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You've found the ultimate resource for studying pickup and becoming an advanced PUA
who can easily talk to beautiful women, attract them, and sleep with them on a
regular basis.

It has everything you'll need for the next 5 years of your awesome journey.

If you're a beginner then that's probably info overload for you. So here's a simple
piece of advice for you.


It was designed to watch—and implement—in that specific order by few experienced

PUAs. So please watch the programs in that order and don't ask the same questions
like "I'm a beginner which programs are best for beginners".

Browse through the folder and look what's inside of each folder. It has everything
you're going to need.

Note: almost all programs are in 720p (very few are in 360p and one in 1080p). They
are nicely organized and most of them have MP3 (128 kbps) folders for listening
while you're commuting or going to gym/work/school.

| ~~ ADVICE ~~ |

DON'T jerk off to this folder.

DON'T mental masturbate to it.
DON'T pray on it.
DON'T think that just by having these programs your life will somehow be changed.

You know what you have to do with it. Watch in order and take action. That's it.

You can fool others that you take action. But you can't fool yourself… and deep
down inside you know that.

Passively consuming content and mental masturbating to it WILL NOT get you results.

Watching it, going out and internalizing the learned material then breaking down
your reference experience and learning from the feedback that you get from women
WILL get you results.

So go out there and get the results for yourself.

"I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."

--> Further reading: Wake Up and Take Massive Action! (

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