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John felt abashed by his inability to remember the national anthem.

The rain continued unabated for two more days beyond the abatement date predicted by the
On hearing the oncoming hurricane, the driver abdicated his duties and left the kids desolete,
having to fend for themselves.
Seeing John well mannered to the guests is an aberration. But his aberrant behaviour got him a
few extra bucks in his pocket money.
I abhorred at the thought of eating steak. I was allergic to it. But this abhorrence did not deter my
mom from trying to force-feed me.
The abject situation that was faced by the party after they lost the election forced them to dissolve
into 10 factions and join other parties.
When I saw my weight on the weighing scale, I instantly decided to abnegate myself from all
forms of sugar for a week.
Millions of abortive attempts will teach a valuable lesson for people learning a new skill. They
must try unabatedly to attain success inspite of despondent failures encountered over and over
The abridgement of the prosaic essay did not do justice to the original writing.
It is never good in a democratic society for any one political party to have absolute majority. It is
A thousand good deeds done after a humongous bad deed does not absolve a person. The aggrieved
party in the bad deed find no solace. They continue to feel injustice which festers animosity towards
people in power to make a difference.
Being an abstinent father is worser than being a boring father.
The abstract nature of the concept made the king doubt the practicality of it.
Abstruse concepts like nuclear physics usually takes special minds to understand. Common people
will fare abysmally when tested on concepts of nuclear physics.
His work to empower the unfortunate people got him so many accolades and pats on his back.
When the employee accosted the manager to discuss a new idea, he was busy and turned him
The acerbic reviews his performance in the play received disheartened him deeply. His
acquiescence to the director's orders backlashed heavily.
The milk tasted acrid after we poured a bit of wine in it.
When he was criticised publicly by his long time friend, it festered acrimonious reactions from
Dhoni was always known for his keen tactical acumen. His acute gauging of each player's strength
and weakness gave him a clear idea on what decision to take next.
Adages are cliched. Try something new.
The adamant nature of the stone prolonged the struggles of miners for a few more days than
Dhoni had so many adherants even after failing abysmally for years together. He is extremely
gifted in life to have so many people who trust his abilities.
Gentle admonition even for big mistakes a child commits in his early days is what the
psychologists recomment to parents generally. Castigation in early years will make them
The child was neturally gifted. He was adroit at hadling a guitar at such a young age.
It is tiring to listen to incessant adulation for no deed committed.
The anarchists tried to adulterate the memory people had of the great man by diluting facts with
fiction they conjured of their own.
The adverse backlash from people for his seemingly mundane act was unexpected.
His affability projected him to great heights in politics.
The annoying affectation of blinking his eyes excessively after each sentence did not stop for a few
His affinity for this neighbourhood was the utmost reason for his good deeds.
Being affluent in the art of politics is very important to survive in this world.
Having an agenda to clean the house on a weekday reflects poor planning.
To understand the true value of a person to the society, one has to aggregate all his good deeds.
The aggregated value of his entire life savings was so low that people began donating money to
His alacrity sometimes got him in serious trouble. He was way too honest in his answers.
The alleged miscreant suddenly disappeared with all the money, lending credulence to the suspicion
people had on him.
To alleviate the widespread rumours on my wellbeing, I decided to embark on a fitness challenge.
With people being arrested for direct criticism of government policies, people resorted to allusion
to intelligently criticize the government without getting on their radar.
Altruistic people like Mahatma Gandhi will never meet a peaceful end. There will always be
people with right wing ideologies just to distort a nation's peace.
The ambience within the stadium reached fervent levels when India won the world cup.
The ambiguous notion adopted by people on female infanticide was deeply concerning. Lack of
clarity generally leads to a plethora of interpretations.
My ambivalent nature generally annoys people. Picking something to eat off the menu containing a
thousand varieties of food is suprisingly difficult.
To ameliorate the hurt felt by people after years of oppression, the leaders decided to nominate an
oppressed person to draft the by-laws.
Being amenable can sometimes be detrimental for one's own good.
Even if they would never be amiable once again, the relationship was still tenable through
amicable discussion. But people saw red already.
The Queen granting amnesty to the alleged convicts of murder annoyed a lot of people.
Kids are generally amoral when they throw a fit to get something.
The amorphous nature of relationship made it really uncomfortable for both of them.
Anachronistic people belong with the dinosaurs. People who still hold doors for women are
Saying John was a muslim was analogous to calling Jesus Prophet.
Anarchy reigned the streets after the populist leader's death in eventful circumstances.
Seeing him without trousers on reminded him of the anecdote his father used to share with him
from time to time.
The deep anguish felt by the soldiers on losing a leg or hand in battle was ameliorated by their
Surprisingly, it was still anomolous to find a woman riding a motorbike.
Though antecedent to the modern printers, the old inkjet printer was still humming like a brand
new equipment and looked far better.
His antipathy towards people with beard made him shave.
An antithesis to my beliefs that idiots are a rare breed was his deed.
People developing an apathy towards politics and politicians was deeply concerning.
His aphorisms stood out among his other qualities.
The apocryphal godmen were tortured by the public until they all accepted that they were all fake.
The apocryphal government is severely castigated by people. Yet, they manage to hold on to their
positions of power.
People proclaiming to be apotheosis of gods were generally apocryphal.
In an effort to appease the agitated masses, the government started yielding to their unreasonable
His respect towards working women appreciated abundantly on witnessing the struggle they face
each day to make ends meet.
People following antecedent traditions are apprehensive when it comes to accepting live-in
relationships. The misapprehension they have will take them some time to come to terms with.
People uploading pictures of themselves being happy on social media while they are actually
unhappy, do it for the singular purpose of earning the approbation of people they hardly know.
When they get castigated for posting some controversial pictures, the disapprobation is sometimes
very hard to bear.
It is extremely annoying when autocratic governments, for development of their political parties,
appropriate funds from salary accounts of people without their approbation.
Dhoni always had the aptitude to be a very good leader. This was evident for all to witness when he
won the world cup leading a young brigade of cricketers.
To arbiter an argument between people, one must have an open mind unfettered by own opinions.
Acting arbitrarily while facing a crisis, without help from anyone else is extremely laudable.
The archane nature of his meetings abetted in arousing suspicion in my mind regarding the
lawfulness of his business.
The archaic aphorism 'People who wear pants couldn't find their shirt' made sense to me the
moment I saw my dim witted brother turning up for the wedding on his vest.
My brother is generally considered by my extended family to be my dim witted archetype my
parents released to this world.
Being an ardent supporter of him put me in the spotlight when he got embroiled in a corruption
The arduous trek from the foothill of the majestic mountains to the peak took us five days to
A brief discussion on his artful reputation alerted us to every sleight he could pull off during the
meeting that lasted for over two hours. His amorous secretary was his greatest artifice while would
con us.
Feminism has been in ascendency for the last few decades. There are more feminists in our society
now than the entirety of previous century.
Abnegating oneself of all worldly pleasures and being reclusive were traits of ascetics in the past.
Now, these are traits that boosted the employability of graduates in our society.
Being assiduous in one's life is the gateway to achieving all our ambitions.
To assimilate the contribution of Dhoni for betterment of Indian cricket to late president Abdul
Kalam's contribution to betterment of India is dilution of Kalam's contibution to our society.
To assuage the concerns people had towards the apathy exhibited at times by us, we proposed to
increase the dividends they got from our profits. This move was hailed as astute management by
the media.
The unabated attrition of traditions petrified anachronistic people.
His audacity to drive opposite to oncoming traffic astounded us. To augment our concerns, there
was a humongous truck approaching us very fast in the opposite direction.
Groot's decision to sacrifice himself to thwart Thanos was seen as auspicious by fans of avengers.
Being austere for a few weeks aided him in his fight against addiction to weed.
People considered his decision to sell his stakes in the company to a liqor baron for a few million
dollars without consulting them autocratic.
Being financially autonomous is the dream of millions of women who are married but depend on
their spouses for money.
On seeing millions of dollars unclaimed in the storm drain, her avarice took over. She was
extremely disappointed to find out that the money wasfake.
Kohli avowed they were a better team now than 4 years ago. But this claim was unjustified.

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