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Pong 1

Bryan Pong

Professor Granillo

English 103

29 May 2019


In creating the multimodal project I found it difficult to come up with ideas to make it

relate to a new lens. I just had a hard time coming up with something new to analyze the

commercial with. Then when I finally decided on one it was hard doing research. I should have

organized my time better.

Just the whole multimodal process was new to me so I wasn’t comfortable during the

whole process. It was good that there were examples online, so i got a better idea of what to do.

Another obstacle was using all the different programs needed to edit and record. There were

programs that i needed to download and sign up for.

This process made me realize that I need to distribute my time better. It also showed me I

need to write and analyze better. It also showed me that i need to learn the lens more in dept.

Hopefully I can use the skills that I learned from this project and actually use my website as a


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