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Material Test

(Midle Smester-Test)

YA 2016/2017

Instructor/Lecturer :
H. Kamto SoetIrto, SE, S.IP, MM

Komplek Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma

Jl. Protokol Halim Perdana Kusuma – Jakarta Timur 13610

Telp. (021) 8009249 – 8093475 Fax (021) 8009246


Information :

Please read carefully this test material before you are going to perform the task.
Observe the pages of this document is a set of 7 pages. Report or ask to the
invigilator/instructor supposing you have the ambiguest question.

Multiple choice.:

Read carefuly of the question No. 1 to 11. The statement of every number almost the
same but only one answer is correct. Mark or circling to the right answer A, B, C, or D.

1. Choose the correct answer from the statements below:

A. Propeller is the devise like plane material which forms a diference from the
angle tip to the root, it’s also act as an identification of an aircraft.

B. Propeller is the main component of the aircraft which can rotate because of
the engine and produce the win blow to rear of the ircrft.

. C. Propeller is the main component of the aircrft which govern the plane could
rollng in the air

D. Propeller is a part of component of the whole airplane for drawing/tracking

or push aircraft forward by mean converting the engine power into the thrust.

2. Choose the exact right answer.

A. Since the propeller will become a power to draw/push the aircraft, it’s must
be made of the thick material in order save and safely.

B. Manufacturer design the propeller as an important part of aircraft thus for

guaranty of the stiftness, taftness nd durble so it must be mde of luminum.

B. The capabilty of propeller to push or to draw depend on the speed of

propeller rotation per minutes (RPM)

C. Due to the technology development and the wide using of propeller, then
propeller was made by aluminum alloy

3. Which one was rights. :

A. Propeller Tip

B. Leading Edge

C. Blade Root C D

D. Blade Face B

Figure : 1

4. Choose the closest, right answer.

A. Propeller Tip
B. Leading Edge
C. Blade Root

D. Trailing Edge
Figure : 2

5. What configurtion of the Figure: 3 is ?

A. Pusher

B. Tracktor

C. Counter Revolution

D. Contra Rotating

Figure : 3

6. Wht is the purpose the Counter Rotating configuration?

A. To accelerate the aircraft

B. To simple maintenance

C. To neutralize the rotating propeller in order preventing the aircraft rolling.

D. Adding the power of thrust

7. Who is the American brothers flew the own design aircraft in early 1900 ?

A. George Kelly

B. Chuck Yeagar

C. Wirlbur & Oliver Wright Brother

D. Otto Lilienthal

8. Generaly, in the early invention design of aircraft, to produce the thrust is :

A. Turbojet

B. Ram Jet

C. Propeller

D. Turbofan

9. Ground Clearance is the terminology that given to the distance between

propeller tip with the ground.

A. Takeoff position pada pesawat dengan konfigurasi tail wheel

B. Climbing Position untuk semua tipe pesawat

C. Endurance Flight

D. Clearance Flight

10. As the multi engines aircraft was built, there are the clearance between propeller
tip with aircraft body called :

A. Wing distance

B. Propeller motion

C. Fuselage Clearance
D. Fuselage distance

11. For safety aspect, the minimal distance/clearane between propeller to the water
of amphibi aircraft is :

A. 1 “

B. ½ “

C. 18 “

D. 9 “

Thrue & False

Marked/circlyng these question No. 12 to 15 below which is the thrue statement :

12. A. The rotations of propeller which drive by the engine power moves a
small mass ofair rearward at relatively high speed as opposed to a gas
turbine engine which moves a large mass of air rearward at slow speed.

B. Propeller is the device of an airplane to push/draw aircraft forward by

converting the engine power into lift.

C. Rotation of propeller whichis as the same as the movement of the needle

of a clock, called wise propeller

D. A propeller which rotates in a clockwise direction when viewed from the

cockpit is named right handed propeller

13. A. Dalam terminologi aviation, istilah Propeller Solidity adalah kemampuan

propeller mengabsorb tenaga mesin. Makin besar ukuran
pesawat,makin besar tenaga mesin yang dibutuhkan, maka propeller
solidity pun harus makin tinggi.

B. Dalam pengertian lain digambarkan bahwa solidity adalah luas

permukaan propeller dikalikan luas area “propeller disc”.

C. Pada konfigurasi contra rotating, propeller yang ditempatkan di belakang
biasanya lebih besar dari propeller depan

D. Pesawat dengan putaran propeller ke kanan

14. A. 9” adalah ground clearance terendah antara propeler tip dengan tanah
untuk pesawat yang bertail wheel,pada posisi take off

B. Jarak terrendah/terdekat/terpendek antara body pesawat dengan

propeller tidak perlu menjadi perhatian

C. Jarak teraman untuk ground clearance propeller adalah 4”

E. Berapapun jarak antara propeller dengan tanah tidak masalah selama

propeller tidak menyentuh tanah

15. A Left Handed Propeller adalah :

A. Propeler yang penempatan/pemasangannya pada mesin sebelah kiri.

B. Propeler pesawat yang putarannya anti clock wise dilihat dari cockpit

C. Pesawat dengan putaran propeller yang berbalik ke kiri

D. Pesawat yang propellernya hanya dapat berputar ke arah `kiri

Soal Uraian

16. Apa yang saudara ketahui mengenai propeller, jelaskan devinisi secara umum
dan fungsi dari benda tersebut.

17. Setiap pesawat yang daya dorongnya dihasilkan dari propeller mempunya
beberapa konfigurasi penempatan propeller. Sebutkan konfigurasi itu dan
contoh pesawat yang mengusungnya.

18. Pada gambar Figure: 4 dibawah ini adalah sebuah: ………..……….………

Figure: 4

19. Figure:4 pada soal No. 18 tersebut menurut saudara dalam keadaan
kondisi/posisi :……………..……………

20. Jelaskan sesuai pengetahuan saudara bagaimana cara kerja benda terebut
dana apa yang diatur oleh benda tersebut.

Jakarta, April 2017

Dosen/Instruktur : Kamto Soetirto


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