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Teaching cosmetology at ctec 

By: Jaynee Bridges 

Ctec cosmetology is part of the canyons district cte program. 
Included in that program are ways to earn college credit. It is  
also possible to work towards getting a license or certificate 
for a career path of a students choosing. Shelli ivie is the head 
of the department, and from her we will gain insight on 
teaching and her experiences that have been acquired from the   
following 10 questions; 
Shelli Ivie 
1. What got you into teaching?   
“What first got me into teaching was my experience as being   
an ambassador. I was an ambassador for a couple of different  4.Is it common to have conflict with other teaching schools? 
companies. From that i learned that i loved sharing any  “There is usually not conflict because we don’t let it get to 
knowledge about the things that i knew to help other people  that point. Everyone has their own opinions and we respect 
and to also grow as a stylist.”  that. There are also many schools that we get along greatly 
  with and love interaction with them.” 
2. Hardest thing to teach in the program?   
“The hardest thing to teach in the program are the techniques  5. Has teaching helped you to improve your communication 
that are now becoming more popular. For an example,  skills? 
“From teaching I have learned that communication is the 
balayages. They are still coming up with new desired ways to 
perform that service. It’s a learning experience as you go.”  most important thing in the beauty industry. If a client or 
  me as an instructor isn’t clear, then things can go horribly 
  wrong. We can do a color completely wrong or a haircut so 
  easily without proper communication. 
3. Do you think teaching takes away from reaching your full   
potential as a stylist?   
“It definitely sets me back when it comes to hands on work   
with my clients. When I am here at ctec it obviously takes my   
time away from my at home salon that i have. However, i also   
get to witness learning experiences from you students, which   
also teaches me new things to relate to my own professional   

6.Biggest hair mess up?  10. Best teaching memory? 
“I wouldn’t ever consider myself to have had a mess up. I like  I can’t say that I have a favorite, but it is really rewarding 
to call them learning experiences instead. But the best  when you can tell when the little lightbulb pops up in a 
learning experience i had was when i worked back east. It is  students head and ideas really begin to form together into 
common to have wells as a water source which contains  information they are able to retain. 
minerals. When i went to lighten a clients hair, her hair 
began to sizzle off because of the mixture with bleach chemicals   
and the minerals.”   
7. Has there been other conflict with teachers at ctec? 
“I can honestly say that there hasn’t. We are a really good at 
communication and working together as a whole. I’m really 
lucky to have that, and i would consider them family. 
8. Most unusual client that has come into the salon? 
“Over the years of me teaching, i see something new every day. 
The most unusual client that has stayed consistent is herb. As 
you are aware he has cancer and comes in for face shaves and 
haircuts. He also never fails to come in his bath robe. 
9. Have you ever taught something wrong? 
I haven’t taught something necessarily wrong, but every 
teacher has a different way of teaching certain techniques. 
There is never a right or a wrong way to do a technique when it 
comes to cosmetology and that is probably why i have come to 
love teaching so much. 

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