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I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. define antecedent and referent
2. identify antecedent and referent in a sentence
2. construct sentences following the pronoun-antecedent agreement rules

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Pronoun Antecedent

B. Reference: Valdez, Juner Windel M. Let’s Go back to the Basics.
Intramuros, Manila. Mindshapers,Co.Inc.
C. Materials: manila paper, chalkboard

III. Teaching Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management

B. Review

Before we proceed to our lesson, Sir! Last meeting, we discussed

let’s have a recap from what we about kinds of pronouns.
have discussed last meeting.
Sir! Personal pronouns.
Very good! What are the kinds of
pronouns? Sir! Demonstrative pronouns.

Sir! Interrogative pronouns.

Sir! Indefinite pronouns.

Sir! Relative pronouns

Sir! Reflexive pronouns.

Sir! Intensive pronouns.

Sir! Reciprocal pronouns.

Very good!

C. Motivation

Consider the following sentences:

When Daniel arrived in Daniel’s

house, Daniel immediately
proceeded to Daniel’s room and
changed Daniel’s clothes before
Daniel joined Daniel’s peers in
playing basketball.

When Daniel arrived in his house,

he immediately proceeded to his
room and changed his clothes Sir! The second sentence is better
before he joined his peers in than the first sentence.
playing basketball.
Sir! The second sentence sounds
Which sentence is better? better than the first sentence because
it uses pronouns to take the place of
the noun (Daniel).
Exactly! The second sentence
sounds better than the first Sir! Daniel.
Sir! his and he
Very good! Who is the subject
used in the sentence? Sir! They form an agreement.
Exactly! And what are the
pronouns used in the second

Daniel and the pronouns his and

he conforms to each other.
Therefore, they form an

You’re right!

Sir! Pronouns are used to take the

D. Presentation
place of nouns in sentences.
We will be discussing today about
pronoun-antecedent agreement
E. Developmental Activities
Sir! In order to avoid repetition.
Let’s review first the definition of
pronoun. What are pronouns?
Sir! Antecedents.
Exactly! They may refer to a person,
place, thing, idea or feeling.
Sir! Before.
So why is it that there is a need to take
the place of a noun in a sentence?

What do you call the noun that comes Sir! Referent.

before the pronoun?

Very good! Ante means ________. It is

the word, phrase, or clause to which a
pronoun refers, understood by the
I get worried when the neighbors let
What do you call the pronouns that their dog out.
refer back to nouns?
Now, consider this sentence. I get worried when the neighbors let
I get worried when the neighbors let their dog out.
their dog out.
Sir! Plural.
Kindly go to the board and underline
once the antecedent. Sir! Plural

Definitely! How about the referent? Sir! Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Kindly underline twice the referent.

Neighbors. Is it singular or plural?

A phrase or clause between the
Very good! And “theirs” is ________. subject and verb does not change the
number of the antecedent.
They agree because both are plural.
So the agreement of the referent and The can of mongo beans sits on its
the antecedent is what we called shelf.
Sir! Can.
Please bring out your handouts.
Kindly read the first rule and the given Sir! Sits.

(Student volunteered to give an

In the sentence, what is the subject?

You’re right! And how about the verb?

In the subject-verb agreement, we said Singular indefinite pronoun

that the subject and the verb must antecedents take singular pronoun
agree in number. That is to make sure referents.
that both are singulars and plurals.
Ex: Each of the employees does a
Aside from the example given in the good deal of work around his or her
hand out, kindly give an example office.
following this rule.
Plural indefinite pronoun antecedents
require plural referents.
Ex: Both do a good job in their office.

Next is, Indefinite pronouns as Sir! Both.


What is the indefinite pronoun in the

given example?

Very good! Both, many and several are

always take the plural.
(Student volunteered to give an
Many few others Some indefinite pronouns that are
Both several modified by a prepositional phrase
maybe either singular or plural’
Kindly give an example, following this All, any, each, everyone, few, many,
rule. neither, none, nothing, several, some

Next agreement is (Student volunteered to give an

__________________________. example)

Kindly give examples of indefinite


Kindly give an example following this

rule. When the object of preposition is
uncountable, use a singular referent
Anybody everybody neither Ex. Some of the sugar fell out of its
Anyone everyone one bag
Another nobody no one
Each someone somebody Sir! Mass noun.
Either other

Next rule is ____________? Sir! Singular.

When the object of preposition is

countable, use a plural referent
Ex. Some of the marbles fell out
Sugar is what kind of a noun? their bag.

(Student volunteered to give an

So, is it singular or plural?
Very good! What is the next rule under
pronoun-antecedent agreement?

Give me other examples aside from the

examples in your handout.



The pronouns all, any, some and none

are plural or singular according to the Sir! Compound subjects joined by and
meaning of the sentence. and always take a plural referent.
When they refer to number, they Margarette and Jordan made their
regarded as plural. When they refer to presentation.
quantity or mass, they regarded as
(Student volunteered to give an
Kindly read the next agreement.

Give me a sentence following this rule.

Take note that if both of these
antecedents are singular and refer to
different persons or things, the
antecedent is plural.

However, if the antecedent refers to

one person who fulfills two functions,
the pronoun that takes the place of the
antecedent is singular.

The cook and house keeper did not like Sir! Singular antecedents joined by or/nor
his duties. are referred to by singular pronoun.
John nor director find his jacket.
The housekeeper were another
individual, the word the would be
(Student volunteered to give an
placed before the word housekeeper.

What’s the next agreement?

With compound subjects joined by
or/nor, the referent pronouns agree
with the antecedent close to the
Give me another example following this
Neither the director nor actors did
their jobs.
Neither the actors nor the director did
Kindly read the next agreement.
his jobs.

Collective nouns may be singular or

In the first sentence actors is closer to
plural, depending on meaning.
the referent, that is why the referent is
their, which is in plural form.
The jury reads its verdict.
The jury members gave their
individual opinions.
What is next agreement?

In the first sentence notice that jury is

taken as one, so the referent is it, which
Sir! The Grapes of Wrath made its
is singular in form. The second
character seem real.
sentence, jury acts as individuals
because it is joined by the word
(Student volunteered to give an
The next agreement is, title of single
entities take singular referent. Kindly
read the given example.
Sir! Plural form subjects with singular
meaning take singular referent.
Give me another example.
Sir! Physics, measles, mumps.
Next agreement is__________

Kindly give me examples which are Sir! Singular.

plural form subject but singular in
meaning. Sir! Every or many before a noun or
series of nouns requires a singular
The news has lost much of its sting two referent.
days ago.

So the referent of the sentence is in Every cow, pig, and horse had lost its
what form? life in the fire.
Many a girl wishes she could sing like
What is the next agreement? Tina Turner.

Kindly read the give examples.

The number of volunteers increases

The next agreement is, The number of its rank daily.
vs. a number before a subject. A number of volunteer are offering
When you use “the number”, it takes a their help.
singular referent. On the other hand, “a
number” takes a plural referent.

Read the first example.

That is the difference between the use

of “the number” and “a number”.

F. Application

(Group the students into four)

List down ten (10) pieces of
advice you want to give to
challenged students who would Sir! Today we discussed about
pronouns, referents, antecedents and
like to have high grades. Write in
pronoun-antecedent agreement rules.
a ½ crosswise. I will give you 5
minutes to do the task then Sir! Referents are pronouns that refer
present it in front of your back to the noun while antecedent
classmates. are words for which pronouns stand.

G. Generalization
Who can sum up our discussion

Very good! Kindly differentiate

referents from antecedents.
IV. Evaluation

In a ½ crosswise, underline the antecedent and encircle the correct referent of the
following sentences.
1. Science, as well as other modern languages, should have (its, their) place in the
2. The committee has submitted recommendations in (its, their) report.
3. Several members of the class indicated (its, their) desire to attend mass.
4. Each member of the committee must submit (their, his) response in writing.
5. The girl just had (her, their)monthly period.
6. Anybody who has a complaint against (his/her) teacher should let the principal know
of such complaint.

Key Answers:
1. Science, as well as other modern languages, should have (its, their) place in the
2. The committee has submitted recommendations in (its, their) report.
3. Several members of the class indicated (its, their) desire to attend mass.
4. Each member of the committee must submit (their, his) response in writing.
5. The girl just had (her, their)monthly period.
6. Anybody who has a complaint against (his/her) teacher should let the principal know
of such complaint.

V. Assignment

Research on the tenses of verb. Write it in your notebooks..

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher, English 10

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