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Developmental Psychology (SEM-IV)

Choose the Correct Option.

1. Developmental psychology is the scientific study of .

a) Social relationship
b) Changes in behavior and mental processes
c) Changes in children and adults overtime
d) Maturation of thought processes

2. Freud stressed the role of __________ in shaping our personalities.

a) The structure of the mind
b) The function of our mind
c) Our history of rewards and punishment
d) The unconscious

3. ________ Psychology is concerned with thinking, language, and problem solving.

a) Cognitive
b) Psychoanalytic
c) Behavioral
d) Humanistic

4. Child becomes egocentric in which cognitive developmental stage .

a) Sensory Motor
b) Pre Operational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal Stage

5. Logical reasoning develops at the age of .

a) 0 - 2 years
b) 2 - 7 years
c) 7 - 11 years
d) Above 12 year

6. ____________ is the fifth stage of Erickson theory.

a) Integrity vs. Despair
b) Initiative vs. Guilt
c) Identity vs. confusion
d) Industry vs. Inferiority

7. The goals of developmental psychology are to

a) Develop effective methods of psychotherapy
b) Describe, predict, understand, and control behavior
c) Explain the functioning of the human body.
d) To describe, explain and to optimize development

8. In Erikson’s stages, virtue of the “Industry vs. Inferiority” is __________

a) Purpose

b) Competence

c) Hope

d) Care

9. During the first stage of labor, its last from ________ hours for a first time

a) 8 to 20 hours

b) 8 to 24 hours

c) 4 to 16 hours

d) 8 to 16 hours

10. The ________ reflex is the curling under of the toes when the ball of the foot is

a) Babinski reflex

b) Rooting reflex

c) Planter reflex

d) Moro reflex

11. Psychiatrists differ from psychologists in that psychiatrist

a) Are physicians with a specialization in abnormal behavior and psychotherapy?

b) Are extensively trained in the theories and techniques of Sigmund Freud

c) Are generally more eclectic than psychologists.

d) Have a Masters or PhD degree with special training in psychological theory and
research methods.

12. Child becomes egocentric in which cognitive developmental stage
a) Sensory Motor
b) Pre Operational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal Stage

13. Before conditioning, saliva is known as called

a) Conditioned Stimulus
b) Unconditioned Stimulus
c) Conditioned Response
d) Unconditioned Response

14. At which stage of classical theory, unconditioned Stimulus become Conditioned.

a).Spontaneous Recovery
b) Acquisition
c) Extinction
d) None of the above

15. In the field of Psychology, __________ psychology involves diagnosing the

mental health of medical patients, recommending medications and providing

a) Clinical

b) Health

c) Medical

d) Counseling

16. By age one a baby weight is about ___ pounds and length almost ____ inches.

a) 7 pounds and 20 inches

b) 22 pounds and 30 inches

c) 20 pounds and 32 inches

d) 20 pounds and 30 inches

17. The main achievement in sensorimotor stage is ___________

a) Egocentrism

b) Mental representation

c) Object permanence

d) Abstract concepts

18. Psychosexual theory of development is given by ____________

a) Erik Erikson

b) Jean Piaget

c) John B Watson

d) Sigmund Freud

19. Erikson puts a great deal of emphasis on the _________ period.

a) Childhood

b) Adolescent

c) Adulthood

d) Old age

20. A persistent focus on an earlier psychosexual stage is refers to _______

a) Oral stage

b) Oedipus Complex

c) Fixation

d) Anal retentive

21. In Psychosexual stages, erogenous zone of Phallic stage is _________

a) Mouth

b) Genitals

c) Sexual feelings are inactive

d) Maturing Sexual Interests

22. __________ refers to the large body movements.

a) Mastery play

b) Fine motor skills

c) Rough and tumble play

d) Gross motor skills

23. Age range of “Intimacy vs. Isolation” is _________

a) 20-25 years

b) 25-30 years

c) 30-35 years

d) 40 + years

24. “Even though Michael needed money, he decided not to steal the money from the
cash register because he didn’t want to get in trouble” this is the example of _______

a) Morality

b) Id

c) Ego

d) Super ego

25. Imbalance between ID and Super Ego will lead to .

a) Anxiety
b) Phobia
c) Bipolar Disorders
d) Depression

26. Behavior is strengthening by .

a) Reinforcement
b) Positive Reinforcement
c) Both a & b
d) All of the above

27. The goals of psychology are to

a) Develop effective methods of psychotherapy

b) Describe, predict, understand, and control behavior

c) Explain the functioning of the human mind.

d) Compare, analyze, and control human behavior.

28. Which is the correct order of stages of prenatal development?

a) Zygote, fetus, embryo
b) Zygote, embryo, fetus
c) Embryo, zygote, fetus

d) Embryo, fetus, zygote

29. The rooting reflex occurs when a:

a) newborn's foot is tickled.
b) newborn's cheek is touched.
c) Newborn hears a loud noise.
d) newborn makes eye contact with his or her caregiver.

30. Which is the correct sequence of stages in Piaget's theory of cognitive

A) sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
B) sensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, concrete operational
C) preoperational, sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational
D) preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational, concrete operational

31. The end of menstruation is called:

A) Menarche.
B) Menopause.
C) The midlife crisis.
D) Generativity.

32. Koehler’s research with Sultan supports which theoretical view of learning?
A) Insight learning
B) Latent learning
C) Place learning
D) Modeling

33. Behavior that is reinforced because it causes a negative event to stop is called
A) Shaping
B) Punishment
C) Escape conditioning
D) Avoidance conditioning

34. Developmental psychologists believe that two factors that influence human
development are:
a) Motivation and emotion
b) Self and others
c) Genetic makes up and experience
d) Rewards and punishments

35) Motor skills are largely a result of:

a) Learning
b) Maturational process
c) Practice
d) Observing other

36) In Piaget’s theory, the first two years of life are called the ----- stages:
a) Paralinguistic
b) Exploratory
c) Sensorimotor

d) Preoperational

37) Learning theories explain attachment of infants to their parents in items of:
a) Conditioning
b) Observational learning
c) The maturation of perceptual skills
d) Cognitive development

38. The concept of intelligence is closely related to:

a) Motivation
b) Learning
c) Perception
d) Cognition

39) Most IQ tests assess:

a) Academic motivation
b) Convergent thinking
c) Perceptual motor skills
d) Creativity

40. Birth typically occurs after:

a) Forty weeks conception
b) Thirty eight weeks conception
c) Four weeks conception
d) None of these

41. The ability to deal with new problems and encounters is technically called as:
a) Crystallized intelligence
b) G or g-factor of intelligence
c) Fluid intelligence
d) None of these

42. Memory is the _________ of information or experience over a period of time.

a) Rehearsal

b) Intake

c). Association

d) Retention

43. The three processes of memory are encoding, ________, and retrieval.

a) Rehearsal

b) Storage

c) Recollection

d) Fixation

44. A person's knowledge about the world is also known as their

a) Semantic memory

b) Implicit memory

c) Consciousness

d) Somatic memory

45. Binet and Terman would have been most likely to disagree about the:

a) Extent to which intelligence is determined by heredity.

b) Need to standardize intelligence tests.

c) Possibility of predicting people's academic success from intelligence test scores.

d) Extent to which individuals differ in their intellectual abilities.

46. Twelve-year-old Jerry has an IQ of 75 on the original version of the Stanford-

Binet. His mental age is:

A) 8.
B) 9.
C) 10.
D) 12.
E) 16.

47. Which theory would be most likely to predict that rats are motivated to explore
precisely those areas of an experimental maze where they receive mild electrical

A) Arousal theory
B) Incentive theory
C) Instinct theory
D) drive-reduction theory

48. The arousal theory of motivation would be most useful for understanding the
aversive effects of:

A) Extrinsic motivation.
B) Sexual disorders.
C) Hunger.
D) Boredom.
E) Anorexia nervosa.

49. On the basis of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one would be least likely to predict
that a:

A) Starving person might sell his child to obtain food.

B) Teacher with high self-esteem might seek a career change to use his abilities more
C) Successful business executive might show greater concern for his family
relationships than for becoming president of his corporation.
D) Prisoner might choose to die rather than betray his country.

50. Research on the nonverbal expression of emotion indicates that:

a) The body movements and gestures used to express emotions are the same throughout
the world.

b) It is difficult to use nonverbal cues in order to mislead others about one's true

c) Introverts are better than extraverts at recognizing nonverbal expressions of emotion in

d) Accurately identifying emotional facial expressions in people from different cultures
requires personal experience with those cultures.

51. The concept of self-actualization is a fundamental component of

A) Self-determination theory.
B) Maslow's Need Hierarchy.
C) Expectancy X value theory.
D) Achievement goal theory.

52. Which of the following typically occur(s) in the ‘fight-or-flight’ response?

A) Faster heartbeat
B) Increased blood sugar
C) Dilated pupils
D) All of these

53. The Cannon-Bard Theory proposed that

A) The subjective experience of emotion causes physiological arousal.
B) Physiological arousal causes the subjective experience of emotion.
C) Subjective experience of emotion and physiological arousal are independent
responses to an emotion arousing situation.
D) Bodily reactions determine the experience of subjective emotion.

54. Michael plays tennis frequently because he enjoys it and finds it challenging.
This is an example of
A) Extrinsic motivation.
B) Intrinsic motivation.
C) A drive.
D) An ego orientation.

55. Who assumed that human motives are arranged in a hierarchy of potency?

(a) Neal Miller (1959)

(b) Janis& Mann (1977)

(c) Jerome Singer (1962)

(d) A. H. Maslow (1970)

56. Individual’s life goal is:

(a) Social Motive

(b) Biological Motive

(c) Personal Motive

(d) An Instinct

57. The second stage of the motivational cycle is called the:

(a) Goal

(b) Instrumental Behavior

(c) Driving State

(d) Relief

58. Motives are:

(a) Internal sources of behavior

(b) External sources of behavior

(c) Natural sources of behavior

(d) Both subjective and objective sources of behavior

59. Sex is a:

(a) Biological motive

(b) Physiological motive

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Psychological motive

60. Which one of the following is not a psychological motive?

(a) Need for achievement

(b) Need for affection

(c) Need for belonging

(d) Need for Oxygen

61. Neurotic anxiety is one in which there occurs emotional response to a threat to
ego that the impulses may break through into:

(a) Consciousness

(b) Unconsciousness

(c) Sub consciousness

(d) Super ego

62. A child scolded by his father may hit his younger siblings. This is an example of:

(a) Displacement

(b) Rationalization

(c) Regression

(d) Repression

63. The last stage of psychosexual development is:

(a) Phallic Stage

(b) Genital Stage

(c) Oral Stage

(d) Anal Stage

64. “Penis envy” is found in girls in:

(a) Oral Stage

(b) Anal Stage

(c) Genital Stage

(d) Phallic Stage

65. In Anal Stage of Psychosexual Development, pleasure is derived from:

(a) Thinking

(b) Libido

(c) Emotion

(d) Expulsion and Retention

66. The term “defense mechanism” was introduced by:

(a) Freud in 1894

(b) Jung in 1902

(c) Alfred Adler in 1905

(d) Sullivan in 1935

67. Moving away from the reality is called the mechanism of:

(a) Withdrawal

(b) Denial

(c) Daydream

(d) Introjection

68. A very useful principle of learning is that a new response is strengthened by:

(a) Punishment

(b) Reinforcement

(c) Biofeedback

(d) Discriminative Stimulus

69. Who among the following was the earliest investigator of classical conditioning?

a) Ivan Pavlov

b). B.F. Skinner

c). Edward Thorndike

d). Joseph Wolfe

70. The first stage of Erikson’s psychosocial theory involves an infant’s need to

A. Develop a basic sense of trust.

B. Explore and manipulate objects.

C. Initiate intellectual or motor tasks.

D. Receive food necessary for survival.


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