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Name : Mustaqim
Student ID : B1B017035
Group : II
Subgroup :3
Assistant : Wakhyuningsih




A. Background

Metabolism is all chemical reactions that occur in the body living things,
consisting of anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is the process of
synthesizing small chemical compounds into large molecules becomes more
large, for example amino acids become proteins, while catabolism is the process
of decomposing large molecules into small molecules, such as glycogen to
glucose. In addition, the process of anabolism is a process requires energy, while
catabolism releases energy (Putra, 2015).
Aerobic respiration is a biological energy generation process that
consumes organic carbon and oxygen. It is the catabolic process by which
eukaryotes and many prokaryotes obtain vital energy using a series of redox
reactions that end with the reduction of O2 as a fnal electron acceptor.
Respiration is measured for many reasons: investigating physiology, quantifying
the carbon cycle, determining primary and secondary production, calculating
carbon fux, studying the biological pump, calculating CO2 emission and O2
depletion rates, and understanding oceanic metabolic balance, amongst others
(Juez et al, 2017).
Oxygen sources in waters can originate from air and phytoplankton
photosynthesis. Oxygen is the respiratory material needed by cells for various
metabolic reactions. For fish, oxygen is needed by the body to produce energy
through oxidation of fat and sugar (Alaerts, 1987).

B. Purpose
The objectives of this laboratory activity is to calculate the rate of oxygen
consumption in aquatic animals.

A. Material

The tools that used in this practical class are aerator, technical scales,
respirometer, Erlenmeyer, Winkler bottle, burette, statif, and measuring cup.
The materials that used in this practical class are freshwater fish ; Nilem
(Osteochillus vittatus), Nila (Oreochromis nilotius), KOH-KI, H2SO4, MnSO4,
and amylum reagent.

B. Method

The methods that we use in this practice are :

1. Respirometer is being run, the water oump is being turnd on for 15 minutes.
2. The weight and volume of the fish is measured.
3. The fish is puted in the respirometer, make sure theres No. bubbles inside.
4. The water sample is taken with Winkler bottle (250 ml).
5. The solutions is added (MnSO4 = 1ml, KOH – KI = 1ml, H2SO4 = 1ml).
6. The solution (100 ml) is taken to erlenmeyer, the amilum is added.
7. Do the early titration with Na2S2O3.
8. After 15 minutes, the water sample is taken with winkler bottle (250 ml).
9. Do the final titration.
10. The consumption of O2 is calculated.

A. Result

Table 3.1 Result of Oxygen Consumed In Entourage II

Hour Volume Weight cO2i cO2f VO2
No Group
(h) (v) (g) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L/hour)
1. Big nilem 0,25 9105 75 6,4 5,4 0,485
2. Small nilem 0,25 5445 29 5,6 5,4 0,150
3. Small nilem 0,25 5440 23 4 4,4 -0,378
4. Big nilem 0,25 9095 76 3,6 2,6 0,490

Calculation of Group 3
V = 5465 mL
V = 25 mL
H = 0,25 h
W = 23 gr

Ota = 1000 / 100 x p x q x 8

Ota = 1000 / 100 x 2 x 0,025 x 8
= 4 mg/L
Otak = 1000 / 100 x 2,2 x 0,025 x 8
= 4,4 mg/L
V = Vrespirometer – Vfish
= 5465 - 25
= 5445 mL
= 5,445 L
vO2 = [ (Ota - Otak) x V ] / H x W
= [ (4 - 4,4) x 5,440 ] / 0,25 x 23
= -0,378 mg/L/h
B. Discussion

Based on the data that group 3 got, the sample that used is small nilem
with 5,440 L volume, 36 g weight, early oxygen dissolved is 4, late oxygen
dissolved is 4,4 and oxygen consume is -0,328 mg/L/h.
According to Ross (1999), the respirometer works on a principle that in
breathing there is oxygen used by the organism and there is carbon dioxide
released by it. If the breathing organism is stored in a closed space and carbon
dioxide released by an organism in a closed space is bound, air depreciation will
occur. Based on the statement, the oxygen dissolved after the treatment is should
be decreased, but in our data is late oxygen dissolved is higher than early oxygen
dissolved. So, it might be there is a something wrong, we expect that in the
reading the scale during titration was not correct.
Metabolic rate is the total amount of energy produced and used by the
body per unit time. The metabolic rate is closely related with respiration because
respiration is the process of extracting energy from molecules food that depends
on the presence of oxygen. Metabolic rate usually estimated by measuring the
amount of oxygen consumed living things per time unit. This allows due to
oxidation from food ingredients require oxygen (in known quantities) for
produce known amounts of energy too. However, the pace metabolism is usually
sufficiently expressed in terms of the rate of oxygen consumption (Putra, 2015).
In our lab activity we used nilem fish as materials. Because
the salt tolerance / sanitaty is very high. Nilem fish are not only freshwater fish,
these fish are also often found alive and rapidly developing in brackish waters,
such as brackish. Nilem fish can live in deep and wide waters and in narrow and
shallow ponds. Tilapia can also live in rivers that are not too heavy, in
reservoirs, swamps, rice fields, brackish water ponds, or in floating nets in the
sea. Also nilem fish is cheap and easy to be cultivated (Schmidt, 1990).
There are several techniques to determine respiration can be based on
inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, photochemistry, and enzymology. In
example, physiological respiration was simultaneously measured by the Winkler
method (W), O2electrodes (E), and O2 optodes (O). These techniques detected
respiratory O2 consumption (R), in situ, in dark incubation chambers.
Respiratory electron transport system activity measurements detected potential
respiration (Ф), biochemically (Juez et al, 2017).
Winkler method is method to measure dissolved oxygen in water. As
mentioned previously, this was an end-point chemical analysis in contrast to a
kinetic (time course) measurement so three water samples were taken at the start
to determine the starting oxygen concentration. The volume of the titrant
solution was used to calculate the dissolved O2 concentration in the incubation
bottle (Juez et al, 2017).
In winkler method, also uses several solutions including solutions of
MnSO4, KOH-KI, H2SO4, Na2S2O3, and starch. MnSO4 and KOH-KI
solutions function to form brown deposits which indicate that there is still
oxygen in the sample. If the resulting sediment is white, it indicates that there is
no dissolved oxygen in the sample. KOH-KI itself functions to reduce MnSO4.
H2SO4 solution serves to convert a solution that is initially cloudy brown to
clear brown, and to break or remove bonds that occur due to the influence of the
solution KOH-KI, MnSO4 this solution is not formed from the reaction between
sulfuric acid and manganese oxide to form manganese sulfate. The Na2S2O3
solution functions for titration as a p value to find dissolved O2 levels. Amylum
serves to detect the presence of starch in solution and as an indicator that
changes the color of the solution that was originally clear brown to light blue
(Sulmartini, 2009).
According to Tsuzuki et al (2008), there are factors that influence
oxygen consumption including activity, age, body weight, temperature. Fish
with high swimming activity will consume more oxygen than fish that are less
active swimming. While fish with a younger age will consume more oxygen
than adult fish. This is because to support the growth of younger fish. Oxygen
consumption is affected by large body size (west and volume). The heavier and
bigger the volume of fish, the smaller the oxygen consumption, the lower the
weight of the fish, the greater the oxygen consumption. Other factors, namely
temperature, in fish at high temperature environment will consume more oxygen
than fish in environments with lower temperatures. According to Salmin (2005),
changes in temperature will affect the distribution, metabolism, appetite,
reproduction of aquatic organisms and directly influence phytoplankton and
aquatic photosynthesis processes.

Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that early oxygen
dissolved is 4, late oxygen dissolved is 4,4 and oxygen consume is -0,328 g/L/h in
small nilem fish.

Alaerts, G., dan Santika, S.S. 1987. Metode Penelitian Air. Surabaya : Usaha
Juez, D. R. B., Packard, T. T., Rodriguez, M. A.V. & Gomez, M., 2017. Respiration:
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respiratory electron transport system. Marine Biology, 164(226), pp. 1-11.
Putra, A. N., 2015. Laju Metabolisme Pada Ikan Nila Berdasarkan Pengukuran
Tingkat Konsumsi Oksigen. Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan, 5(1), pp. 13-18.
Ross, L.G. & Ross, B. 1999. Anaesthetic and Sedative Techniques for Aquatic
Animals. London : Blackwell.
Salmin., 2005. Oksigen Terlarut (DO) dan Kebutuhan Oksigen Biologi (BOD)
Sebagai Salah Satu Indikator untuk Menentukan Kualitas Perairan. LIPI, 30
(3), pp. 21-26.
Schmidt, N. K., 1990. Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment. 5th ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Sulmartini, L., Chotimah, D.N., Tjahjaningsih, W., Widiyatno, T.V., dan Triastuti, J.
2009. Respon Daya Cerna dan Respirasi Benih Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio)
Pasca Transportasi dengan enggunakan Daun Bandotan (Ageratum
conyzoides) sebagai Bahan Antimetabolik. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan
Kelautan, 1, pp. 1-7.
Tsuzuki, M.Y., Strussmann, C.A., and Takashima, F. 2008. Effect of Salinity on the
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O. bonariensis (Osteichthyes, Atherinopsidae). Jurnal of Biology and
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