Learning and Memory PDF

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Learning and memory

A patient know by his initial, H. M., lives almost entirely in Declarative knowledge ______15 processing in the medial
the present. Since the time after surgery to remove temporal region and parts of the thalamus, while procedural
structures in the medial area of the temporal lobe of his knowledge does not.
brain to relieve epilepsy, he can remember events for only a An _____16 factor that influences what is _____17 and can be
few minutes. Talk with him for a while and then leave the retrieved from memory is whether the _____18 is followed
room. When you return he has no recollection of ever by rewarding or punishing _____19. This is a very important
having seen you before. principle in determining what ____20 an organism will learn
Parts of the temporal lobe – the hippocampus and the media and remember.
temporal area – seem to play a role in the process of How exactly does memory occur? After years of _____21,
memory consolidation: changes that go on as the brain there is much support for the idea that some _____22 of
organizes and restructures information that may become a memory involve a persistent change in the _____23 between
part of permanent memory. The fact that M. H. retains neurons. In animal studies, _____24 have found that this
memories for events preceeding his surgery is evidence that occurs in either through actual structural _____25 or through
medial temporal area is not the site of permanent storage but stable biochemical events within neurons that change the
it plays a role in the formation of new memories. _____26 of signals neurons send to their _____27. For
The hippocampus and medial temporal region are connected example, researchers can correlate specific chemical and
with _____1 areas of the cerebral cortex, especially the vast structural changes in cells involved in several _____28 forms
_____2 regions responsible for thinking and linguistic of behavioral change exhibited by the sea slug Aplysia and
processes. Whereas the medial temporal areas are important other invertebrate _____29.
for _____3 of new learning, cortical areas may be more Another rimportant model for the study of memory is the
important for the storage of ______4 (e. g., vocabulary) and phenomenon of long-term potentiation (LTP), a longlasting
for how it is utilized in everyday ______5. ______30 in the strngth of a synaptic response following
Working memory, a type of transient ____ that enables us to stimulation. LTP ______31 prominently in the hyppocampus.

retain what someone has said just long enough ____7, Studies of rats ______32 that memory is stored by changes in
depends on the prefrontal cortex. Researchers have found synaptic strength at contacts involving NMDA receptors.
that certain neurons in this area are strongly ____8 by What makes memories specific to a _____33 event must
dopamine, norepinephrine and other neurotransmitters such depend largely on which neuronal connections are altered
as acetylcholine. Dysfunction of these _____9 may be and on the architecture of the _____34 networks in which
responsible for memory loss in several disorders, including alterations occur. Scientists believe that no single ______35
Alzheimer's disease. in the brain stores memory. It is preserved in the set of
While much is _____10 about learning and memory, particular cortical systems ______36 in the processing of
scientistscan recognize certain pieces of the _____11. For specific sensory systems, such as ______37 and hearing. In
example, the brain appears to process diferent kinds of short, each part of the brain contributes ______38 to memory.
_____12 in separate ways and to store it differently. One of the most prominent intellectual activities dependent
Procedural knowledge is knowledge of how to do something on memory is ______39. Scientists have learned about this
as is expressed in _____13 behavior. Declarative knowledge feature of the brain from studies of patients who have lost
provides an explicit, consciouly accessible record of _____14 ______40 and language due to stroke, and from positron
previous experiences and sense of familiarity about those emission tomography (PET) scans of normal people.

1. a) tiny b) widespread c) small 21. a) surgery b) action c) study

2. a) center b) association c) permanent 22. a) dejection b) delay c) forms
3. a) consolidation b) temporal c) inconvenient 23. a) deviation b) relationship c) distinction
4. a) knowledge b) ignorance c) action 24. a) scientists b) patients c) receptors
5. a) problems b) situations c) regions 25. a) sensation b) modification c) theory
6. a) impulse b) life c) memory 26. a) weakness b) strength c) madness
7. a) to see b) to show c)to reply 27. a) neighbors b) parents c) supporters
8. a) increased b) rejected c) influenced 28. a) simple b) control c) difficult
9. a) examples b) hormones c) systems 29. a) calls b) characters c) organisms
10. a) done b) unknown c) familiar 30. a) decrease b) increase c) time
11. a) substances b) nerves c) process 31. a) occur b) shows c) supports
12. a) activation b) information c) intention 32. a) assure b) suggest c) negate
13. a) negative b) skilled c) stupid 33. a) particular b) general c) negative
14. a) individual b) open c) general 34. a) pragmatic b) specific c) rational
15. a) sustains b) requires c) insultates 35. a) room b) center c) corner
16. a) important b) ample c) existential 36. a) shaped b) involved c) structured
17. a) stored b) thrown c) presented 37. a) vision b) depression c) love
18. a) stillness b) action c) region 38. a) gradually b) differently c) incidentally
19. a) areas b) senses c) consequences 39. a) control b) language c) vital
20. a) beliefs b) studies c) behaviors 40. a) disposition b) speech c) knowledge

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