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In 1876, the first selenium solar cell generated electricity directly from the sunlight

(ProCon, Historical Timeline), and then in 1954, the first silicon photovoltaic cell produced

electricity from the sun (Stephanie Pain, Nature). With use of another natural renewable source,

heat from the sun can be captured in the form solar energy. Solar energy production comes in

various forms. Two of the most common are concentrated solar power and photovoltaic.

A concentrated solar power plant uses mirrors to direct the sun’s heat to generate steam,

which runs a steam turbine to produce usable electricity. Due to its overall size, a concentrated

solar power plant is typically used by utilities, electric cooperatives and independent power

producers. The main components of a concentrated solar power plant are the Heliostats which

are computer controlled mirrors, a tower, a boiler, a turbine and generator, and a steam generator,

The heliostats are located in circular rows around the tower. During the day, as the sun

shines down, the heliostats reflect the sun's light to a boiler located on top of the tower. Through

the reflection of sunlight, the temperatures of the water inside the boiler get high enough to

convert the water into steam. This steam then flows down the tower, and the pressure of the

steam drives a turbine that is connected to a generator to create electricity.

Since electricity demand is highest when the sun sets, the plant would typically not be

able to create electricity when it is most needed. For this reason, during the day, cold molten salts

is pumped from a tank, which is located at the base of the tower, into the boiler, where they can

be heated to high temperatures. Then the hot molten salt is pumped down the tower into a second

container, where energy can be stored to maintain electricity production for several hours after

sunset. When the hot molten salt is needed, it is pumped to a steam generator, which then

activates the turbine and creates electricity. After the hot molten salt has been used in the
process, it is cool enough to be returned to the cold molten salt container, where it will be reused

in a new cycle. (Helioscsp, concentrated solar power)

A photovoltaic solar energy system consists of photovoltaic panels, which convert

sunlight into energy. Each panel consists of hundreds of photovoltaic cells. These cells contain a

semi-conductor metal, typically silicon, which release electrons when hit by the sunlight to

create an electric field. These electrons, along with the photons released by the sun, generate

direct current of electricity, which travels through wires by way of the metal conductor plates

inside the panel. The wires from all of the panels in the system are connected and brought to an

inverter, where the direct current electricity is converted to alternating current electricity, which

is typically required to operate most electrical devices. Photovoltaic solar energy systems can

consist of just a few panels, such as on the roof of a home for residential use, to hundreds of

panels in an open field for use a utility or other large scale use. (Green Energy Solar, how does

solar photovoltaic energy work)

The use of solar power has many advantages. Solar energy is the most abundant

renewable source on earth and the fuel is free. It produces zero emissions and has the lowest

impact on making electricity.It also produces energy when it is most expensive. Solar energy

production is modular and can be installed in almost any environment and climate. It is fast and

relatively easy to install. (conserve energy future, pros of solar energy)

There are also many disadvantages to solar energy production. Even with sunlight being

the most abundant renewable source it is very inconsistent. Energy can only be produced when

the sun is shining, which is almost half the day and when the sum is supposed to be shining,

there may be clouds block the sun. Also while it can be installed in almost any climate and

environment it is less effective in areas where there is snow because the snow covers up the
panels causing it to not produce electricity. This form of energy production is also the most

expensive compared to all other forms of energy productions, causing it to not produce enough

electricity for the cost. (conserve energy future, cons of solar energy)

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