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Note: Discuss with your mentor whether your analysis was accurate

LO: Students Learning Strategy Effect

are learning the
letter V
Letter V - say
letter V , make
the sound of
letter v and
write it.
Starter Problem-Solving: She let student to The low/middle/high ability students were able to
guess what letter they will take today. guess the letter and said the sound of it.
Then she takes out to bloat balloon
and she ask student what letter is this? I believe that this strategy was very effective because
teacher let student explore by check with she has on
the bag and let them guess what they think.
Main Activity Copying: She let student sit on mat. The low/middle/high ability students were able to
She wrote in the board some words say letter V , make the sound of letter v and write it.
start on letter V like van, viper,
violin and veggies repeat with her. I believe that his strategy was not very effective
Student has written in their because in this age they feel interest to draw and
notebook with drawing. colour, but it is old style I think that they have
another way that the students could learn the letter V
is to use different materials and create a letter V.

Closing Group Work: Teacher but words for The low/middle/high ability students were able to
students on the board and she ask found letter v in the words.
them to work as group of two to I believe that is strategy was very effective because
find letter V in the words. teacher will observer all student however, all
students will answer and some of student will correct
their friends mistake.

I believe that Main activity was affective activity because student worked together and draw, children
in that age love to draw and use colour.

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