jaymark Hitter Yes, I cut classes nauubos ang oras
not eat in time classmates
oo, dahil minsan hindi my grades get low, do
nakakagawa ng not have time in oo, kasi nawawalan ng
Jeremiah 4 times a week 2 6-12 months Heroes from the Sentinel Strong heroes Long-ranged Jeremiah Hitter family
assignment at hindi household chores, I sleep oras sa karelasyon
nakakapagreview too late

sometimes, it cant help I do not hear any

at work, if I have my
Russel vacant hour only 10 6-12 months sentinel Agile heores Long-ranged Russel Hitter my study habits when I commands from my family
vacant time, I play.
play the game parents

Diane Diane

Mark Allan Juan Mark Allan Juan

Do you know any Pinoy DOTA
Did you play DOTA with Lingo? These are some
Please rate your Do you think playing
Did you play DOTA money involved things you speak during the Do you think playing
Where do you play In what types of What is your most What is your most enjoyment and DOTA
with money involved (pustahan)? How much game to communicate with Do you think it is fun to Is playing DOTA DOTA advantageous?
What is your name? DOTA with other computer shops do What is your name? memorable moment in embarrassing moment contentment in disadvantageous?
(pustahan)? If yes, is the money at stake? your teammates (e.g. “SS play DOTA? Why? gender exclusive? Why? (If no, please
people? you play it? playing DOTA? in playing DOTA? playing DOTA, as 10 Why? (If no, please
how many players? Specify the lowest and na!”,”Push na sa mid!”,"TP sa leave the box blank.)
being the highest. leave the box blank.)
highest price. top!"). Please explain their

Yes, fun to play with Venomancer is beyond No, all are accepted to
Frank At home Frank losing 10
friends GODLIKE play DOTA.

Noong nanalo kami sa noong habang

rak- game na
pustahan ng 5000 pero nagdodota ako ay
gg-good game No.. marami ka kayang Oo, may mga bagay sa
At home, At computer Ordinary, aircon(ed) Yeah, nkakarelieve ng hindi naman ako ang dumating ang gf ko sa No, all are accepted to
Pogi 10 250 ; 5,000 gl hf - goodluck have fun Pogi 8 matututunan sa laro.. laro na pwede mong
shops computer shops stress! pumusta :)) pinaglaro shop tapos pinagalitan :| play DOTA.
/gg - good game better luck wag lang mag adik! maiapply in-real life
lang ako at ayun... may ahaha
next time :))
sweldo akong 1k :))

SS na - activate ultimate (4th)

Push sa mid - attack sa middle
Pustahan? I don't lane
ayoko na rin alalahanin.
consider tournaments as TP - Teleport improving skills w/c may
OO. it has become my N/A. nakakatamad haha. siguro nung
At home, At computer Ordinary, aircon(ed) "pustahan" pero we once B/back/bb - retreat No, all are accepted to be used/often-ly
Norman Roy stress reliever :) bonding Norman Roy alalahanin, sobrang baguhan pa lang ako at 10
shops computer shops joined (with money g/tara - game/attack play DOTA. practiced in real life
time with friends. dami. XD medyo lalalampa-lampa
involved) prize is about gg - good game (meaning situations.
sa laro.
2K accept defeat or congratulates
the other team)

At home, At computer Premium computer Yes. (refer to why is dota No, all are accepted to
Yes. Winning. Bragging then losing. 8
shops shops (Netopia, etc.) attractive) play DOTA.
REKTA NA (mid, top or bot)! - it When I was in
means to destroy the creeps highschool, my friends
and towers that are guarding decided to have a game
the lane of dota. A five on five
Meron ba SS? - it means if game but the thing is that
someones Ultimate(Super Skill) the five best players fight
is ready for an upcoming clash the five
TANGINA MO! - means you worst.Unfortunately, im When I tried to counter-
It is fun, because it is a
At home, At computer Premium computer have to play it well and play it one of the worst. The trash talk my enemy and No, all are accepted to
Ted Moseby 10 20 game for clever people Ted Moseby 9 nope. neither
shops shops (Netopia, etc.) clever because you made a memorable thing about I just died, pathetically, play DOTA.
like me
huge mistake that game is that we with one hit :)
JUMONG! - it means the almost won, we have
gigantic arrow skill of a hero more kills and stuff, but
named Mirana, it is quite deadly they defeated us by the
DEP! - it means to defend a BD(backdoor) method.
lane that is pushed by the Im the one who led our
enemy team to an "almost-
victory" :)

Yes, it's because I think it

could improve a person's
No, all are accepted to hand and eye
Klarizze Klarizze
play DOTA. coordination. Let's not
forget the player's

SS - ultimate skill of a hero Used OLD RAZOR, used

TP - town portal chain lightning to the
medyo. it takes ones
B - retreat incoming creeps to let the USED ZEUS and
Ordinary, aircon(ed) YES! thrilling and very No, all are accepted to time.. pero nasa tao yan
At computer shops P/tulak/push - attack lightning bounce to the became FOOD to the 10 yes. makes u creative
computer shops strategic play DOTA. kung pano nya imanage
lane/destroy tower dying/escaping enemy on enemies
time nya
RS na! - kill roshan the blind spot. KILLED!
well/fountain - destroy fountain \m/

At computer shops, Ordinary, aircon(ed) parang tinanong na to Winning that 5k pot No, all are accepted to
Mr. Vital 10 20-5000 katamad Mr. Vital dinurog ng AI 9 Pandagdag social life din
Dorm computer shops kanina ahh. money, OH YEAH \m/ play DOTA.

SS na- use last skill

rekta mid/om/push na mid -
team push on mid
TP sa top/bot/mid - teleport to
lane for antigank
<name> setup <enemy> -
<name> will be the first to
disable <enemy> as setup

gank top/mid/bot - group kill on

ff - focus fire or forfeit(RGC)
DOTA is*
RS- roshan
<name> chix- <name> buys
geous (grammar nazi :P )
At home, At computer Ordinary, aircon(ed) chicken definitely, don't know why No, all are accepted to it is advantageous
Jonathan John Yacapin Jonathan John Yacapin can't remember. can't remember. 9
shops computer shops <name> wards- <name> buys though. play DOTA. because it is entertaining.
It is disadvantageous
because it promotes
block- block the creep pathing
mismanagement of time.
to slow creep movement
ggwp- "good game, well played"
camp block - block neutral
camp using wards
dp- drop disconnected player
fc- buy flying courier upgrade
rune ward- ward rune areas
off ward- ward enemy jungle
def ward- ward own jungle
neuts- neutral creeps
pull- pulling neutral creeps to
lane creeps
At home, At computer Ordinary, aircon(ed) No, all are accepted to
dan Firstblood not anymore dan when i was in highschool none 1 nope
shops computer shops play DOTA.

nasisi nung natalo kmi

def na- defend the base oo kc minsan oo kc ung iba nauubos
Ordinary computer nanalo ng malaki sa sa pustahan aq ang No, all are accepted to maiimprove ang diskarte
poks At computer shops 10 lowest 100 highest 300 ss na-special skill na nakakalimot ng mga poks 10 ang pera kakalaro n2 at
shops pustahan naging dahilan ng play DOTA. sa paglalaro
problema nagcucuting classes pa
agkatalo nmin

It never gets boring.

KS- kill-steal =))
Every game presents a Playing as Techies and Losing the game It is disadvantageous if
At home, At computer Ordinary computer TP - town portal No, all are accepted to Yes, you learn teamwork
unique experience. But getting triple kills and because of a critical 8 you prioritize it over other
shops shops SS - ultimate play DOTA. and strategy
best of all, you get to play supporting well mistake I made more important tasks.
and more...
with friends.

mga bobo pakain kayo- wlang

nung baog na ung aking
Ordinary computer silbeng kakampi at weak ang naman kasi ifeel good pagnanatalo at No, all are accepted to
Den Mark At computer shops di pa ee Den Mark hero at nkabwi pa ako sa 10
shops kalaban!! xD pagnagdodota xD pagnatrashtalk ako xD play DOTA.

Just to clarify, "Push" and "TP"

are not from the Philippines.
Pushing is a relatively common
term in the international DotA
scene or in any games of the Nung dinurog ko yung
MOBA genre. "TP" comes from torre ng sobrang yabang
Warcraft III, the game which na kalaban dahil ang Oo. Kahit sa anumang
It depends on who you
At computer shops, Ordinary, aircon(ed) 50 pesos lowest price, DotA comes from. It is a yabang niya talaga tae. No, all are accepted to laro, pwedeng ma-adik. Pwede, nakakawala ng
Gost Payter 10 are playing with and who Gost Payter Wala. Imba ako eh. 5
Classroom computer shops 100 highest price common term in Warcraft III Sobrang nakakatuwa play DOTA. Kung ma-adik ka, GG stress
you are playing against.
because TPs or Town Portal talagang makatalo ng kids. Trashbin buhay mo.
scrolls are very useful in this mayabang na, jeje pa.
game. Yes, I do know Pinoy Sarap hiritan.
DotA lingo. Examples are
jumong, w3w, awtz, and other
very very skwater and jeje

It becomes
disadvantageous when
you are extremely
addicted to it, especially Yes, in a sense that
No, all are accepted to
Angela Angela when you don't have time you're just having fun
play DOTA.
for yourself and for during your spare time.
others. It also applies to
other computer / online /
video games.

Premium computer Sandking, nag SS sa No, all are accepted to

Aaron At computer shops 1 Yes. Aaron Every time may TT. 10 Advantage, stress free.
shops (Netopia, etc.) jungle. play DOTA.

oo kasi marami kang

At home, At computer Ordinary computer makikilala at hmmm.. nakalimutan ko No, all are accepted to
rhafael dela cruz rhafael dela cruz wala.. 4
shops shops makakabonding dahil sa na ehh.. play DOTA.

"pahigop salve!","kanain na
Ordinary computer dodge skill and money talo, namatay yung No, all are accepted to
Daryl At computer shops Yes, 10 players, 5v5 Php 1000-1500 yan!","tanim wards!","tagain ang yes, it fosters friendship Daryl 9 No Yes, more strategy
shops shot corrier play DOTA.

No, all are accepted to yes, I cant eat at the right

Jaymark at computer shops ordinary Yes, 10 players, 5v5 php750-2500 "GG na to!" -> talo na. yes Jaymark rampage losing 10 yes, pampalipas ng oras
play DOTA. time
"back" ->atras ka na.
yes, nakakatuwa kapag No, all are accepted to
Jeremiah computer shops, others ordinary no "gangbang!" -> patayin ang Jeremiah sa gg ay 5v5 kpag nananalo ako 8 oo, sa pagaaral no
nananalo ka. play DOTA.
isang kalaban ng kayong lahat.

yes, I think many people

"TP" teleport. "gg" quit, "NP" no yes, because when I play me and my other cousins especially all kabataans
No, all are accepted to
Russel at home no power ups, "om" only mid, "NE" the game, I cant feel any Russel playing the game for 24 when I lose 10 are taking their money to
play DOTA.
normal experience stress. hours this game. That is what
my mother said.

depende din sa
No, all are accepted to naglalaro, kung hindi
Diane Diane no
play DOTA. napapabayaan ang pag-

yes for me, in my opinion,

I find playing dota a
waste of time, money and
effort. As I have
No, all are accepted to observed, students have
Mark Allan Juan Mark Allan Juan no
play DOTA. been wasting their time
just to play it and even
cut classes, and spend
their allowance for that
Brainstorming. Can you
give some insights
Do you like any pages
about the culture of
or join any groups in
DOTA in the
Facebook or other
Philippines? Can you
social networking sites
What is your name? share other things
that are related to
regarding playing
DOTA? Can you name
DOTA? Your answers
them? (If not, please
will help me in making
leave the box blank.))
my research paper
more comprehensive.

Yes, "Kamukha Mo Na Si

Maraming nagdodota sa
pilipinas, kaso maraming
adik. hindi lang nila
ginagawang for fun ang
Pogi Happyfeet OLSTAH
laro kundi nasisira ang
kanilang mga buhay dahil
mas inuuna nila ito kaysa
ibang bagay.

Well. Halos saan ako

pumunta merong nag do-
DOTA, i guess it has
become our passion at
kung saan may
maipagmamalaki ang
ibang mga tao. Gaya ng
mostly all asian countries
na adik sa computer
games (Korea, Japan,
China at Singapore -
Alam ko sila ang mga
Norman Roy kagaya natin na
maraming players) Kahit
sabihin natin na hndi ito
makakatulong sa pag-
unlad ng bansa, unti-unti
na itong niyayakap ng
mga tao at siguro parte
na ng culture ng mga
bagng henerasyon na
nakaabot sa larong ito. -
good luck sa paper frank.
post mo sa group ang
finished paper ha! :D :))
DOTA has become some
kind of sport that
determines a bet.
Filipinos love to have
Ted Moseby bets and determines who
wins by playing sports. It
is apparent at basketball.
DOTA have become
something like that


Mr. Vital

culture of dota in the

philippines largely
Jonathan John Yacapin involves trashtalk,
something rare in other


DotA is an addictive
game, especially if you
are used to playing
multiplayer games with
your team against other
people. Winning gives a
unique sense of
fulfillment that cannot be
felt from playing other
similar games. Losing
engraves a challenge into
your mind to determine
your team/your mistakes
and make you strive to

Den Mark REKTADOTA ala na xD

DotA appeals to the

lower classes and I have
no idea why. You can go
into a computer shop,
play HoN for free for
chrissake and it looks so
much better, and plays so
much better. I honestly
have no idea why people
keep sticking to it.
Before, when DotA was There's already a DotA 2
actually decent, I joined and albeit you have to
the community that pay for it, it's still
Gost Payter IceFrog built. I forgot the supremely better
name, I think it was DotA compared to the first
Portal or something? It incarnation. Even LoL is
was a fun forum. better but then again,
that's pretty much full of
jeje skwaters with no
money as well and LoL is
way too easy compared
to HoN and DotA. All
those who boast that they
can beat you in LoL can
eat their own shit. They
don't know what they're
talking about.

They started a
convention in which
people play tournament;
for example, in South
Korea, they have
Starcraft tournament, in
the Philippines, they have
DOTA tournament.


rhafael dela cruz

Halos lahat ng naglalaro

Daryl Yes, "Basag well dre!" ay hindi kayang imanage
ang oras.

Sikat ang DOTA, pag

Jaymark Yes, "Mineski" naglalaro ka nito, "in" ka
nakakasira ng pag-aaral
Jeremiah yes
kapag sumobra na.

I guess, many young

people are getting
involved with this matter,
Russel no they are spending their
time in playing the game,
other alsospend their
time,money and effort.


Playing DOTA here in our

country are very rampant
among youth, mostly
those who are still in their
schooling. For ma, not
being a fan of DOTA, I
really find it
disadvantageous/ if really
affects the quality time of
the student that should
be spend during class
hours. it also greatly
Mark Allan Juan no
affect their health as they
spent their huge time and
their allowances playing it
and forget that they also
need to eat and supply
their physical needs.
lastly, family time and
bonding are also
affected, Because they
even spend their 24/7
playing and playing

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