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For Conscious Sedation please know and be prepared to discuss the following:

Indications: Indications for use are as follows as stated by MedND: Diagnostic

purposes such as gastrointestinal endoscopy or bronchoscopy; b) interventional
pain procedures; c) ENT surgeries such as myringoplasty, ear-lobe
reconstruction; d) ophthalmological procedures such as intraocular lens
application, blepharoplasty; e) cardiothoracic procedures such as angiography,
transvenous cardiac pacemaker surgery; f) neurological procedure such as
stereotactic surgeries; g) gynecological procedures such as tubectomy or
medical termination of pregnancy; h) urological surgeries such as stent
application or stent removal; i) orthopedic procedures like removal of external
fixators; j) radiological procedures like computerized tomography (CT) or
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and k) some minor surgeries or liposuction
for which the patient needs to lie still for more than a few minutes.

Patient Evaluation: Health assessment BP, o2 sat, mallampati score, time

since last intake, Baseline modified Aldrete Sedation Score.

Pre Procedure Preparation: Your doctor will explain the benefits, risks, and
recovery expectations of your procedure. You will have time to ask questions. If
you agree to the procedure, you will be asked to sign a consent form.(NIH)

Monitoring: things you will need to monitor as stated by MedND: Pulse oximetry,
Capnography, Response to communication, Depth of sedation: Monitoring can
be done through bispectral index (BIS), electroencephalogram (EEG)

Recording: Normally has one dedicated nurse that records times and amount
and name of drug being administered.

Availability of Individual Responsible for Patient Monitoring:

antagonists should be available whenever opioid analgesics or
benzodiazepines are administered for sedation/analgesia. (Anesthesiology 2002; 96:1004 –

Training of Personnel: According to Louie RRT Personnel must be trained to

support a patient 1 level beyond the goal level of sedation.
Availability of Emergency Equipment: Things you will need in case of
emergencies: BMV Endotracheal Suction, Oral Suction, Oral pharyngeal airway,
nasopharyngeal airway, Sedatives, analgesics, reversal age. According to Louie

Use of Supplemental Oxygen: In a controlled study it was said that 70% of

300 people had 08% less of a chance of desaturation when O2 was used to
preoxygenated.( NCBI)

Medications: Ketamine, Dexmedetomidine, Midazolam, Fentanyl, Propofol

IV access: IV is established to inject the drug venously.

Recovery Care: Nurse and or a RT will monitor you up to and hour after all
Vitals and Saturations


Louie Dean(RRT) side show

© 2002 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,


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