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Applied Physics 181

Experiment 0: Basic electronics skills

The multimeter; also known as the Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter (VOM), multi-tester or tester, is an
indispensable tool in basic electronics. Mastery of this device allows you to locate defects or errors (if
there are any) in the circuit and identify defective components and/or voltage sources. In this activity,
you will:
1. learn how to use the different functions of the multimeter, and
2. assess the equipment in the electronics laboratory
Materials: Multimeter, resistors, capacitor, power supply, function generator, oscilloscope, oscilloscope
probe, wires with alligator clips, BNC cable with alligator clips

A. Ohmmeter
The first function of the multimeter is the ohmmeter. As the name implies, its basic function is to
measure the resistance of a particular circuit component. The ohmmeter is connected as shown in the
figure below.

Figure 1: Connecting an Ohmmeter

The Ohmmeter by itself is an emf source hence it should NOT be connected to any powered compo-

A.1. Testing a resistor

1. Pick any resistor available in the electronics lab. Note its designed resistance value based on the
color bands. What does the last band tell you?
2. Measure the resistance of the resistor using the ohmmeter. You may adjust the Ohmmeter settings
to be able to read the resistance properly. Calculate the relative deviation with the designed value.
How do you know if the resistor is working or defective?
3. Pick a capacitor (approx. 1 µF or higher). Connect both terminals with a resistor to discharge
it. Remove the resistor and connect the capacitor to the ohmmeter. Observe the reading. Does
the resistance reading change? Is this expected? Why or why not? How do you determine if the
capacitor is working or not?

A.2. Testing for continuity

1. Measure the resistance of a wire using the ohmmeter. What is the resistance of the wire? You may
adjust the Ohmmeter settings to be able to read the resistance properly. What is the resistance of
a broken wire (Hint: What is the ideal resistance of a wire)?
2. In App. Physics 181, you will be using BNC cables such as the ones used in oscilloscope probes
and the ones used in function generators. At the plug side, the center pin is the signal line and
the cylindrical metal surrounding it is the ground line (see Figure 2). Test an oscilloscope probe.
Which part of the probe should be used to read the signal which part should be connected to
3. Repeat step 2 on a BNC cable with alligator clips. A BNC cable may either be working, broken
or shorted. How do you know if the cable is working? Broken? Shorted? Hint: What is between
the signal line and the ground line?

Applied Physics 181

National Institute of Physics
2nd Semester AY 2017-2018
Figure 2: Parts of a BNC plug

B. Voltmeter
The second function of the multimeter is the voltmeter. A voltmeter measures the potential difference
across two points in a circuit. Figure 3 shows how to connect a voltmeter.

Figure 3: Connecting a Voltmeter

Note that the voltmeter is always connected in parallel to the circuit component. Why is there a
need to do this? If such were the case, what then is the resistance of an ideal voltmeter?

B.1. Testing a power supply

1. Turn on the power supply and connect it through a resistor.

2. Measure voltage across the resistor. How do you know if the power supply is working?

B.2. Testing a function generator

1. Replace the power supply with a function generator. Tune in the function generator to sine wave
output, 100 Hz frequency, maximum amplitude. Measure the voltage across the resistor. This is
the root-mean-square (RMS) voltage. Compare this with the expected RMS voltage of a sine wave.
How do you check if the function generator is working?

2. Repeat step 1 for a triangle wave and square wave.

B.3. Testing for continuity

Can you use a voltmeter to check for continuity? If yes, outline a method to do so. If not, discuss why

C. Milliammeter

Figure 4: Connecting a milliammeter

The third function of the multimeter is the milliammeter. This measures the current flowing through
load. Figure 4 shows how to connect a milliammeter. Note it is always connected in series to the load.

Applied Physics 181

National Institute of Physics
2nd Semester AY 2017-2018
Also, the circuit has to have a load before you are able to measure the current. Why is there a need to
connect in series? If such were the case, what then is the resistance of an ideal milliammeter? Why is
load needed before you measure the current? Connect three resistors in parallel. Measure the current
across one resistor. Measure the current across the whole circuit. Discuss.

D. The Oscilloscope and Function Generator

Use the function generator to generate a square wave input with Vpp = 5.0 V and f = 500 Hz. Import
the plot from the oscilloscope to your USB and plot the resulting wave. Do the same for a sine wave
input with Vmax = 2.0 V and f = 10 kHz.

To be submitted: Reports (by group) in SPP format

deadline: One week

As per CEB ruling: “Any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to
studies, such as plagiarism, shall be subject to disciplinary action.”

Applied Physics 181

National Institute of Physics
2nd Semester AY 2017-2018

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