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Third Week
Complete one journal forms for the week. The more you write, the better information I have in
issuing your grade. Please put thought and effort into completing this form.

What activities did you do with the children that you enjoyed most?
I enjoyed when the children made an Easter Bunny. Since it was Easter, the kids were able to
choose how they want to make their bunny. This activity takes long but the kids really enjoyed it.
They have to cut out the body, feet’s, and clothing. They can make their bunny colorful and they
get to choose the clothing. The teacher let the children pick out what patterns they want.
What was your least favorite?
This is not an activity but it the religion lessons. The teacher reads to the kids but half of the
children in the class didn’t listen. They were bother other kids that are paying attention. They
were making noise and won’t sit still.
What would you change with the activity to make it more enjoyable/educational?
I feel like the teacher should makes an activity that relates the lessons. The activities can be
crafts, play, or game. Something active for them so they don’t feel bored. Or the teacher can read
the lesson and stop and do activity and goes back to reading it again.
What types of discipline did you witness? (good and bad)
Well, in this activity the discipline I saw was re-direct and timeout. It good but it didn’t work for
all of the kids. Maybe for each kid there should be different types of discipline.
What did you learn this week?
I learn that it okay if things don’t go as plans and can always be change. You just have to go
alone with it. One day, there was a tornado drill, a birthday party, nurses from SDSU came to our
class to practice testing on our kids in the classroom. The kids were taken to do some test and
came back one by one. I remember that I have to help them catch up with activities.
Extra Info.
For pre-kindergarten I have class with them on Monday through Thursday. So, on Friday I was
with the kindergarten. I get to observe the students and how they learn. The teacher told me
about her discipline and how the kids behave. In pre-k and kindergarten, I can see a huge

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