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MCL751: Industrial Engineering System /Laboratory

Lab 5: Qualitative Decision-Making Tool: Force Field

Analysis (FFA)
Group Name: 6 Sigma

Member Entry number Name Contributions

1 2021MEE2872 Deepak s yadav 1&4

2 2020MEE2675 Rupesh kumar 2

3 2021MEE2718 Atma Yadav 5

4 2021MEE2424 Suraj Gavit 3 Suggested domain of change

Part : A

1. Consider any situation (From sustainability point of view, From TQM, Customers‟
point of view, or in general from Productivity point of view or any other business
situation!) requiring “Change”. Describe the situation in bullet form in as much as
detail as possible. You may use Brainstorming and SWOT analysis to comprehend
the issues.

Ans. Domain of change: A hand pottery Craftsmen want to expand his business by
selling his goods online through website and applications.

Pottery is an age old handicraft in India. The roots of the Indian pottery
industry can be traced back to the earliest times of civilization. Pottery industry is a
major revenue generator for many rural/small-scale households. The Indian
handicraft sector is a major exporter of handicrafts and other art-related products to
the global markets.

There are various situation facing by a small hand pottery craftsmen. So to

over tackle the situations they require change.


 Increasing sales: Product quality is excellent and attractive but due to small
market available, the sales of goods in limited.
 Large market: In online platform the whole world is market itself.
 Increase profit: Since available of market is infinite so there is a scope of
increase in profit.
 Competitors in market: It is biggest advantage. Due to availability of
competitors in market, we are always updated toward the market change.
 Feedback: It is most important required to be in market. Genuine feedback
can be collected easily on website.

2. Why do you consider that change is required? Give at least 10 reasons.

Ans. – By selling pottery handicrafts online, not only expand the business but also
will create a scenario in which buyers will conveniently buy the product. Following
points are the reason for change

1. It will provide a large market for the seller

2. Sales volume will increase due to larger domain.
3. Buyers can send gifts more easily. So there is a chance for more sale.
4. Buyers will get more variety due to availability of different sellers online.
5. Feedback through Online mode will become easier.
6. Will generate more employment as there is more demand through online
7. Convenience for buyer, as buyer can purchase product anytime, anywhere.
8. Through Online mode buyer can get reviews from other buyer. It will help in
comparison of different product
9. Buyer can track their product for order status and delivery status.
10. Record keeping is much easier for buyer, so eventually comfort of buyer will
increase sales volume.
3. Use FFA template to propose a change in the situation. Call this as Proposal for
change. Describe the „proposal for change” in as much detail as possible.

Ans. Pottery craftsmen want to expand his business by increasing manufacturing

capacity and selling them online.

Score Driving force Restraining force Score

4 Increasing profit. A pottery Investment 4
craftsman requirement.
4 More sales of goods. wants to Requirement of 3
expand his agency who will create
business and maintain website
and want to and app.
3 Generating more sell his Finding out a reliable 3
employment. goods delivery agency (who
online via can deliver fragile
his own items).
3 Will get good recognition website Advertising. 3
within industry. rather than
2 Easy feedback collection selling them Change the packaging 2
through website. on his local system (As item will
shop. be delivered

4. Write how you will improve FFA template.

Sr no FFA TEMPLETS Improvements

1 Increasing Profit  To increase the profit sales of goods must be
increase. Expanding our market availability
will help in to increase profit.
 Market availability is large so able to reach at
infinite customers and increasing in sales
2 Easy Feedback  Feedback is most important in improvement
product quality.
 Customers from anywhere can give their
valuable feedback easily on website.
 These feedbacks use to update products.
3 Market expansion  Market available at small scale is very
 Online provide an opportunity to interact with
infinite number of customers.
4 Investment  One of the restraining force is investment.
requirement Initial investment may be large because of
creating website, maintenance, delivery etc.
 So to reduce investment, we can take help of
some of e-commerce platforms such as
amazon, flipkart etc.
 They not only provide their platforms for
selling our pottery but also delivers to
respective customers.
5 Advertisement  One of the important force required to inform
about our products.
 Advertisement on T.V. , holding boards etc
can be use to advertise our product.

5. Describe a process on how different qualitative tools can be used in real practice.
Give a flow chart for this process.

Ans. There are following seven quality tool which are used at various stage of the
process. These are as follow:

1. Histogram chart
2. Pareto chart
3. Check sheet
4. Scatter Diagram
5. Control chart
6. Cause and effect diagram
7. Flow chart
We will use above 7 quality tools to improve demand of product of hand pottery. The
step of using these quality tools is as follow.

Step 1: Find out various factors which are affecting the sells of the product. The
factors may be internal or external. By the use of Cause-and-effect diagram. The
factors which are affecting the sell are strength, aesthetic look, surface finish, price,
and competitors' quality and price.

Step 2: By the use of scatter diagram find out the various factor's relationship with
the product demand. The check sheet diagram is use to find out the various data.
Factors which are direct relationship with the demand of product is quality, surface
finish, aesthetic look. And, factor which is inversely relationship is price and
competitor's quality.

Step 3: By the use of histogram and check sheet collect the no's of data on various
factors. And plot them into the histogram chart to show the data graphically.

Step 4: By the use of histogram chart frequency classify the various factors into ABC
category. And based on their classification take the important or strategic decision
related to that factor. That is pareto chart analysis.

Step 5: Define the upper limit and lower limit of various factors and keep working
within that range to improve the demand of the product.
Part B:

i) Learning for individual member in this assignment

Member Entry number Name Individual learning

1 2021MEE2872 Deepak s yadav 1. Learned about types of situation

which leads to change.
2. Come to know how can I improve
the force fields.

2 2020MEE2675 Rupesh kumar 1. Came to know about the pottery

handicraft's market.
2. After this assignment I will be in
better position to compare online and
offline sell

3 2021MEE2718 Atma Yadav 1.Learn the importance of quality tools

in starting of business

4 2021MEE2424 Suraj Gavit 1. I got to know about when the FFA

analysis is used.
2. From this lab I learn how to make
Force field analysis templates.

ii) Learning for the entire group:

1. We learn about how force field analysis is implemented in a particular

situation of change.
2. Uses of FFA template for improvements in particular change according to

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