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Gjeografik Demografik Psikografik Sjellja

Tregtarët në vendet me Shitje me shumice te Tregtaret te cilet jane Hezitimi do te jete nje
zhvillim urban pjeseve per ujesjelles ne gjendje te faktor i madh ne
dhe ngrohje qendrore eksperimentojne me blerjen e produkteve
produkte te reja por me instruksionet e
dhena do te
mundesojme shitjen
Tregtarët që operojnë Bleresit per here te
në vende me klimë te pare e kan te veshtire
ulet te fillojne me produkt
te ri
Tregtarët qe mbulojne Lojaliteti do te jete
territore te gjera pike kyqe meqe nuk
duhet te demtojme
kualitetin qe te fillojne

Ekipe instaluese
Gjeografik Demografik Psikografik Sjellja
Do te targetohen Instalues te cilet Instaluesit e bejne
kryesisht ekipet kryejne instalimet ne lehte ndryshimin
instaluese qe banesa kolektive meqe dijne te dallojne
funksionojne ne vende kryesisht produktet, prandaj do
urbane te bazohen tek qmimi

Kompani ndertimi
Gjeografik Demografik Psikografik Sjellja
Kryesisht do te Do te targetohen Ndertuesit nuk dijne
targetohen ndertuesit te cilet ta bejne dallimin
ndertuesit qe paguajne me cash mire prandaj eshte
ndertojne ndertesa dhe jo me e veshtire ta fusim
gjigande (fokusi kompenzime produktin.
Do te targetohen Ndertues qe
ndertues qe qendrojne mire
punojne gjate tere financiarisht
Per konsumatoret veq e veq wholesalers, mjeshter,
kompani ndertimi

Part 1: Demographics
1. What is the typical age range of this customer? _________________
There is no difference in ages.
2. What is their gender? _________________

Both are targeted.

3. What is their level of education? _______________________

No need for education

4. What is their occupation? _______________________
Construction, engineering, installing plumbing and heating equipment, wholesaling of plumbing and
heating equipment.

5. Where do they live? _____________________________

Not needed.

6. What is their household composition? _____________________________________

Not needed.

7. What is their race or ethnic origin? ___________________

8. In the space below, add any more relevant demographic detail.

We are interested on targeting places where they do not have production of manifolds in their state.

Part 2: Psychographics
1. What are their hobbies/interests __________________________________________

2. What are their favorite TV shows? _________________________________________

3. What problem are they solving by using your product/service?

The problem is the same as before, distributing water from a close standpoint in their house. But the
difference is they are spending less money with the same quality.

4. What are the concerns or anxieties the customer may have about your business?

The concerns are about the quality of the product as it needs time to earn trust of the users.
5. What are some of the potential turn-offs that would make the customer not return to your

If the quality is not in standards that they are using, our product would fail. And that we be a turn-off to a
client that cannot use our products because of bad quality.

7. How much are they willing to spend on your type of product?

Because our product is lower-priced, they could have more in their inventory than before.

8. List any more important psychographic details:

Part 3: Actionable Insight

1. What are the best ways to reach this customer?
It is by direct sales of our wholesalers.

2. What types of promotions are going to engage this customer?

Promotions will be at the start of our business.

3. What types of promotions are NOT going to engage this customer?

Avoid instagram adds.

4. What new products are going to interest this customer?

The plastic manifolds are interesting as they are still not used in our market.

Part 4. Geographical segmentations

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